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Fri Jul 12th, 2024 @ 11:29pm

Ensign Reanna Sevria

Name Reanna --- Sevria

Position Counselor

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species hybrid - Human Betazoid
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8
Weight 120
Hair Color lite brown
Eye Color green
Physical Description Reanna comes from a good Family on Betazed, Her mother Human from the planet Mars her moms family came from Earth, Canadian and decided to move and raise her on Mars colony. Her Father was born and Raised on Betazed. By his family of Medical & counseling starfleet personnel. While Her Moms Family was also Starfleet Personnel, In Science & Engineering.
Reanna herself studied mostly in Medical-Counseling In Starfleet Academy.
Even though Reanna is part Betazoid, She's learned to use her Telepathic abilities the right way through her father, he had taught her how to use her Telepathy right & wrong when she was a young lady.
Reanna also studied Earth food, like Italian, German, she got her liking to enjoy Spaghetti & Pizza ,
And German potato salad and German potato pancakes and much more German and Italian Delicacies.
She's learned different Delicacies from Betazed as well, she loved experimenting with different Delicacies, from both planets.


Spouse Fiance' Nathan Mitchell- Human (Deceased)
Children Nathan Mitchell Jr - human/3rd betazoid(male) - 18 in Starfleet academy
Elise Mitchell - 7-Female
Father Tevren Sevira
Mother Brynlee Tanner-Clifton-Sevira
Brother(s) Sean Sevira , Ashton Clifton (From previous Marriage)
Sister(s) River Sevira, Emma Sevira (both hybrids)
Other Family Relatives from both Betazed & Canada

Personality & Traits

General Overview Reanna has it good in both worlds, she's been happy Successful on Betazoid,
And in Starfleet, She was to be Engaged to be married by Fiance Nathan Mitchell a Starfleet officer
On The USS-Donovan, a Cheyenne Class Starship, He was the Executive officer on the Donovan.
Until an Borg ship appeared, and boarded the Donvan, as the ship was destroying the Borg cube, and
The Borg killed and took the Donovan crew to assimilate them, and or killed them.
Reanna doesn’t know what happened to Nathan, If he was killed or assimilated by the Borg.
She was pregnant by Nathan before they decided to get married they have 2 kids together ,
Nathan Mitchell Jr - 18 years old and in Starfleet Academy. She only has Elise Mitchell
With her, until the Nathan information is known Elise will Keep Mitchell, till the information is heard.
If Nathan Is either Deceased , or Assimilated , Reanna will change Elise’s Last name back to her’s
Elise Sevira.

Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:

Well Studied In School and graduated with honors.
And the same with Starfleet academy with High Honors

Knowing her right & wrong of using her Telepathic abilities

Kind to Family Members, School and Academy Teachers & elders

Makes Friends Easily/ attracted to men

Sense of humor , Loyalty

Gets overly stressed in her Studying

Aborted a kid, that didn’t deliver well, do to strange illness

Missing her fiance'

Taking care of a child alone
Ambitions She dreamt of being in Starfleet, and her parents wanting her to go to gave her
What she wanted. And hoping to climb the Starfleet ladder and sit in her own big Seat at command.
And be a happy woman married and a family.
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies:
Reading books
Playing the guitar
Olympic Swimming in the holodeck
Taking walks with her daughter
Reading children books with her daughter
Horseback riding with her daughter on the holodeck
Command of her own Starship
Finding out what happened to her fiance Nathan Mitchell
Listening to Earth,Canada Country Music
Horseback riding( She rode horses on Betazed & On Earth, in Canada)
Visiting other worlds/Planets
Visiting her 2 homes, Betazed & her moms home in Canada BC

Personal History Reanna’s Father was born and Raised on Betazed, while her mother was born and raised On Earth in Canada with her Family. Her Father Tevren was quite a gentleman when he swept Reanna’s mom Brynlee off her feet when they were dating, before giving birth to Reanna. They had Reanna before they got married, And Married 5 months later. Brynlee had a horrible Marriage, to her Ex husband Keith Clifyton
Who was terrible to her,even though Keith was drinking while in Starfleet Engineering, Till Tevren came to Brynlee’s rescue and stayed with her,till her Divorce from Keith Clifton, and while Tevren & Brynlee Started Dating, They made Reanna, when Brynlee was pregnant with her.
When Reanna’s mom told Tevren the news he was happy and excited and decided to get married 7 months later, with more kids to boot. Except Brynlee had a child by Keith Clifton when they lived in Utah,
Her son's name is Ashton Clifton, who is 20 years old, and his mom gave him the choice to join Starfleet or find work in Utah or Canada. Ashton chose to find another kind of work, he wasn’t really interested in Starfleet like his parents. So he went back to Utah to work, as he found work building ships for Starfleet,
And,or Cargo ships would be his goal. Ashton got word to his mom that her Ex-husband Keith Clifton,
Was doing drugs,and died from the drugs, Brynlee didn’t care she was too happy with her new family with

When Reanna was born , she went to school , and Starfleet academy to learn Medical/ counseling,
And did very well in her classes in Starfleet academy, made lots of friends, and Dated on and off.
She was a very happy young lady with ideas, hopes and Dreams, Till the Happiness and nightmare
Came in her life. Finding the right guy to Marry, and later finding out about his Death/Assimilation
Of the Borg, When She was on a different ship. The two met in Starfleet Academy, and graduating
Together. Reanna was on The USS-Edward. Before her fiance went on the mission Nathan visited
Reanna on the Edward, The USS-Edward is an Akira class starship. Nathan was on R&R and thought a trip to Reanna’s ship would surprise her. Reanna was surprised alright, she took R&R on the ship as counselor, and told her chief counselor about it,and her chief was very happy for them both. They both
Were happy together,and that's when Nathan purposed to her,and she told him She was pregnant with
Andfound out she was having a boy, and called him Nathan Alexander Mitchell, she gave birth later to Nathan when he was with her , she was very big when he saw her. Then the week before he left on his mission on USS-Donovan, They made Elise, and after Nathan was gone on his mission, Reanna found out she was pregnant with a girl. When they were together in the academy she was pregnant by Nathan,
And they had to abort the child because of a strange ILLness ,do to an accident in a medical lab, the Weird smell, in the room affected the fetus, as the fumes went in her system, and hit the baby hard,
So the two went to Starfleet medical and aborted the child, they were afraid of the birth defects the child
Would do in the birth. The two of them were sad and affected by what went down, but never knew the sex of the child. They were happy now with Nathan Jr, but Nathan never knew about Elise during his mission.
So Reanna is taking Care of her 7 year old Daughter Elise by herself, While Nathan Jr was raised only by his mom till he reached the age of 17 and joined Starfleet Academy.
Service Record Starfleet Academy - 4 years

USS-Edward - 3 years - Assist Medical (Akira Class Starship)

USS- Michigan -2 years - Counselor. (Soyuz Class)