Welcome to the USS Liberty!

Welcome to the USS Liberty, the Star Trek sim that has pushed creative boundaries since its first post all the way back on August 1, 2001 as Independence Fleet's original expansion role play.

The USS Liberty has been requisitioned into the Sentinel One Fleet of Starfleet Intelligence. Her missions are many and varied, not always 'by the book'.

Since the end of the Dominion War, there's been rumour after rumour that the Dominion are re-arming and re-building, gaining new allies to once again mount an assault of the Federation. The Liberty's duties are to investigate these and take whatever appropriate action is required.

The ship isn't Rogue, the officers and crew do have their orders, but they've been given a certain amount of latitude to ensure the mission is completed.

Join us in the fight to ensure the future of the Federation is ours, and not under the heel of the Dominion...

2011 Tournament of Simulations
Most Creative
2012 Simulation Cup
Excellence in Creativity
2020 Tournament of Simulations
Star Trek Gameplay

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The USS Liberty is a proud member of Independence Fleet

Latest News Items

» The Liberty Is Under Way

Posted on Thu Mar 3rd, 2022 @ 7:49pm by Captain Sandy "Ghost" Shannon in Sim Announcement

Finally the USS Liberty has gotten under way. Her mission to find, arrest if possible, destroy their base of operations when found.

It was on DS9 just one day before the conference with the Cardassian Government representatives when the incident took place. A bomb went off killing Admiral Hastings. This is the fourth bombing here on the station by this group. How they get past security, they could not answer, but the Liberty is the only ship available and equiped to take on the job. The bombings must be stopped!

Starfleet Admiral Sanji
Head of Operations

» IDF's 20th Anniversary

Posted on Sun Jul 4th, 2021 @ 9:18am by Admiral Charles Star in General News

Independence Fleet:

Thank you to everyone for the incredible journey we've been on these last 20 years. It simply can't be put into words. However, we've still tried, and we hope you enjoy this content:

20th Anniversary Message & Almanac

2021 Hall of Fame Inductees

Awards… For Monthly Awards!

Trivia Day Results

Here's to many more years!

Admiral Charles Star

» New Discord server for USS Liberty

Posted on Thu Jun 10th, 2021 @ 1:04am by Lieutenant Commander Finchley Kerr in Sim Announcement


The CO of the USS Liberty has set up a new Discord server for the crew of the ship. The Command Team would now like to actively invite and encourage you to join the server so we can have easy communication for our game.

The link for the new USS Liberty Discord server is:


We look forward to seeing you there.

Commander Sandy Thomson
Executive Officer
USS Liberty

» Sim/Ship Swap with USS Sunfire

Posted on Wed May 26th, 2021 @ 1:51am by Admiral Charles Star in General News

Gallant Liberty Crew:

As your CO has already informed you, you all will be embarking on a historic journey next month: the sim/ship swap with the USS Sunfire. Here's how it'll work:

-Before June 1st: Re-create your Liberty character on the Sunfire
-June 1st: Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Captain Sandy "Ghost" Shannon will send a joint post on both ships starting the missions for the ship swap in story
-June 1st: Captain Rhenora Kaylen officially becomes CO/host of the Sunfire, and Captain Sandy "Ghost" Shannon officially becomes CO/host of the Liberty
-The similar, but separate missions will run concurrently on each ship; you're free to participate in both!
-Before July 1st: Each CO will end their respective mission, and your characters will be deactivated on the Liberty; you will continue on the Sunfire

One thing's for certain... it's sure to be wild! We've never done anything like this, and we likely never will again, but you get to be a part of it now! Be bold with it, push the boundaries, and most importantly, have fun! Again, if you haven't already, please go ahead and recreate your Liberty character on the Sunfire--just don't post until June 1st. Until then...


Admiral Charles Star

» Preparation for Hull Swap

Posted on Mon May 24th, 2021 @ 5:44am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen in General News

Hi Team,
as the end of the month rapidly approaches and our time on the mighty Liberty draws to a close, we need to get a few things in order for everything to go smoothly.

- the Sunfire crew will start transferring over to the Liberty. If the position is open they will apply there, if not they'll apply as a 'Guest' with their current rank.

- we need to join the USS Sunfire, https://sunfire.idfleet.com/index.php/main/index
please apply under Civilian Services - Guest, and I'll assign your current rank. Copy and paste your bio over or if you wish to write a new one - go for it. If you wish to create a new character - now's the time.

At the start of next month we'll be running a combined joint mission - I'll explain how it will work closer to the time.

Any questions - as always - hollar :)

Latest Mission Posts

» New Counselor aboard.

Mission: New Horizons
Posted on Fri Jul 12th, 2024 @ 11:29pm by Ensign Reanna Sevria

New Counselor on board

Ens Reanna Sevria was the New Counselor aboard the USS Liberty, she had already arrived aboard The USS Liberty. She walked amongst the ship, she had a friend who was a house/apartment Decorator, and she had her friend Decorate her quarters, while her friend was…

» Let the Shakedown Begin

Mission: New Horizons
Posted on Sat Dec 23rd, 2023 @ 4:22pm by Commander Rosa Coy & Captain Kaylia Strenvale & Commander Jennifer Westlake & Lieutenant Commander Allen Yankovic & Lieutenant Commander Finchley Kerr & Lieutenant Commander Brianna "Raven" Davies & Lieutenant Aubrie Fox & Lieutenant Jocelyn Logan & Lieutenant JG Dan Murphy & Lieutenant JG Kell Asaa Dr & Ensign Theo Cauthon & Ensign Kesar & Ensign Harry Stevens & Ensign Karla Martell & Ensign Pashi zh'Vhohlehr & Ensign Alexandra "Alex" Fontana Tosto & Ensign Olivia Dersch & Thomas Mathews

They moved carefully and quietly through the corridor, weapons ready and tricorder always scanning for anything untoward. As they approached the turbolift that would take them to the command deck, Westlake paused for a moment. If this was indeed a trap - it would undoubtedly close in on them…

» Reliving The Past

Mission: New Horizons
Posted on Wed Sep 6th, 2023 @ 8:46am by Lieutenant JG Dan Murphy

Dan sat there asking the computer various questions relating to our situation and other vital information with his clearance level got him. He asked the first question “Computer display information on the USS Reliant” asked Murphy which the computer complied and a readout was displayed on the screen. All the…

» A Right Proper Shakedown

Mission: New Horizons
Posted on Tue Sep 5th, 2023 @ 12:51am by Commander Rosa Coy & Captain Kaylia Strenvale & Commander Jennifer Westlake & Lieutenant Commander Allen Yankovic & Lieutenant Commander Brianna "Raven" Davies & Lieutenant Jocelyn Logan & Lieutenant JG Dan Murphy & Lieutenant JG Kell Asaa Dr & Ensign Theo Cauthon & Ensign Kesar & Ensign Harry Stevens & Ensign Karla Martell & Ensign Pashi zh'Vhohlehr & Ensign Alexandra "Alex" Fontana Tosto & Ensign Olivia Dersch

As the shuttle neared the station, Coy looked over to Westlake, "You wanna ring the bell?" Of course she was asking for a landing site, or someone to open the outer doors. Hell any contact from within would be welcome, but a docking port was necessary.

There wasn't any response…

» Intelligence at its best

Mission: New Horizons
Posted on Mon Aug 28th, 2023 @ 3:50pm by Lieutenant JG Dan Murphy

Dan had woken up from the morning shift to do a second leg today tripping over his boots strewn across the dark room falling flat onto the floor and yelled for the lights. In his haste the computer did not recognise his commands; it repeated the same response before Murphy…

Latest Personal Logs

» Into the fray

Posted on Sat Jul 8th, 2023 @ 10:48pm by Ensign Karla Martell

Ensign Karla Martell:
I feel elated. Having left the academy certainly liberated me from my erstwhile would be bullies. Sadly my lack of basic familiarity for Federation technology got in the way to become and engineer. But as we say on Nova Aix: if you can´t farm, you have to…

» Was it a dream?

Posted on Mon Oct 24th, 2022 @ 2:11am by Lieutenant JG Kell Asaa Dr

Running... I was running. The corridor never seemed to end, just kept curving slightly ahead, out of sight... I went to another deck.. and another deck... same thing. And then I thought, well surely someone will be on the bridge so I went up there.

I stepped out of the…


Posted on Fri Oct 7th, 2022 @ 8:45pm by Lieutenant JG Kell Asaa Dr

Personal Log - UGH

Just got back from my first solo mission from the Captain. Wow... I don't know if I'm ready for real skullduggery. I know there's evil in the universe and those that both prey on others, as well as those that decide to profit from it. What…

» New Friend

Posted on Thu Sep 29th, 2022 @ 2:06pm by Lieutenant JG Kell Asaa Dr

Met a nice kid today. Betazoid... we seem to have a lot of those on board. Gonna have to keep up my calming exercises or they'll all know I get overly excited and think I'm losing my mind with anxiety!

In other news I'm now involved with but just as…


Posted on Sat Sep 24th, 2022 @ 11:28pm by Lieutenant JG Kell Asaa Dr

Holy hand grenade... a bomb on the ship!

In the Ready Room!?!?!?

"What have I gotten myself into computer?"

:[ Please rephrase your question. ]:

Kell giggled, just a bit. "Thanks, I needed that."

:[ You are welcome. ]:

Kell hoped this wouldn't be a very short personal log file.…