
New Counselor aboard.

Posted on Fri Jul 12th, 2024 @ 11:29pm by Ensign Reanna Sevria
Edited on on Sun Jul 14th, 2024 @ 2:38am

Mission: New Horizons
Location: USS-Liberty
Timeline: (OOC - not good with Stardates)

New Counselor on board

Ens Reanna Sevria was the New Counselor aboard the USS Liberty, she had already arrived aboard The USS Liberty. She walked amongst the ship, she had a friend who was a house/apartment Decorator, and she had her friend Decorate her quarters, while her friend was staying with her for a short while, and she took some of her pictures and decorated her counselor`s Desk with it, and her friend dressed up her office some too.

After her friend took a shuttle back to Earth, Reanna started roaming the corridors, of the Liberty, she smiled at some
Officers, AND Introduced herself to others with her being half Betazoid, she could tell she was getting a warm welcome throughout the crew, even a couple security officers walked her to the turbo lift, because she needed to get to the bridge
To meet the Captain and bridge crew.

The two Security Officers even followed her to the bridge, to make sure she got to the bridge ok, she felt like the 2 security officers were liking her already, and wanted to date her. Reanna chuckled as she got off the turbo lift, and smiled at the two as she shook her head, she walked to Operations, to ask where the Captain was.

So The Operations Officer smiled and said the Captain is in his ready room, so she smiled and decided to hang around
Operations with the Operations Officer,If he didn’t mind , which he didn’t, and explained to Reanna about Operations
Since Reanna wasn’t sure if the Captain was busy or not. The Operations Officer kept explaining Operations until the Captain came out of his readyroom.

Ens. Reanna Sevria


