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In Search Of......

Posted on Mon Oct 19th, 2020 @ 9:30pm by Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen

Mission: Diplomatic Masquerade
Location: Orias III
Timeline: Current

Savar stood on the surface of Orias III. He was accompanied by specialists Lewis and Clark and security officer O'Neill. "Nothing to report so far Captain. Will check back in fifteen minutes." he finished as he closed the link. He looked around their beam down spot. It was barren, desolate. The surface was littered with rocks, both big and small. There was scarce vegetation and no ready sign of water....above ground.

The small team continued to look around the barren surface. Savar himself felt they were missing something but nothing showed on the scans other than the rich veins of minerals the Cardassians wanted to mine and a highly unstable atmosphere. That was rapidly getting darker by the second.

"Commander! Over here!" Lewis yelled bending down to look at something on the ground. Arriving at the scientists side, Savar asked, "What is it Mr. Lewis?" Lewis smiled, "Proof of a civilization sir." He said showing Savar the plastic cup along with a fork and knife. "Indeed. Mr. Lewis, now where did they go?"

"Don't know sir but judging by the looks, these utensils are fairly new."

"Agreed." Savar replied when his com beeped. "Commander Savar we need to been you all up. A violent weather system is headed your way."

"Understood." Savar looked at Lewis, "Mr. Lewis bring your find with you. We will present it to the Captain."

"Aye sir."

"Savar to Liberty, four to beam up."


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