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Crunch Time

Posted on Tue Oct 20th, 2020 @ 1:30am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen

Mission: Diplomatic Masquerade
Location: Bridge

Captain Rhenora Kaylen sat in the centre command chair, her stomach churning despite the outward appearance of calm and confidence.

" Gul Maccet's warbird is on approach Ma'am, ETA 5 minutes" The Ops office advised, bringing up a visual of the heavily armoured Cardassian warbird on the viewscreen without being prompted. Rhenora smiled slightly, the crew were getting to know her already. She was a visual person, she liked to see things with her own eyes.

As per protocol Rhenora had organised a dinner on the Liberty between both parties, an 'ice breaker' so to speak so allow both groups to get to know each other a little better. The talks would begin tomorrow using the Liberty's conference rooms.

The Captain held a few cards up her sleeve but also knew Maccet had a keen memory of the past. She had killed his brother during the Occupation and stolen his pride during the altercation in the Tarsus system 7 years ago. She had no doubt there would be some form of vengeance meted out at some point during the next few days. Her job was to make sure it didn't happen. The bigger picture was at stake here, the lives of a hidden colony on the planet turning lazily below them were in her hands and she was determined not to let them down.

It was crunch time.


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