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Momentary concerns

Posted on Sat Oct 24th, 2020 @ 11:04am by Lieutenant Aurora Vali & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen

Mission: Diplomatic Masquerade
Location: First Officer’s office
Timeline: Upon leaving the Ready Room


Departing the ready room Aurora smiled as she looked at Savar, though she was concerned about one very important thing. “May I talk with you, in your office?” She looked at Savar.

Savar arched an eyebrow at her, "Of course Aurora." He replied as he led the way to his ready room. Reaching it, he stepped aside so she could enter first, he followed her in and moved to sit behind his desk. "Please have a seat. What did you wish to discuss with me Aurora."

“Bonding ... Pon’farr ...” she shrugged her shoulders. “I’m concerned Savar, the Captain raised a good point in there about having any early symptoms. Is what I’m feeling from bonding with you? or am I heading into early Pon’farr? It’s not unknown with hybrids.”

He was silent for a moment before he replied. "I do not believe you are showing the early symptoms of Pon'farr Aurora. Rather I believe you are feeling the after effects of our meld. However if it will ease your mind I will monitor your behavior for any changes."

Aurora nodded. "Your logic is spot on as always Savar, but I would appreciate you keeping an eye on me. It's not like we won't see much of each other now."

"You honor me with your praise Aurora. I will do as you ask. As I am quite positive we will be seeing much of each other." Savar replied and then changed the subject. "Have you given any thought to where you will stay?"

Aurora looked at Savar in surprise, “Actually ... no I hadn’t. Are you asking me to move in with you?” Her eyes met his as she waited for an answer.

"It is the logical course of action Aurora, that married couples share the same quarters, unless of course you prefer to keep your quarters. It will make our relationship harder but not insurmountable."

Aurora smiled warmly. “No I ... I’d love to!” Her smile practically shone. “Would tonight be too soon?”

"I believe tonight would be quite sufficient Aurora. Do you require my assistance in moving your belongings?" Savar asked politely.

“I should be okay. To be honest I haven’t unpacked much as yet, I didn’t bring that much with me to start. I can soon move my belongings. Is it alright for me to move into your quarters? You being XO and my being a member of the senior staff?”

"You are my wife or soon will be. Where do you propose to live? In the corridor?" He questioned.

Aurora grinned. “Not at all, I am very much looking forward to be sleeping in the same bed with you tonight and every night!”

"As do I. Therefore now that it has been decided where you are staying the topic is closed." He replied.

Aurora nodded. “In that case I will go and get on with duties, I have personnel files to read and evaluations to plan.”

He nodded, "Then I will keep you no longer. I will see you later this evening." He answered.

“Indeed you will” Aurora smiled as she stood ready to leave. “Until later Commander.” She grinned before walking round his desk and kissing him on the cheek.

"Until later Lieutenant." Savar remarked.

“Until later Commander” Aurora nodded politely and headed on her way.



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