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Survival of the Fittest Pt 6

Posted on Thu Jan 28th, 2021 @ 2:44am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Chief Petty Officer Ronson Mitchell & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Lieutenant Dean House & Lieutenant Aurora Vali

Mission: The Jungle
Location: Jungle

Aurora was glad to be feeling somewhat warmer, her clothes were slowly drying out which still added a chill but having shared some body heat with Savar her lips were no longer a shade of blue. “Are you alright Captain?” She motioned to Rhenora’s leg.

"I've been better, but I've also been worse" Rhenora attempted to divert the attention away from herself and back to the task at hand. "What did you find in the box Ronson was carrying?"

Aurora looked at Savar not exactly sure as she hadn’t been paying much attention. “There was food, and a knife and ...” she waited for Savar to help her answer.

Savar looked at the Captain's leg with a critical eye. "Captain, I believe your wound will need to be cauterized to reduce the risk of infection. As for what else was in the box. There were what appeared to be flints for starting a fire."

"All of those things will come in useful - I hope Ronson doesn't help himself to the food before we get there" Rhenora tried to lighten the mood a little, wondering how her Yeoman was going with Lt House. "Are you warmer now?" She asked Aurora.

“A little chilly but a lot better than I was thank you Captain” Aurora offered a smile. “I’m glad you all came when you did, poor Ronson was having to face the possibility of helping to warm me up. It was embarrassing for both of us.”

"It is behind you now Aurora and once we reach the cave, and build a fire, you will be warm." He looked at Rhenora, "Captain, are you sure you will be able to continue to walk? There is no shame in saying you cannot. I can easily carry you."

" I'm fine for now, once we get to the cave I can rest for a few hours and redress it" Rhenora said stoicly, she didn't want to be a burden on the team and cursed herself for allowing herself to get injured in the first place. Damned Hunter.

In the distance the rocky outcropping could be seen. The Captain breathed a sigh of relief. "Nearly there"

Twenty minutes later the small group approached the cave with a now flickering fire at the mouth, Rhenora sinking to the ground and resting her back against the cave wall. She looked at Savar and Aurora. "Thanks for securing the box" She said with a weary smile.

Aurora settled down but moved again to approach Rhenora. “Let me see your wound, I’m not a doctor but I have enough medical experience to be able to help check it and redress it.”

The Captain nodded sagely, knowing that it was going to hurt but needed to be done. She was still firmly beating herself up over the incident but didn't say anything.

“I’m sorry this might hurt” Aurora gently removed the dressing. “This wound is pretty deep, without a proper medkit I can’t suture it.” She gave Savar a look, before looking back at Rhenora. “I think it would be best to cauterise it, otherwise you’ll end up with an infection.”

"I was hoping you weren't going to say that" Rhenora admitted, knowing that to cauterise it meant a burning hot blade was going to be applied to an already sore wound. It had to be done but it was going to be far from pleasant.

"Do what you have to, I'll try not to wake the dead when you do"

Aurora nodded and looked at the others. “I need a blade that’s been heated in the fire and something hard for the Captain to bite on.” She offered an apologetic look. “I’d rather you bite into something hard than your own lip or tongue. It’ll help to stifle the sound too.”

Rhenora readied herself for what she knew was coming, trying not make a fuss or cause any more problems than she already had.

"There is another way." Savar replied stoically. "Captain, if you allow me to apply the Vulcan neck pinch, your wound can be cauterized and you will feel no pain, until you wake up."

Rhenora looked at him with wide eyes - he was offering her an out, a Vulcan alternative to a sedative so they could do what was needed properly without her either moving and causing more damage or screaming the jungle down. She nodded towards her XO "Thank you Savar, I think it's preferable to the alternative"

"Agreed Captain. It will allow Aurora to tend to your wound without causing any more damage to your leg." Savar acknowledged. "When you are ready, I will administer the neck pinch."

The Captain shifted position from reclining against the wall of the cave to lying on the sandy floor. She was going to end up there anyway so that part may as well be on her terms in her opinion.

"On three" She said, not knowing whether she should attempt tp relax or not. The throbbing in her leg made it hard to focus on anything else at the moment. "How long will I be out for?"

"You will unconscious for several hours Captain, along enough for the initial shock and pain to subside." Savar replied as he readied himself to apply the neck pinch.

" Righteo then, goodnight everyone, guard the entrance, don't forget to eat and take turns to sleep. I apologise for any noise I make when I wake up" She apologised in advance, feeling ever the need to be in control of the situation. "Ok on three then"

Savar placed his hand gently on Rhenora's neck, "You may count when you are ready Captain. Let go. They know their jobs." He whispered.

Rhenora sighed, closing her eyes for a moment to come to terms with the situation. Never before had she experienced a Vulcan neck pinch, she had no idea what to expect.

"One, two..."

At two, Savar squeezed and just like that Rhenora was out, unaware of anything and would remain that way for several hours. More than enough time for her wound to be treated.

One minute she was awake, the next there was nothing. As she snapped away from consciousness she sent a prayer for Remal and the rest of the Liberty crew - wishing for their survival.


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