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You'll See The Dawn Again

Posted on Thu Feb 11th, 2021 @ 3:50am by Chief Petty Officer Remal Kajun & Captain Rhenora Kaylen

Mission: The Jungle
Location: Jungle - Cave
Timeline: Current

Leading the way, Remal rounded the bend, brushing away tree and leaf alike as he made a path for Sarah and Dean. He pulled one final branch and revealed the opening of a cave, a nearby fire burning low and a partially eaten boar roasting slowly over the fire. He smiled broadly knowing Rhen would be nearby. He stepped forth, allowing Sarah to walk through the gap uninhibited. Dean followed suit.

Ronson recognised the faces and a mixture of relief and guilt crossed his own. He was no longer solely responsible for the captain who could very well die before his eyes, but that very same issue would make Remal's life hell. How could he watch a man's beating heart be torn from his chest by the death of his wife? His expression must have said the words his mouth could not.

Without skipping a beat he walked past Ronson and asked "Where is she?" He could see the torn look on Ronson's face. Rhenora was bad off. He moved into the cave holding his head low to avoid striking the roof. He moved past Aurora and Savar and knelt next to his wife who was pale as pale can be. "I'm here Rhen. Don't you dare leave me." He was holding her hand and whispering into her ear."stay with me."

Sarah moved forward, mindful of Remal as he approached his wife. She seemed to be asleep for the moment but restless. Sweat beaded from her brow and her skin was white. The doctor didn't need a tricorder to diagnose the root cause. The slightly acrid smell of necrotising flesh wafted from a tattered bandage around the Captain's thigh. She remembered the scuffle she had seen back in the holding yard. The Captain had been stabbed by a Hunter. From the smell that same wound was badly infected. She carefully peeled back the bandage, revealing the festering mess underneath. Even with a fully equipped sickbay it would be difficult to treat. With no supplies it would be near impossible.

She left Remal and headed to the campfire, boiling some water in a metal canteen that Ronson had been left. The heat of the fire had steam rising after only a few moments, she let it boil for another few before removing it with her hand wrapped in her shirt. Sarah grabbed the
Canteen and plunged it into the cool stream, letting the water cool the contents without contaminating the now purified water. After a few moments the doctor returned, setting the canteen down beside her patient.

"Good thing she's unconscious" Wilson muttered to herself as the rest of the bandage was removed and she gently probed the injury with her fingers. It was hot to the touch, foul fluids oozing as she applied pressure. Taking the canteen she irrigated the wound, flushing away the worst of the material that had been festering away. She kept the water running until no more material emerged. She could see someone had done their best to cauterize the wound but the humidity of the jungle would make any wound treatment difficult.

He watched Sarah work, ready to offer his own skills if she needed. Ready to offer his own life if it were needed as well. "I know you're doing your best doc." He encouraged.

Sarah felt helpless, not a feeling she overly was familiar. Usually she was one with the ability and technology to work miracles, now she had neither the ability nor the technology. Her mind riffled through years of medical learning, searching for anything that may be of use. She recalled a lecture by a Dr Beverly Crusher at the academy on the medical value of roots, herbs and other flora. There were a few rudimentary tests one could do to determine if anything was toxic and what it's healing ability may be.

"I'll be back in a sec" she patted Remal on the shoulder reassuringly before venturing out of the cave. Half an hour later she returned with an armful of roots, leaves and tubers. One at a time she worked through the haul, crushing them, applying them to her skin and looking for colour change, taste and a few other indicators. After some time she found the root of one planet seemed to have all the right signs.

Ronson watched on curiously, assisting where he could in organising the stash and segregating them once tested into groups.

"I think this one" Sarah said as she ground some of the root between two rocks again, mashing it to a pulp and adding a little water. It turned into a thick white paste, easy enough to work with.

"I'm hoping this will work as an antibacterial agent" Sarah moved the rock that contained her paste over to the Captain's side, carefully looking at the wound now that it was irrigated.

Impressed with her work, Remal watched on as she applied the paste. He wondered if there was more to the infection. Could the blade have been coated in a poison or just covered in a foreign germ agent. The possibilities were numerous.

Rhenora stirred as Sarah started her work, twisting to rid herself of whatever was causing her pain.

"Hold her still," Sarah ordered in a tone that brokered no argument. Ronson was there in an instant, looking for any way he could assist. Wilson guided his hands to where they would be most useful, holding the Bajoran's leg still so the doctor could apply the treatment she had devised. The Yeoman knew it had to be done and pressed his hands firmly down, stilling any further movement. "She's been delirious" he said as Sarah started to pack the wound with the paste.

"Not surprised" Sarah replied through gritted teeth as she worked, making each movement deliberate and fast. She had no sedatives, no pain relief, no antibacterials, no modern medicine that would ease the Captain's discomfort. As it was semi consciously the Bajoran moaned and shifted.

It hurt to see her hurting and there was nothing he could do about it. All he had to offer was a soothing voice which he hoped she could hear and understand. "Shhh now, it's okay. We are here and we are trying to help. Don't fight love and everything will be okay. Just rest now my love."

"Ok I'm done for the moment" Sarah sat back on her haunches, looking at her handiwork. Without a clean bandage, she chose to leave the wound open, it would assist with the future application of paste. Everyone relaxed just a tad, even the Captain stilled.

"That was intense" Ronson sank to the floor next to Sarah, feeling as though he had run a marathon. She nodded sagely back to him in agreement. "We're gonna have to do that twice a day at least" she cautioned "And as she recovers she's not gonna like it" Sarah's gut clenched at the thought of inflicting further pain in order to assist in the Captain's recovery. Thankfully she wouldn't have to face that internal battle until the next morning.

"Ronson, grab as many of these as you can find, they grow with a broad leaf that stings a little when you touch it" she instructed, leaving Remal to care for his wife as best he could. He hadn't moved an inch in the hours since they arrived. Ronson nodded and made himself scarce, heading outside to search for the wide leafed plant Sarah had described.

Rhenora rested, Ronson was off gathering and Sarah was cleaning up. Remal looked for Savar who was resting with Aurora. He held no authority, yet the situation needed to be addressed. So he stood, walked over to the stoic Vulcan and cleared his throat.



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