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The Twelfth Option

Posted on Tue Oct 11th, 2022 @ 9:11pm by Lieutenant JG Kell Asaa Dr

Mission: The battle's not over
Location: DS9
Timeline: Current
Tags: cardassian, r'nam, kell, war record, terrorist

Kell stopped as she neared the promenade, deciding to stop in at a little pub she'd frequented when she was stationed here.

"HA!" she said to herself. 'Back when I was stationed here... it was Yesterday!' She thought to herself as she ordered and sat down to relax, get centered, and think about what she needed to do, without looking like a crazed person stalking the companionways, especially once she got closer to the office that holds the information she needed to sift through. It would've been easier to remotely query it, but safer and less noticeable if she did it in person; at least she hoped so.

A snack and a drink later she eased back into the flow of bodies moving about, likening it to blood flow in her medical mind. She thought of cases and studies she's been researching lately in order to remain disconnected and appear almost distracted if anyone actually took notice of her.

It only took the briefest of moments to get admitted to the records booths where she sat down to start calling up information. She'd prepared a esoteric search that should camouflage what she was actually looking for, and stored a large amount of data to actually sift through later offline; plus she didn't have a lot of time before they would want to close down for the day.

Walking out with the custodian, Kell smiled and waved bye, feeling some of the pressure off now that she had something to work with and start making inroads to the list the captain wanted.

Once she'd reached familiar territory, she felt even more relaxed and enjoyed the sights and sounds she was used to. She may have a new assignment but she would remember DS9 fondly.

And then she felt it...

If she'd been anywhere else she probably wouldn't have noticed it, but here, she noticed someone out of place, not part of the normal ebb and flow in this space. Definitely not a medico and a bit too disciplined in movement and manner.

She subtly keyed her padd, nodding occasionally at acquaintances as they passed and continued her journey... "Asaa to Captain Kerr. I think I'm being followed."

... no response

'Uh oh," she thought, continuing for the outer docking rings. She kept a surreptitious eye in windows or other surfaces where she could watch her back without looking over her shoulder. Now that she knew someone was following her, she could feel them. At least that's what she told herself until she couldn't see them.

She continued to watch but never did see the figure again as she kept to busy passages so no one could get her alone. The portal for the USS Liberty was a welcome sight and she nodded at the yeoman as she only paused briefly this time to get back on board.

Stepping well inside she turned now, looking around the narrow view of the docks left to her down the corridor. She finally lost the feeling of being watched, but she wasn't sure if it was the safety of the ship, or just her imagination. Again she had to wonder if she was cut out for all the cloak and dagger stuff.

She decided to retire to her room to sift through the data in case they brought in R'nam sooner than later. They didn't need to actually contact whoever they chose to use as leverage, just enough solid info to make it seem like we may have, or were able to. . . it was some time before she remembered that the captain never did respond to her message earlier. . .


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