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Tech Support How May I Abuse You?

Posted on Sun Sep 13th, 2020 @ 1:47pm by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Lieutenant Bonnie "Bon-Bon" Durnell
Edited on on Sun Sep 13th, 2020 @ 9:04pm

Mission: Welcome Aboard!
Location: USS Liberty
Timeline: Current

-//- U.S.S. Liberty, this is Lt. Bonnie Durnell, onboard the Orion ship, to anyone within the sound of my voice, please respond if you can hear me. -//-

Rhenora's head snapped around so fast she almost gave herself whiplash. What was her belated computer specialist doing on board the Orion ship? Halting the request for the turbolift and moving to the computer panel, she pressed the companel located there.

"Lt. Durnell, what in the name of the celestial temple are you doing on the Orion ship?" The Captain asked, shock evident in her voice.

“It’s a long, long story. To whom am I speaking?” Bonnie asked, while knowing a cook, while competent, was not a chief engineer. She was already sitting down into the copilot seat preparing to scan the Liberty again now that the jammer was deactivated. Her heart gave a sigh of relief to know that this endeavour was not for not. Cody lifted the ship off the deck and began maneuvering it out of the shuttlebay. They were on their way.

" You're speaking with Captain Kaylen, give me a few minutes to get to the bridge and clear you for landing, we've had some….issues as I'm sure you can test to" the captain explained, having also just heard that the bridge was now clear and safe to return to.

Captain Kaylen? The same Captain Kaylen who commanded the Sunfire? Crashed her ship on Canis Major, saved the Bajorans from the firestorm, survived an incarceration and brutal trial only to be held accountable by the famous Commodore S’tenosis Gorgox, Captain Kaylen. Yeah, Bonnie had heard of her.

“That’s why I’m communicating. We are in a stolen…” she looked at Cody who raised his shoulders, “-ish, Orion Interceptor heading your way and do not wish to be fired upon. We’ve also detected a problem with the Liberty’s engines, unless of course your chief engineer is on top of things.”

"Ahhh, we're still waiting on our chief engineer to arrive, and I could really use a computer specialist right at the moment, the impulse engines won't come online, there's nothing physically wrong with them so I have a feeling it's a computer issue" Rhenora explained, somewhat confused as to why her new crewman was on an Orion ship. Was there something else afoot?

A few moments later she arrived on the bridge and headed to the tactical station, running a scan on the vessel herself. She verified Bonnie's combadge signal against that which was listed in her equipment file.

"You're cleared for docking in shuttle bay 2, are you in need of assistance when you arrive?" There were sooooooo many unanswered questions.

“I do not require assistance, thank you. However, I have a couple of unauthorized passengers and a…” She looked at Remal wondering what to call Lucy. “...a potential saboteur.” She thought about the impulse engines problem, “Did you try turning the system off and back on again?” It was an old tech support joke, but in many cases it was legitimate to start there.

" We did actually, and yet no luck, hence why I thought it was something more complex than a simple restart." Rhenora explained before her brain caught up "what wait, you said you had unauthorised passengers and a potential saboteur? On top of arriving in an Orion ship?"

"Technically one is my driver, Cody Devilrall and the other is a man looking for his wife." She nodded to Remal, "goes by the name Remal Kajun. They were instrumental in helping me infiltrate the Orion ship and uncover the plot leading to the Liberty's capture." Bonnie hurried through the introductions as she was eager to dissect the engine problem.

"Now if you've rebooted and the problem hasn't gone away the problem is more than likely… " but she was cut off mid sentence by a confused and excited Captain Kaylen. And she was looking forward to explaining how the redundant backup system worked too.

"Wait, back the shuttle up a minute….Remal is with you? THE Remal? He of the Bajoran counselling consulate whom I pledged to marry but couldn't keep my feet on the ground Remal?!?" There was a shock and an excitement all mixed into one seriously messed up emotion.

Cody was about to enter the main shuttle bay, looked at Bonnie and whispered, "She does know I really can't back up, right?" Bonnie just shrugged, already perplexed and confused by the amount of exposition.

Remal who was quiet in the back leaned forward. "Hello m'dear I missed you and…"

But Bonnie interrupted "Wait, you're the Captain's Mate?" Remal just shrugged. What a mess of a puzzle she had found herself in, so much for first impressions. "Anyway Captain as I was saying," Bonnie started, eagerly attempting to explain the computer system to her superior "there are redundant backups upon backups and…" she was interrupted once more as Cody gently sat the small ship upon the deck of the ship with a thud.

The Captain went quiet at the sound of her husband's voice, having not heard him in close proximity for a very long time. To have him on board a shuttle that was about to land in their shuttle bay, unannounced and completely relaxed as always rattled her after such a traumatic day.

"I…." Words seemed to fail her as she struggled to get her mind to catch up to her racing heart.

Awkward silence on both ends as Bonnie looked to Cody and Cody looked back at Bonnie. Remal smirked and then broke the silence, "Permission to come aboard, Captain?" Bonnie pouted slightly as she repressed her desire to go on about backups and boot cycles. The engines would wait, they quite literally weren't going anywhere.

"Permission granted" Rhenora replied quietly, her voice catching in her throat. Leaving the bridge in the capable hands of her senior officers she headed down to the shuttle bay, still looking like hell after taking on half a dozen Orions earlier in the day. Something to deal with later. Right now there was a reunion that she hadn't been expecting but was delighted and someone nervous about.

Rounding the corner towards the shuttle bay she paused for a few moments, regaining her composure and trying to subdue the wild myriad of emotions that were vying for her immediate attention.

One more deep breath and the doors parted before her, revealing a most unusual vessel docking in her shuttle bay.

Silent and conflicted she waited for the hatch to open.



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