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The Second Retribution

Posted on Tue Sep 22nd, 2020 @ 1:54am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen

Mission: Welcome Aboard!

On the bridge, Savar had no doubt that the Captain would vent her considerable wrath at him once she was released from her quarters. What exactly would be the nature of her wrath and retribution? He did not know but imagined it would be considerable. Maybe he should begin to look into transfers.

The Captain meanwhile had given up trying to contact Ronson, she'd also given up trying to hack the computer to screw with Savar’s replicator access. She had however developed a throbbing headache from the instant caffeine withdrawal and was currently sprawled on the couch under the viewport with an arm over her eyes trying to make it go away.

Savar waited patiently for Ronson to return so he knew how the Captain was faring in her isolation. He saw no reason for concern but it was always good to be sure.

Ronson pressed the chime to the Captains quarters and waited, his arms starting to ache from the decorative salad bowl.

“ Ahh Captain….. Ahh I have some healthy meals for you… and tea!” He called into the closed door. A moment later it parted before him, revealing the still tidy and not trashed quarters of the ships commanding officer.

“ Shhh.. headache” She said quietly, reducing the illumination in the room a little more. She knew exactly what it was, and why. It still sucked.

“ I’ll leave these here and be on my way. “ Ronson left the tea and salad within reach and exited, making no sudden noises as he did so. Heading back up to the bridge he headed towards Savar to make his report.

“Yes Mr. Ronson?” Savar asked as the Yeoman returned to the bridge. “How is the Captain faring?”

“ Well she hasn't trashed her quarters, nor are there nail marks on the wall. The computer panel is intact. She is however feeling the effects of reducing a large caffeine intake instantly. I believe the appropriate condition is called ‘withdrawal” Ronson commented, feeling at least partially responsible for his part in the endeavour.

“I see. Thank you for a most concise report. Mr. Ronson.” Savar replied and tapped his combadge, “Savar to Dr. Wilson.”

“ Wilson here Commander… has she thrown something at you yet?” The smart assed doctor commented.

“Indeed not Doctor. However please pay a visit to the Captain’s quarters. I believe she is suffering from a headache, due to her reduction in caffeine.”

“ Ooooooooo shoulda seen that one coming - 10 cups+ down to zero is gonna hurt. I’ll get right on it Sir” Wilson replied, a little too smug for her own liking. It seemed everyone was getting on board the ‘captain wellbeing’ train.

“Thank you Doctor.” Savar replied simply hearing Wilson’s smugness but ignoring it.

Wilson grabbed a hypo and headed towards the Captain’s quarters, wondering if she would need a security escort to avoid bodily injury.

Savar sat on the bridge alone in his thoughts as he waited for Wilson to check back in. Why was it they all could not see what he was trying to accomplish?

Wilson pressed the chime on the captain's quarters and waited, wondering if a phaser was a more appropriate tool than a hypospray.

The doors opened a moment later to reveal someone obviously not coping with the absence of her favourite beverage very well.

"This will help," Dr. Wilson offered cautiously, extending the hypo. The Captain nodded and moved her hair to the side exposing her neck. Sarah depressed the button, injecting a potent mix of drugs that would not only remedy the physical symptoms of caffeine withdrawal but would also allow that captain to rest.

"That will help you sleep, and the headache. It is for your own wellbeing…" Wilson apologised before retreating.

On the bridge, Savar remained seated in the command chair. If one looked at him, they would think he was a statue. He was immobile. Only the blinking of his eyes revealed any movement yet his mind was active as he waited for Wilson to return from her visit to the Captain’s quarters.
Humans were a mystery to him. They complained about being tired and in Captain Kaylen’s case they vigorously protested any attempt to get them to rest. *Most illogical.” He thought as he continued to wait.

Dr Wilson retreated from the Captains quarters, safe in the knowledge that within 5 minutes she's be snoring. Hopefully is bed but whenever she was she'd be asleep for at least 8 hours. The sedative was potent enough to take down even the most stubborn and resistant species. She sent a message to Me Remal to advise him of what to expect when he returned to his quarters.

A few moments later the Doctor emerged on the bridge and headed over to Commander Savar to deliver her report.

“Doctor.” Savar greeted Wilson as she came to stand next to him. “How is the Captain?” No serious side effects? I see she did not attempt to strike or throw anything at you.”

"Surprisingly no, although she was in pain from the caffeine withdrawal." Dr Wilson started, before looking at the small fob in her pocket - a trinket from her training days at the academy. "And she'll be unconscious in 3...2...1".

“In pain? Savar question. “Oh yes the caffeine withdrawal. I should have foreseen that.” He said
Softly. Annoyed at himself for failing to.

"I don't think any of us quite understood the quantity of coffee the captain was consuming. Apparently it was a lot. I'll take some bloods when she wakes up to see how her system reacts to the changes. We may need to...relax...the restrictions a little if there are adverse effects" the Doctor explained. She fully understood what the counsellor was trying to achieve.

“Yes. I agree. I wish no long lasting detrimental effects on the Captain. That was never my intention. Only that she relax.” Savar replied to Wilson.

"Oh she's relaxed right now, I hope she made it to bed before the hypo kicked in, it was somewhat….potent" the doctor admitted sheepishly.

“I see.” Savar replied. “Very good Doctor. I am sure the Captain will feel noticeably better when she wakes up.” he looked at Wilson, “Thank you for seeing her.” He added.

“Oh she will, the headache will be gone, I’ve counteracted her body’s withdrawal effects, and the sleep will do her wonders. No doubt in the morning she’ll be a changed person. Good lord I hope so or there’s gonna be toothbrushes and deckplates for everyone” Sarah smiled wryly.

“No Doctor, the responsibility is mine and mine alone. You and Mr. Ronson will not be held accountable in any way.” Savar replied.

“I have your word, on record of that Counsellor” Sarah smirked, “Now if you’ll excuse me I’ll check in on the Captain on the way back to sickbay to make sure she’s not sleeping on the toilet or anything… you never know… it was strong” The good doctor beat a hasty retreat with the confidence that nothing ill would come of her efforts to aid the well intentioned counsellor.

“Very good Doctor. I leave the captain’s well being in your capable hands.” Savar intoned quietly As he watched the doctor exit the bridge and go to check on the Captain.

“Thank you Counsellor, I’ll let you know when she wakes up, should be a good 8 hours at least… maybe more” Sarah admitted, realising that it was probably the first good sleep said Captain had had in a long time. 8 hours was hard to come by apparently.

“Thank you Doctor.” Savar replied, his mind on the note he would leave Captain Kaylen to explain his actions.

“Very good Sir” Wilson nodded respectfully towards the ships acting CO and beat a hasty retreat, hoping she wasn’t going to find the Captain in an awkward position

Once the good doctor had left Savar picked up a PaDD and began to write a note to Captain Kaylen who he had come to respect in the short time of knowing her. He began.

Captain Kaylen, I wish you to know that my actions were those of only trying to help you to relax as well as reduce the stress you were under. And for you to remain the best commanding officer you can be.Further I wish you to know that these actions were mine and mine alone and that Dr. Wilson and Yeoman. Ronson should face no penalties, loss of privileges or other demerits. I fully understand if you disagree with my actions. However I urge you not to hold them responsible. I also accept that you may wish to make changes to the command team’s makeup.I offer no objections. You may also wish to place a reprimand in my permanent record. Again I offer no objection. I trust in the coming days you can understand my actions as they were to benefit you. I expect no forgiveness for what I did, only understanding.


The note written, he got up and made his way swiftly to the Captain’s Ready Room where he placed the PaDD on her desk where she could see it. That done he returned to the bridge and once again took his place in the center seat.


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