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Shame in That

Posted on Tue Oct 6th, 2020 @ 12:39am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen

Mission: Diplomatic Masquerade
Location: Sixth Order Warbird 1

Gul Maccet sat in the small office adjacent to the bridge of his warship. They were travelling at low warp toward the Orias system where a meeting and negotiations between the Federation and the Cardassian Union were to take place regarding the unfortunate discover of an indigenous population on the third planet.

The Kanar bottle sat to his right, half empty with a good portion in the stout glass next to it. He sipped it periodically whilst trawling through the latest intelligence he had acquired from various sources. Mining works (or at least the traceable ones) had ceased as soon as the Federation got themselves involved. Shame in that. When the Cardassian Union had annexed the system they had believed to be uninhabited, the investigation works to discern such a statement however were not done or lost in a paperwork blunder. Shame in that as well.

The Obsidian Order had set up a base in a resistance movement against the Dominion and had uncovered some interesting artifacts including rudimentary communications equipement and complex tools during the earthworks for said base - they had kept this particular information to themselves of course. Shame in that. Orias III was a desolate wasteland high in mineral ore. The ambient temperate on the planet was close to 50 Celsius and any population would have been forced underground due to the extreme in temperature. The Northern Hemisphere contained one of the planets few mountainous regions and natural watercourses. Caves and underground tunnel systems were rife in that region, yet with the high ore content lifesign scans were difficult. Perhaps mining should begin there - if a few locals died - shame in that.

Shortly he would need to confirm names of the persons attending the meeting. As much as he would like to withhold that information and make things that much more difficult for the Federation - he didn't need Central Command looking over his shoulder any more than they already would. He would send the names.

" Gul Maccet, the Federation have confirmed their delegation" His aide appeared with a list in his hand, offering it to his superior before leaving the office again. Maccet smiled as he read the names and began diving into the database that he had acquired recently. It had cost him several cases of his best Kanar but would be worth it. The Liberty's most current personnel register and blueprints were his - and he would make good use of them. Shame in them for that.


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