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Blood on your Hands Pt5

Posted on Sun Nov 1st, 2020 @ 11:09pm by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Lieutenant JG Sarah Wilson & Chief Petty Officer Remal Kajun

Mission: Diplomatic Masquerade

Rhenora felt the clocks ticking in her head, the time for her away teams to find anything of consequence on the surface was slipping away. Was this festering flesh on her hand a deliberate plot to take her eye off the proverbial ball? Wilson was still trying to identify the pathogen and was a while away from formulating a treatment plan.

“Tell me Doctor - is this pathogen… germ....thing whatever you want to call it Cardassian in origin?” She asked, waiting patiently whilst she was poked and prodded with various medical instruments.

Remal sat bolt upright. "Cardassians! Take cover!" He yelled as images and sounds of phaser fire filled his ears and engaged his senses. He looked around and then jumped down from where he sat and behind the biobed, his fight or flight reflexes were fully engaged. The nurses looking at him were suddenly Cardassian targets out to get him. Full blown paranoia had taken his mind as he scratched at his face hard enough to make it bleed.

“ What the?!?!?” Rhenora shot up and looked around with wide eyes, trying to locate said targets. She couldn’t see anything, nor could she hear anything. Bewildered, she moved over to Remal and tried to calm him.

“ Remal, there’s no Cardassians….you’re safe in sickbay, no-one’s going to hurt you” She said in what was hopefully a soothing tone. Wilson was there as well - tricorder in hand and doctor’s eyes assessing everything. She motioned to one of the nurses who pressed a hypo into her hand.

“Mild sedative… enough to calm him down” She whispered to Rhenora who was nearby who nodded. Now they just had to get close enough to administer it.

They were gathering around him, closing in on his position. Rhen was his rock and he had to protect her at all costs. His eyes had clouded over at some point creating blurred vision, his mind filling in the blank details with images from his days in the resistance. As Sarah moved forward he sensed her shift and in that moment decided to sacrifice himself. "She's innocent. Spare her life in exchange for mine."

He opened his arms wide, offering himself up. But then he glanced down at Rhen and mouthed, "be ready." In his mind these Cardassians could only have his dear sweet Rhenora over his dead body, but he was positive he could take three or four down before they even had the chance.

Rhenora was for a moment conflicted, not wanting to play into whatever Remal was experiencing but also not wanting him to get hurt. Doc Wilson gave a subtle signal and Rhenora went for the distraction.

"Remal! They've're safe now. I'm safe, you're safe, everyone's gonna be ok now" She soothed, arms open wide like his in an effort to ease his stress.

Suddenly all he could see was her, an angel shining through the haze of discourse. His angel had been saved. He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her off the deck. Nothing was going to seperate them ever again. A quiet shsss was heard somewhere in the distance and then his pain was gone. His worries, all gone to another place. His weighty mass slumped forward onto Rhenora's tiny frame.

"Oomph" she squealed, managing to roll with his weight so they both ended up on the floor. Between the nurses they managed to maneuver him onto a biobed so he could rest more comfortably.

Meanwhile on the bridge of the Cardassian Warbird Gul Maccet sat with a glass of Kanar in his hand, the flesh there already well on the way to healing with the application of a biochemical compound that would inhibit and repair the damage caused by the little present he left ‘Rhen’ with. Hopefully she would be shaking hands and touching surfaces to her black heart’s content and infect the majority of her senior staff. A light bandage with the infused component prevented any further infections and could be removed within a few hours. He hoped it would distract her enough to enable phase two of his plan.


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