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Blood on your Hands Pt4

Posted on Sun Nov 1st, 2020 @ 5:04am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Lieutenant JG Sarah Wilson & Chief Petty Officer Remal Kajun

Mission: Diplomatic Masquerade
Location: Sickbay

The Captain headed for sickbay, more out of concern for her husband than for herself although she hadn’t quite put the two very obvious pieces of the puzzle together yet. The turbolift seemed a little slower, the corridors a little longer than normal. The grey doors of sickbay parted to reveal Remal seeming very much well and normal apart from a handprint sized red irritation on his face.

“Captain?” Dr Wilson looked up from her tricorder as she noticed the Captain nearby.

“ Do you know what’s causing this?” Rhenora asked, drawing alongside her husband and having a look at the rash herself.

Doctor Wilson was just about to speak when Remal cut her off. "Apparently news travels fast no matter the size of the starship. I take it then, Lt. Durnell found you?" He smiled and reached up to scratch again when Doctor Wilson reached out and smacked his hand away.

"Oi, stop that, I can't get a good reading with your hands in the way" Wilson retorted, giving him a glare.

"Who? Oh Bonnie, yes she mentioned you were having some.. discomfort" Rhenora stammered, flustered in a manner most unlike her.

He shook his head. "Discomfort is a mild way to put it. My face is on fire. At first I thought it may be an allergic reaction to something but the doc here has a different opinion, don't you doctor?" He absent mindedly reached up to scratch again only to have the good doctor glare at him making him realize what he was about to do.

"I'm still working on it, but there's some kind of pathogen going on, if you'd just keep still so I can get a decent sample" Wilson gave an exasperated sigh. "And you're here because he is?" She looked at the Captain with a questioning eye.

He looked up into Rhenoras eyes and suddenly realized there were two sets of eyes, a second nose and come to think of it two whole Rhenoras phasing in and out of each other. "Well, that's new." He commented then let out a little giggle. "Is the room on a carousel? It's starting to spin."

"Let's lie you down mister ring master" Sarah deftly swung his legs up onto the biobed and took some more readings. There were changes, not major but still changes going on within the blood and therefore the brain. It seemed like there was so dizziness going on as well.

"Is that any better?" The doctor asked, administering a hypo into Remal's neck.

He shook his head, "Yeah a bit. What the hell doc? This isn't like anything I've had before." He then turned to Rhen, and reached for her hand. "Why did you come? I don't want you feeling this way too."

Rhenora held her hand up, showing the redness that was plaguing her palm. "Too late" she said simply, wondering who had given it to whom. "I shook Maccets hand, he had no glove on, I came home and touched your face. Same hand…" she mulled, holding the offending limb out from her body as though it would stop the transfer.

"Is it worse because it's on your face?" She asked her husband, knowing he wouldn't really have the answer but Wilson may.

"I don't know." He shrugged. "I had just gotten done shaving when you came by. Those damn engineers were taking forever correcting their mistake with the kitchenette." He was growing irritated, anxious and a tad angry but couldn't pinpoint why.

A tricorder was run over her hand, then over Remals face.

"Same pathogen...I agree with your theory in that it's not affecting you as much as it's further from any vital organs. It will at some point though" Wilson said cautiously. “You.. over there… don’t touch anything” She pointed to the biobed next to Remal’s and indicated for the Captain to sit on it.

“ I feel fine, just got a damned itchy hand” Rhenora protested, wanting to get back to the bridge and check on the away team’s progress.

“ You will sit on your ass until I tell you otherwise” The Doc replied sternly, giving the frustrated Bajoran a look that would make mirrors slink off the walls and go elsewhere to shatter.

“ Yes Ma’am” Kaylen aqueised, hoisting herself up and still leaving her hand palm up and away from anything. It looked angry even though there was little pain at the present.

"So. Since we are in detention together, are you thinking this is Maccet? Some sort of trick maybe? I can tell by that look on your face. It's like he made the first move and is getting under your skin," he pointed at his face. "Quite literally." He eyed her knowing she was in deep thought, worry setting in. His mind was already racing, a sort of paranoia setting in concerning their shared foe. If this was a deliberate attack it surely wouldn't end here. Once a revenge ball gets rolling there is no telling where it will stop.


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