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Tbd (after release from captivity)

Posted on Fri Nov 6th, 2020 @ 9:28pm by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Lieutenant JG Sarah Wilson & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Lieutenant Aurora Vali

Mission: Diplomatic Masquerade
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: To come


Sickbay had suddenly become a busy place, with their captivity over both Aurora and Savar had been brought to Sickbay, Savar suffering from Pon’farr was ferociously guarding his mate whilst Aurora was transferred to a biobed. She sat in a huddle, swaying back and forth cradling her head from all the telepathic input she was getting and the rash on her arm had spread full length from wrist to elbow and was scratched raw, her finger nails were covered in her own blood. The Captain had beamed in as well and was currently being treated for her own injuries.

Savar wasn't aggressive per se but it was obvious he was guarding Aurora and that he was single minded in that duty. His eyes were fixed and his hands steepled in front of him. He hadn't replied to any questions. He was in the blood fever.

Dr Sarah Wilson was waiting for the last part of the Away Team when they beamed into sickbay. Her team converged as the remaining two members and the Captain appeared. Savar was protecting Lt Vali, who seemed to be afflicted with the pathogen that had infected the Captain and her husband. Medical tricorder in hand she approached the two, leaving her 2IC to handle the Captain.

Aurora was in a world of her own, unable to shut out the voices and emotions of those around her she was lost and unable to find her way out. She was still suffering with a fever which wasn’t helping matters on top of her mental bond to Savar, which was pushing her into a state of Pon’farr as well.

Doc Wilson ran the tricorder over both of them - noting the elevated levels of a number of hormones and neurotransmitters. She put two and two together, wincing as she wracked her brain about how to address such a delicate situation. Lowering her voice considerably she addressed the two.

" I don't mean to be insensitive, but I need to know if you're both in Pon'farr, it will effect how I treat your injuries" She said as diplomatically as possible.

“P .. Pon ... Farr” was just about all Aurora could say. She tapped her head. “Too ... loud ... make it ... stop!!” She started scratching again digging more trenches into her skin with a whimper.

" Right... that's gonna make things interesting" Wilson whispered under her breath, turning her tricorder to Aurora's skull. She noted several chemical imbalances, some that were associated with Pon'farr and some associated with the Cardassian pathogen that the Captain had experienced earlier.

" I can't risk putting you to sleep to dull the noise, but I think I might be able to help" She reached over for a hypo and adjusted the settings accordingly.

"This is a neuro-inhibitor, it should reduce the noise a little" She smiled kindly and offered the hypo - knowing that Savar was in Pon'farr and protecting his mate she was careful not to make any sudden moves.

Aurora nodded as she focused on the Doctor.

Savar's eyes remained fixed on Aurora, all he saw was her, all that mattered was her. He still hadn't spoken such was his mental state as Pon'farr blocked everything else out.

Sarah moved cautiously, injecting the medication into Aurora's neck and monitering the results with her tricorder. She couldn't do much about the Pon'farr but the pathogen and neural telepathy issues she could help.

Aurora breathed a sigh of relief as the voices in her head started to subside, as much as she hated inhibitors this time was welcome relief. She offered a tired smile as she looked at Wilson. “Thank you Doctor, that’s much better.” She looked at her arm covered in raw deep bleeding scratches and then at her fingers covered in blood. “Did I ... do this!?”

" I'm sorry to say you did, The Captain and her Husband were affected with the same pathogen, I'm happy to report we do have a treatment plan - however it hasn't been tested on Vulcans, only Bajorans. " Doctor Wilson explained, taking some more detailed readings of Aurora's arm. " You must have touched something or brushed by her whilst she was infected. It'll take a few hours but if you agree we can apply a biomedical compound that will heal the skin and a gene therapy - tweaked of course - will heal the source of the infection."

Aurora nodded. “Do what you need to do, I have to be well before we get home to Vulcan. Savar needs me ... as much as I need him.”

" Is there anything we can do for him, and yourself until we get to Vulcan? I understand the Captain is ordering us there straight away, but is there anything we can do in the meantime?" Wilson asked, taking a sample of Aurora's genetic code so she could tweak the gene therapy accordingly.

Aurora shook her head as she looked at Savar. Her eyes never left his as she spoke. “There’s nothing that can be done for us, except to give us privacy until we reach Vulcan, Pon’farr requires
deep meditation to remain controlled. It is more difficult for Savar, than for me.”

" I'll give you privacy as soon as I heal your injuries. I can give you both a private room for meditation, but we need to monitor your condition and Savar's." Wilson tried to be diplomatic and sensitive, knowing how personal this time was for Vulcans.

“I ... we appreciate your help.” Aurora offered a smile. She could feel the burn of Pon’farr in her veins but with the inhibitor working she couldn’t connect with Savar on a mental level, until it wore off he was without the aid of their initial bond in controlling his blood fever. “Doctor ... can you use technology here in Sickbay to link our minds? I can’t connect with Savar whilst I’m inhibited, he needs me to help keep him stable.”

Sarah considered the request. There had been instances where technology had been used to assist mind melds before under controlled conditions. She turned and grabbed two cortical moniters, making the necessary adjustments so that a link could be formed between the wearers.

" I think this will do the job." She said with a smile, handing the devices to Aurora and Savar " I can monitor the link and terminate it if it becomes too unstable"

Aurora nodded and placed hers on before taking the one for Savar from Sarah and gently placing it on him. Her touch on his skin felt electric but she needed to control her own urges until they reached Vulcan. She returned to her biobed and lay back to allow Sarah to initiate the link.

Savar made no outward reaction as Aurora place the monitor on him. The only reaction he showed was a sigh.

Aurora gasped as the initial connection threw her straight into Savar’s mind, a powerful connection made she could see his desires being played out in his mind. Old memories of them together, and new visions of what he wanted, passion and raw emotion were raging inside him.

Savar's mental discipline was being pushed to a breaking point as he struggled to maintain control.

Wilson stood back as the link was established, hypo in hand and medical tricorder analysing every detail. She'd never witnessed anything like this before and was half relying on gut instinct to tell her if things were getting dangerous.

Aurora couldn’t communicate telepathically with Savar thanks to the inhibitor but now they were linked by the doctor she could talk to him via that link. << Savar ... I’m here, can you hear me? they’re taking us home. Just hold on! >>

<< Aurora. Home... must get home.>> Savar feverishly urged. His face showing the strain of keeping his composure. His entire body was tense, coiled like a tightly wound spring that could come undone at any moment.

<< They’re taking us home! Hold on! >> she kept her focus purely on Savar trying to keep him stable until they reached Vulcan.

He managed a nod. << Good. Must reach Vulcan.>> he was able to reply.

Aurora nodded. << I will stay with you, incase you can’t hold on >>

<< I shall attempt to maintain control Aurora.>> Savar replied.

Aurora opened her eyes which she’d closed in order to concentrate, turning her attention to Doctor Wilson. “Savar is attempting to maintain his control but I’ll need to stay connected to him until we reach Vulcan.”

Doc Wilson looked around sickbay, finding the eyes of the Captain and raising a questioning eyebrow. The Bajoran walked over to the trio and considered the situation and her options.

There was another team on the surface now the Cardassians had left, attempting to make contact with the colonists deep within the bowels of the planet, she could recall them, and send a message to Starfleet that the planet needed to be protected until an arrangement could be made for the colonists to either relocate or be acknowledged as a native population by the Cardassians. The health of her crew was always her overriding priority.

She stepped a few meters away and made a discreet comcall to the bridge, ordering the away team to return and a course be laid in for Vulcan at high warp. Hopefully they would arrive in time.

Still bloodstained from her altercation with Gul Maccet she returned.

"We're setting a course there now, is there anything else we can do in the meantime?" She questioned carefully so as to not disrupt the link between the two.

“We just ... need privacy.” With that Aurora closed her eyes again to concentrate on grounding Savar until they arrived at Vulcan.

"I'll leave you both alone then, we should arrive at Vulcan in a few days. " Rhenora nodded out of respect and departed back to the impatient nurse who was waiting for her.



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