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Posted on Fri Nov 6th, 2020 @ 11:27pm by Crewman Jon Perriwinkle

Mission: Diplomatic Masquerade
Location: Liberty media room
Timeline: Current

Jon checked his appearance one more time. He wanted to look good for this report. In case any of the network bigwigs were watching. This was potentially big news and maybe it would be the first step in making a name for himself and hopefully lead to an anchor spot with FNS.

As his camera man signaled they were on the air, Jon spoke in a cultured voice. "This Jonathan Perriwinkle aboard the USS Liberty. The Liberty was sent as I'm sure many of you know to act as a mediator between the Cardassians and colonists of Orias III. While engaged in those talks, hushed voices whisper and rumors swirl of a Cardassian plot against the Liberty's Captain Rhenora Kaylen. Adding spice to these rumors is speculation that the Liberty's First Officer Commander Savar was involved in some way of stopping the supposed threat. To what extent we have yet to determine. As both Captain Kaylen and Commander Savar have both been unavailable for comment. However in this reporter's eyes it seems highly suspicious that the two highest ranking officers on have nothing to say."

He gave a bright, insincere smile and continued. "Stay tuned for further updates as we get them. FNS the news network you can trust."


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