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Crystal blue Diplomacy

Posted on Sun Nov 8th, 2020 @ 2:11am by Lieutenant T'Strella Drake

Mission: Diplomatic Masquerade
Location: Diplomatic offices
Timeline: Current


T'Strella was sore from the kidnapping altercation. Macet and company were rogues. They held little regard for life.

T'Strella finished her report, signed off and then looked through the official communique, she noted an intriguing assignment to mediate the second fold stage of two planets, with a recent artifact discovery on a large moon in the system. Sacred Orbs found,it was connected to the system close to their present coordinates.... She sent a message to Star Fleet Diplomatic HQ, requesting further information. She wanted all Intel and history, before sticking her head in another Cardassian or Romulan noose.

As she read over the information as she received it. She set out parameters and a plan for the Dignitaries diplomats and brass who would be assigned...

As she worked up the Diplomatic schedule and chose Ambassadors and Diolomats, she sipped healing tea and messaged her shoulder.... Noting the bruises and bumps on her face and arms..



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