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The Orb

Posted on Tue Dec 8th, 2020 @ 7:55pm by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Chief Petty Officer Remal Kajun

Mission: Healing of Minds
Location: Captains Quarters
Timeline: After shopping at the Markets

Later that afternoon Rhenora and Remal beamed back to the Liberty, Rhenora in particular eager to have a proper look at the timber ark she’d purchased in the minute chance that it was the missing Orb and not just a bad imitation. They had enjoyed a lovely lunch in the markets on Vulcan, the Vulcan equivalent to street food was an interesting combination of textures and flavours depending on the origins of the cook. Rhenora found it pleasantly spicy, a refreshing change to the restrained flavours she had become accustomed to over the years.

Remal flopped down on the sofa and let put an oof then shifted slightly and spoke, "Sorry I held us up back there. That Vulcan was stubborn about that recipe. On Bajor, if you know a good food, you share it and how to make it. I guess it's not the same everywhere. At least he gave in when I helped him see the logic in a good Hasperat." He chuckled.

"So, what are we waiting for? All the bargaining with that Ferengi really has me curious if we got the real deal or not." He gestured to the ornate box. "Let's open her up shall we?"

"Why not, I'm almost too scared to open it in case it is a really bad imitation. I've seen some dodgy ones in my time." She admitted, shifting the box so it was on the coffee table in front of both of them. She rested her hands on the small timber doors, hesitating.

He noticed her hesitation, leaned forward and with a reassuring touch, placed his hands on hers. "Together." He said in his soothing voice.

They slowly opened the small carved doors, revealing the sparkling slowly rotating orb inside. It was a pale blue colour like most orbs and exuded a brilliant light. For an instant it took Rhenora's breath away. Then the room was gone and there was nothing but the two of them in a large white space.

Mr. Obvious spoke first, his voice resonating with a deep reverb as it echoed in the emptiness of the space, “Well I suppose we bought the real deal.” His hand was intertwined with Rhenoras and he felt her hand squeeze his as he spoke. She was nervous, but he didn’t fully understand why.

" It would appear you're right. Though how an orb appeared in a ferengi flea market on Vulcan is more the question. At least we can return it to its rightful place" she admitted, shrugging her shoulders. Looking around there was a complete lack of everything, the nothingness was absolute.

A voice came from everywhere and yet nowhere at the same time, disconcerting in a vista where there was nothing at all.

“ The Remal, the Rhenora have returned.”

“Well, whatever this is, they are very bright. Literally. “ Remal both joked and commented in the same breath as he squinted in order to keep the white from washing out his pupils.

Rhenora took a breath, her heart quivering inside her chest at the thought of communicating directly with the Prophets.“ We have, we have found the missing Orb and wanted to ascertain if it was indeed real” Rhenora started, schooling her voice from a shaking mess into something more akin to a Starship Captain.

“ This pleases us - and what of he who stole it?” The voice replied, it’s intensity causing Rhenora to shudder.

“ We will begin an investigation…”She started before being cut off.

“It is of no consequence…”

Why ask if they don’t want to know the answer? Why ask when they as prophets should already have an answer? Remal thought to himself. Then he spoke aloud into the void, “Show yourselves so that we may understand who speaks and what it is you wish us to see.” There really was no beating around the bush when it came to an orb experience and Remal. Hellspout, they were cryptic enough as it was.

The image that materialised was an exact replica of himself, complete with quizzical expression with just a tad of exasperation.

"How did I know that was coming?" Rhenora said to herself. The Prophets were a law unto themselves.

Remal looked over the mirror image of himself, checked his chin like he was looking in said mirror. Then he checked out his gut region, “I’m not really that fat, am I?” He chuckled.

Rhenora took a moment to regard the newcomer. Looking him up and down. "Hrmmmmmm" she mused, not really answering the question.

“The Remal is no longer of Bajor. The Remal now mocks and jokes to hide his true devotion. The Remal and the Rhenora are still one, but doubt plagues his inner light.” The apparition that was him responded.

“Well, that cuts deep.” Remal admonished.

"Doubts? In what regard?" Rhenora asked, honestly having no idea what they were on about. Doubts about his faith, doubts about their marriage, doubts about himself? She regarded her husband with a look.

He looked at the fake Remal and then to Rhenora. "I thought he was talking to you. I don't have any idea what they are talking about." he defended.

"The fire inside has turned darker. The Remals energy is not in line with his pagh. True light is not within, but eternal."

Remal blinked. "Well that is not cryptic at all." He felt small and was immediately hoping the prophets would turn their attention to Rhenora instead.

“Explain yourselves” Rhenora was rapidly growing tired of the double and sometimes triple meanings of the Prophets. As much as she loved them, they could drive one mad trying to interpret their words.

The duplication turned its dark eyes towards her, leaving her feeling as though they were seeing directly into her Pagh.

“The Rhenora is conflicted. She seeks us yet is afraid, she tries to explain things with logic and science. She is unable to accept who we are” The Prophet accused, his eyes morphing from their black orbs to having a reflection of fire within.

“ You speak in riddles, you make no sense” Rhenora shot back.

The fire in his eyes increased, forming a light shroud around his body.

“ We are the Prophets of Bajor, we are questioning your path and your pagh. You align yourself with The Remal who is also conflicted. A great challenge is coming - if your path is not true and your Pagh not with us - you will not succeed” The fire Remal was joined by another Remal, this one almost see through as though made of water.

“ What is this challenge you speak of?” Rhenora forced her frustration back down and calmed herself. Getting worked up with a deity was never going to end well. What she needed now was information.

“The Remal and the Rhenora will need to be as one with each other, and as one with us” The Water Remal intoned as though talking water Prophets were nothing new.



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