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Sweet Home.... Liberty

Posted on Thu Aug 27th, 2020 @ 12:59am by Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen

Mission: Welcome Aboard!
Location: Shuttle Miranda
Timeline: Current

Savar sat in the passenger section of the shuttle Miranda as it raced to catch up with the USS Liberty. His new assignment as Chief Counselor as well as Second Officer. Thankfully the Liberty was a low warp as it went through it's shakedown cruise so the Miranda had no problem catching up to the larger ship.

"USS Liberty, this is the shuttle Miranda." The Human pilot spoke. We have your Chief Counselor onboard."

"Roger Miranda. We'll slow down so you can dock." Came the quick reply.

"Commander Savar? We'll be docking with the Liberty in a few minutes sir."

"Most excellent Lieutenant. Thank you." Savar replied as the Liberty filled the viewport. She was in a word majestic! her lines were sleek and clean and projected both power and grace. He was already looking forward to serving on the ship.

There was a slight thump as the shuttle docked with the Liberty. A hiss of air served noticed that a seal had been secured. Savar stood.

"Safe voyages Commander." The pilot said in farewell.

"Thank you." Savar replied simply.

He made the small journey across to the Liberty where he was met by a Andorian security officer. "Commander Savar?"


"Welcome aboard the Liberty sir."

"Thank you very much." Savar replied stoically as he took in the first look of his new home.


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