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Bajor Bound

Posted on Sun Dec 27th, 2020 @ 3:13am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen

Mission: Healing of Minds
Location: Bridge

Captain Kaylen Rhenora settled into the command chair in the centre of the bridge. The space around her hummed with a quiet energy of a rested crew who were willing to take to the skies again. All the loose ends were coming together. The Stone of Gol had been collected by the Vulcan Authorities and placed in a secure facility in numerous pieces, the victims of the previous attacks had been healed and the perpetrator still locked up in the Liberty's brig.

The Captain was fairly pleased with the outcome, several times she felt she was losing control of the situation only to have it turn out as favourable as it possibly could have. She had made contact with the Bajoran Provisional Government regarding the missing Orb of the Elements and they had requested it be returned as soon as possible. Given they were still technically on leave until Starfleet assigned them a new mission, Rhenora saw no problems in relocating to Bajor to achieve the return of the Orb. She hoped to spend a week or so down into the planet with Remal, consulting with the religious order regarding their vision. In the meantime the crew could conduct some drills in the local neighbourhood under the watchful eye of commander Savar. They'd had some recent crew transfers who would need to find their feet in the Liberty village.

"Helm, set a course for Bajor, warp 3" she ordered, watching was the viewscreen changed perspective from the circling arid landscape of Vulcan to the dark spectical of open space. Rhenora's heart always fluttered as they headed out into space, for there she felt totally free and unhindered. She would sort this issue with the Prophets, and then they would continue on their way.


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