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Passing the Time

Posted on Mon Dec 28th, 2020 @ 6:37am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen

Mission: Healing of Minds
Location: Misc

It would take a little time to travel to Bajor from their current location but Rhenora was in no hurry. She left the bridge in the capable hands of Commander Savar and headed into her Ready Room, planning on getting caught up on reports before she disembarked for a week.

Her office was her working sanctuary, a quiet place away from the steady and constant energy of the bridge crew going about their business. A hot cup of coffee was replicated and found its way into her hands and the call of the lounge underneath the large viewport was stronger than her desk with a stack of padds Ronson had left for her to review and authorise.

The view was spectacular, the absolute darkness of space speckled with the well knowns of the Alpha Quadrant as they warped through the heart of Federation space. She found herself lost in though as the stars streaked by at low warp, her mind back on her home world and the history that lay there. What would she find when they returned? Questions regarding the discovery of the missing Orb were highly likely, hopefully they would be grateful it was recovered and then leave it at that. Doubtful though, she never got that lucky.

She recalled the story that Anna had regaled, of her time spent on Bajor post occupation. The planet stripped of its riches and it's people struggling to put food on the table. It broke her heart to recall her own people in such a hard time. Somehow when you had lived it it didn't seem so bad at the time. Bajorans were a strong a resilient people, sometimes a little too proud for the own good. Maybe that's where her shortcomings were evident - a little too proud, a little too confident, a little to reliant on herself and her gut instinct and natural skills. Could an old dog learn new tricks?


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