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Ties that bind

Posted on Tue Jan 26th, 2021 @ 12:02am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen

Mission: The Jungle
Location: Jungle

Captain Kaylen Rhenora used the knife to slice through the binds on Savar's wrists.

" Are you ok?" She asked, referring to their fall.

"I am uninjured Captain. What of you?" Savar asked his CO and friend. "Are you also uninjured?"

"Only my pride" Rhenora turn the knife over to the now freed Savar, holding her hands out for him to cut her binds. Her wrists were raw but would hopefully heal without infection from the humid and damp environment. "We should get moving again, I feel better now we have a weapon" we left him to carry the blade as he would be more adept with it.

Savar took the knife and sliced through the rope binding Rhenora's hands. "Your pride will recover Captain. I am confident of it." He replied and then added, "Yes, staying in one place too long could prove detrimental to our health."

They took off at a reasonable pace, moving efficiently through the scrub now that could use their hands. Rhenora kept her wits about her, every sense reaching out to listen for possible attackers. She was used to the outdoors, but this felt like they were being hunted.

"When we get through this I'm going to have some very seriously words with Haldeman" she grumbled.

Savar too was listening for any sounds of pursuit but it was unduly quiet. "Captain, I would be most eager to hear your conversation with Captain Haldeman. I'm sure it prove most illuminating."

"I believe there may be several colourful metaphors that are not appropriate for such refined ears" the Captain snorted as they moved through the underbrush. Despite their efforts they didn't appear to be getting any closer to the idol. "I fear I may have underestimated the distance involved"

"Indeed. All the more of a reason I wish to hear it." Savar replied and then reached a hand out, touching Rhenora's arm. "Captain wait." He cautioned as he pointed to a clearing in front of them. "I advise caution."

Rhenora froze and went silent, relying on Savar's superior hearing to scope their surroundings. She wait unmoving until he motioned otherwise, not wanting to create sound that may interfere with whatever he had heard previously. "Animal or humanoid?"

"Humanoid. There." Savar whispered as he pointed to a figure emerging from a thicket of underbrush, carrying some sort of weapon in it's hands. They ducked out of sight before being seen. "If we can acquire that weapon, it would greatly improve our odds."

The being was masked, no details regarding its face could be seen. Could it be one of the Manchester crew? Was it worth taking them on?
She watched carefully, knowing that Savar's sight was better than her own.
"What's your plan?" She whispered, watching the being continue to track their footprints. They would need to act, and quickly.

"Subterfuge." Savar whispered in reply. "I believe it is our best chance to both overcome our opponent and retrieve a weapon. "I suggest you go into the underbrush and whimper as if you were injured. I will hide opposite of you. When our opponent comes to investigate I will confront him and hopefully be victorious."

"Got it" Rhenora crept into the clear and onto the floor of the jungle, orientating herself so she could see Savar out of the corner of her eye. She rolled to one side, letting out a howl of implied pain and clutching her lower leg as though it were broken.

Savar melted into the underbrush all the while keeping an eye on both the Captain and their pursuer.

Hearing the cry of pain the hunter moved to investigate, his steps cautious until he arrived at Rhenora's position. A metallic chuckle came from the hunter as he mumbled something as he stood over Rhenora.. He raised his weapon and that is when Savar exploded from the underbrush. The hunter uttered a sound of surprise as Savar was atop him. the fight was short as Savar quickly gained control and subdued him with the Vulcan nerve pinch. As the hunter fell, Savar picked up the weapon. "A most convincing performance Captain." He acknowledged as he helped her to her feet and handed her the weapon.

"Got the job done" She smiled as she hoisted herself to her feet with the aid of Savar's hand. The weapon was another blade, this time silimar to a scimitar. It would serve them well in the future she feared. Her stomach grumbled, betraying the hunger she was trying to keep at bay. It had been some time since they'd eaten. So far she hadn't seen anything that resembles an edible foodstuff.

"Quite correct Captain." Savar replied then heard her stomach rumble. "We need to find you some food and water, perhaps our friend has both." He remarked as he checked the pockets for food packets.

"Good idea, you need food as well, we need to keep our strength up..somehow I have the feeling this is going to end up being a test of endurance" she rumaged through the pockets of the downed hunter, finding two foil wrapped packets of something.

"Here, catch" she tossed it to Savar.

"Captain, I can go longer without food and water than you can." Savar answered even as he caught the foil wrapped packet. "We must also find water."

" We do, surely there had to be a stream or something in this jungle. The sheer humidity alone indicates high rainfall and a moist environment" Rhenora commented, tearing open the foil packet and allowing herself one mouthful to keep her going. Without knowing when their next meal was going to be it was important to make what they had last.

"Agreed." Savar said as he palmed his packet of food. The Captain might need it later. "If we can spot where the vegetation is the greenest and fullest, that would indicate a nearby water source."

The Captain nodded, shoving the foil packet in her trouser pocket for later despite the urge to keep eating it. "Your ears are better than mine" she commented, referring to his superior senses. She looked around and spied the idol high in the sky. There was a time advantage to keep moving forwards towards it but would they bypass food, water and weapons if they did so? The distinct lack of information infuriated her. Rather then voice her frustration she charged on through the dense underbrush.

"True." Savar answered simply. "However I suggest we maintain caution even as we move at a steady pace, undoubtedly there are other traps and other hunters that we have yet to see and it would be to our disadvantage to stumble into them"

"Logical as always" the voice tempered her rampaging anger and calmed her a little. She measured her pace and tuned her senses to the environment around them rather than her internal dialogue.

"Thank you Captain, I do try." Savar quipped as the pair moved through the underbrush. As they did, he wondered how many others of the Liberty's crew had been sent into the Game Zone more importantly how they were faring. He was roused from his thoughts by the sound of running water, a stream was nearby. "Captain, I hear running water."

"Your hearing is so much better than mine" Kaylen retorted in good nature, trying to keep the tone light. A positive mindset was going to get them everywhere. "We should suspect some kind of protection. They wouldn't just let us walk up to it I'm sure"

"It would be illogical to assume they would." As for my hearing, that may be so but you Captain command the respect and admiration of the crew as well as myself." Savar replied honestly as the pair moved in the direction of sound of running water.

"Just cos I'm the boss doesn't mean your senses arnt keener than mine" she resisted the urge to elbow him in the ribs. They slowed as the sound of water drew closer, predicting some kind of trap, hunter or predator.

"You are the boss for a good reason. Your leadership skills are quite extraordinary." Savar answered as they crept through the underbrush, drawing closer to the water and whatever else lay in wait for them.

Rhenora was silent as they moved through the scrub, thicker now as it was closer to water. She tested the ground with light weight before moving forward, suspecting some kind of trap or deterrent to prevent them reaching the water. They had nothing to carry it with, so could only drink their fill and return or find more at a later time. A bird squarked and flapped away, startling the Captain who was so intent on not being noticed. She swore under her breath and continued.

Savar's eyes were on the opposite side of the stream, searching for any movement. When the bird chirped and took flight, he saw it, a slight rustling of the tall grass. "Captain, we have company."

"Damnit" She whispered, refocusing her attention on their surroundings. She could hear footfalls. Was it friend or foe? She could only assume the rest of the senior staff that had been in the cells with her were also out in this jungle somewhere.

Savar gripped the knife tighter, even though he didn't want to kill, he would to protect the Captain or Aurora. He held a finger to his lips to indicate quiet and to see what came next.

She was instantly silent, even her breathing hushed to the point of imperceptibly. She waited, scimitar ready in her hand in case she needed it. Savar was far more adept so she would let him lead.


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