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Survival of the Fittest Pt2

Posted on Tue Jan 26th, 2021 @ 9:20pm by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Chief Petty Officer Ronson Mitchell & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Lieutenant Dean House & Lieutenant Aurora Vali

Mission: The Jungle
Location: The Jungle

Meanwhile Aurora was still trying to warm up, grateful for Ronson’s help. “You need ... your clothes! You’ll freeze.” She knew if she sat around she would certainly freeze so she slowly started moving around to try and warm up by getting some blood flow going. “Go back to the ... box, try and open it.” She offered a more reassuring smile.

Savar reached out with his mind to Aurora, * Aurora, where are you? The Captain, Lt. House and I are by the river.*

Aurora’s eyes widened as she heard her husband’s voice. << Savar! We ... we’re across the r .. river. We f ... found a b .. box! >>

"Captain, Aurora and another are across the river, they have found a box." Savar told Rhenora before turning his attention back to his wife. *Aurora, stay where you are, I/we will come to you.*

Aurora absentmindedly nodded before looking at Ronson. “We have company coming ... our own people.” She smiled.

Ronson looked up and smiled "Savar?" He asked as he still tried to wedge the box open with a variety of sticks.

"I end to disagree, Commander, as it gives the element of surprise. However, you are my commanding officer, I will regress to your opinion for our course of action." Dean took a breath a moment. "We still should set up a parameter."

*Aurora, open your mind to me. I will come for you.* Savar sent to her telepathically.

Aurora did as she was asked, opening her mind was a little crazy given the jungle and it’s unknown occupants but she had to let Savar find her. << hurry Imzadi >>

Rhenora moved a little further forward towards the sound of the running water, hoping to be able to see more from there. She was still concerned that they may be stalked by some-one or something that didn't have their best interests at heart.

As Savar got closer to the river, with the Captain and House behind him, he was getting a stronger impression to where Aurora was.. He turned back to the Captain, "Aurora is across the river from here."

Rhenora looked across the river, it was around 5 metres wide and flowing swiftly. At least with their hands free they could swim across without too much difficulty. She wondered if Ronson and Aurora had been forced to cross it as well. The water was running cool and clear, she wondered if it were ok to drink, although she understood it most likely should be boiled first.

"Lets try and cross here" She pointed to a straighter section that looked relatively free of debris.

"I will go Captain. You and Lt. House stay here. I will bring Aurora and who ever is with her back, along with the box they have discovered." Savar replied, already moving to the river's edge.

"Are you sure Savar?" Rhenora questioned, not overly happy with the idea of splitting up. Savar was distinctly stronger than she was though and would more easily cross the river.

"Totally Captain. I will swim over and collect Aurora, the box and the other person. This will leave you and Lt. House to act as lookouts should any hunters or beasts appear."

" I trust your judgement and ability" She acquiesced, feeling the water with her hands. " It's cold, don't be in there any longer than you have to be" She fretted, worried for losing him to the Jungle. She didn't think she could survive alone.

"It pleases me that you do Captain." Savar answered calmly. "I shall be in the water no longer than necessary, I assure you Captain" as he walked into the water and was soon swimming towards the other side, with powerful strokes.

Rhenora retreated back to the grassy banks and watched on as Savar easily started swimming across the river. With Lt House by her side they kept watch to make sure nothing was still lurking. Rhenora's gut told her they were still being watched but nothing had approached.

Savar reached the other side without incident, the water was cold but he refused to submit. Failure was not an option. "Aurora?" He called out cautiously, "Aurora?"

Aurora heard her husband’s voice but it was difficult to tell exactly which direction it came from in her freezing state.

Ronson meanwhile was torn between assisting Aurora in keeping warm and busting into the box that had proved quite problematic. He hoped it was food, or weapons, better still both. He looked up as he heard a voice, it was speaking in Federation Standard and had a definitive Vulcan inflection.

Savar moved deeper into the thick underbrush, "Aurora?" He whispered as he continued to move forward in search for his wife and the box she had found

Rhenora watched until Savar had vanished from sight, dropping to her backside on the bank to rest until he returned. She heard a rustle of leaves nearby and an arrow barely missed her head, grazing her cheek as she turned towards the sound.

"Watch out!" She shouted, knowing that their position had been compromised and that she also had to alert Savar of the new problem. Now on the other side of the river he would be unable to assist, leaving the Captain and the new Lt House to fend for themselves.

Savar heard Rhenora's shout of warning and instantly fell to the ground. Unfortunately from his present position he was unable to get a clear look at what was happening with the Captain and House, so he crawled forward hoping to bump into Aurora.

Well that wasn't completely keen. Also considering that he hadn't been able to pick out any tracks of hunters. They were good. That one arrow that missed Rhenora was grabbed up, since now he had seven. The high ground was definitely the best place for him to be. Granted for her also, but she didn't have a ranged weapon. "Stay there, Captain. I'll see if I can get up one of these trees."

The Captain didn't waste any time attempting to find cover, ignoring the sting in her cheek where the arrow had grazed her. Perhaps this was one of the Hunters that Dean had encountered early and won the weapons off. There wasn't much to hide behind, but she scuttled behind a tree trunk, peeking out and trying to work out where the arrow had come from. Whoever it was knew how to remain hidden. She waited a few moments then moved to another tree, scimitar drawn and ready to use it.


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