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Posted on Sun Jan 31st, 2021 @ 1:15am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Chief Petty Officer Ronson Mitchell & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Lieutenant Dean House & Lieutenant Aurora Vali

Mission: The Jungle
Location: Jungle

Meanwhile Ronson was doing what Ronson did best, getting stuff done. He had used the knife to portion off some cooked sections of meat and used some of the large leaves as plates. Ever the gentleman he walked over to the four. "Grubs up campers" he said with a smile.

"Mr. Mitchell, you are an excellent yeoman however you must also see to your needs. Now get yourself something to eat." Savar said, trying to make it sound like an order.

"I have some set aside for myself, I just wanted to serve the rest of you first" he handed out the leaves and meat, then returned a moment later with his own helping. "I apologise for the lack of utensils" he added sagely, watching the group pick at the meal with their fingers.

"I can assure you that it will not be held against you Mr. Mitchell." Savar replied as he pulled his slice of meat apart with his fingers and put a piece in his mouth.

Aurora was enjoying every single morsel chewing each piece as long as she could to savour it and enjoy. “My compliments to the chef!” She grinned at Ronson.

"You can thank Commander Savar, he did the hard yards, I just adjusted the rotisserie"Ronson replied with a smile, offering gracious thanks to the Vulcan who had done the gruesome side of things.

“Indeed” Aurora nodded. “Thank you my dear husband.” She smiled warmly glad to be with Savar whilst stuck in the jungle.

"You are welcome my wife." Glad to have Aurora by his side. "However Mr. Mitchell does himself an injustice. He played a vital role in killing the beast. He distracted it long enough for me to kill it. I could not have done it without him." Savar replied.

"Team effort, I can work with that"Ronson replied around a mouthful of meat. It wasn't the most glamorous of meals but it was heaven to a group of hungry officers who needed to keep their strength up.

The night wore on, the team taking turns to guard the cave against predators. Even Rhenora took a study, propping herself up on a rock for two hours whilst everyone else slept.

The first light of dawn glinted in the sky, turning the blackness into a dark blue. The fire was dying down, the humidity rising with the climbing sun. It was going to be a hot one.

Savar had not slept, he stood at the mouth of the cave, his eyes sweeping the area down the path and into the jungle. He detected no movement, heard no sounds for everything was peaceful. He looked back at where Aurora, the Captain, Ronson and House all slept. He made a promise to himself and his forefathers. He would keep them safe, they would win this game and get back to the ship. He just needed to devise a plan to accomplish it.

The leftovers of the meat lay slowly turning over the fire, drying to a point where it could be eagerly eaten several days in the future. It would provide much needed protein for the weary officers.

Rhenora slept restlessly, unable to find a comfortable position that didn't aggrevate her leg. Giving up on sleep she made her way to the mouth of the cave as sat next to Savar.

"Good morning, got coffee stashed somewhere?" She said by way of a greeting. She truely appreciated his dedication to the team.

He turned as Rhenora came to sit next to him, "Good morning Captain. Unfortunately, I do not however...." He reached into his pocket a pulled out foil pack on the side it said USS Manchester, contents coffee. "This should suffice, we just need to find you a cup."

"10 year old coffee? I'll take it, freeze dried never ages right? She used some of the water in the metal flask and set it by the rocks near the fire to warm up.

"My selection was extremely limited Captain. I will try to do better." He bantered as he watched her prepare her beloved coffee.

"I'll take what I can get" Rhenora smiled as she waited for the canteen to get hot. Any port in a storm. "Did you get any sleep?" She asked as she stirred the freeze dried granules into the hot water.

"I slept for 22 minutes and 46 seconds, while Aurora first fell asleep and got comfortable. What of you Captain? How did you sleep and how is your leg this morning?"

"22 minutes, wow" Rhenora laughed as she sipped the Bree that for most would have been appalling but for Rhenora was like nectar of the gods. " Let's just say it's uncomfortable, to say the least. Could have been worse so I'm grateful"

He raised an eyebrow at her comment. "It is sufficient Captain. I am not suffering any ill effects." He glanced at her bandaged leg. "I am sorry more could not be done. However once we are back on the ship. This will seem like a bad dream."

Dean came back from the farther inside of the cave where he'd been still poking around.

A short time later Aurora was awake as well, and Ronson dishes out breakfast of meat and rations.

"Everyone more or less ok?" Rhenora asked as they sat around the fire with their meals.

"Given the present circumstances. I am more or less okay Captain. What of you Aurora? Are you also more or less okay?" He asked as he pocketed the rations and focused on the meat.

"Thanks, Ronson." Dean sat down to eat, and keep a few of the rations for later.

Aurora offered a smile, “I guess I can’t complain too much, I managed to get some sleep at least.”

As the team finished their breakfast Rhenora considered what the next day would bring them. She looked towards the timer counting down and the Holy Idol icon still floating in the sky somewhere on the distance. They seemed to have made some progress in their first day. She was disappointed that she would be one slowing the team down moving forward though.

"We should get moving" she said as they smothered the fire and packed up anything of use. Grabbing the study stick she had found the day before she used it as a crutch as was ready to move out.

"Agreed." Savar answered. "Aurora, you stay with the Captain. I will take the point. Mr. Mitchell, you follow me and Lt. House you take a position behind the Captain and Aurora.''

Finishes up, Dean stood and moved by the women. "Sounds good to me, Commander." Looking to Rhenora, "As for your question last night. Yes, it hurt like hell. Still kind of does, however, it was a necessity."

"I don't envy you, at least your body heals well. Unlike mine which is trying pretty damned hard to disown me right now" she snorted, naming some rations and filling the now empty canteen with the water from the stream as they passed. For her part Rhenora did her best not to slow the team down. The jungle was thick and unyielding, making progress difficult.

Aurora walked quietly alongside Rhenora glad for the slower pace, being half Vulcan she didn’t mind the heat of the day her body was accustomed to the heat. Although her bandage on her arm wasn’t showing any sign of blood from when she was wounded her arm was still sore so she tried not to hit it on the undergrowth as they walked.

"You OK?" Rhenora asked quietly so only Aurora could hear. She felt terribly responsible that others had been hurt because she was unable to defend herself.

Aurora offered a smile as she looked at Rhenora. “Just sore, to be honest it’s nice to be going at a slower pace. I can sense more people in this jungle but they’re all over and I can’t tell if they’re just our people or a mix of hunters. Plus there’s the wildlife as well.”

"At least you've got some kind of perception" Rhenora said with a small smile. The crutch she was using was cumbersome but she hadn't found anything better. The group paused for a breather, the Captain wiping the sweat from her brow with the tattered hem of her shirt. "What I wouldn't give for a shower right now" she idly commented, noting the damp patches on Ronson's uniform. Dean, Savar and Aurora didn't seem to notice it. Lucky them.

“That’s the plus point of being half Vulcan” Aurora smiled. “Vulcans are accustomed to heat. Not that I’d turn down a shower if I had the chance.”

"Shower, coffee, a good meal, hell a tricorder and medkit would be luxury..I may never look at a bed the same way again" she snorted as they resumed their pace. Her leg ached but she pushed that to the back of her mind, focusing on the task at hand.

"How big do you think this 'game' area is?" Rhenora mused, trying to work out how far they had travelled and how much further they had to go.

“I have absolutely no idea.” Aurora looked to Savar wondering if he’d have a better answer for Rhenora. “Considering we haven’t seen anymore of our crew yet it must be considerably big.”

In the distance Rhenora could see a large cliff wall. They would have to climb up to continue making their was towards the Idol.

"So, anyone like climbing?" She forced enthusiasm into her voice. Sadly sarcasm was the result.

“Looks like we have little choice” Aurora sighed. “I’m grateful for my Vulcan stamina, at least it helps me to keep going. Looks like I’m going to need it.”

" This could get interesting" Rhenora lamented, wondering how the hell she was going to climb when she could barely walk. She chastised herself again for allowing herself to become a burden.

Savar stopped and walked back to where she and Aurora were. "Get on my back Captain. I will take you up the mountain."

Dean was still behind them and paying attention around them, while listening. Coming up to everyone else once they stopped. "I actually was about to offer that."

Savar shook his head, "No, Lieutenant I need you to watch our backs." He looked at Aurora, "Aurora, have Mr. Mitchell take the point and you assist him with your senses."

Aurora nodded and looked towards Ronson, moving upfront with him to take point.

She was torn between accepting the offers and allowing her stubborn pride to dictate terms. "I would like to try myself...just a little" Rhenora retorted, flattered by both the offers of assistance.

"I would advise against that Captain, you do not wish to put any unnecessary pressure on your leg and have the wound reopen." Savar pointed out.

"But I..."she started, not coping with the loss of control and not being the ones call the shots. Her leg was next level ache and had started to weep again, only justifying Savar and Dean's perspective more.

"Damn you Savar." She started before turning her attention to the augment "Lt House I do believe there will be plenty of time for carrying..."

"Yes Captain, undoubtedly I will be. Now please climb onto my back so we may begin this trek."

"Savar, don't make this any harder than it has to be" Rhenora retorted at Savar's ever stoic expression. Did he realised just how hard it was for her.

Dean did, because he was the same way, he understood wanting to do things yourself, even if it wasn't the brightest idea. Which is why he wasn't going to push it like Savar was. "At the least we could take a rest and try to find some strong vines to make ropes to tether each other together as we go up. Sharp rocks that we can slam into the rock face as anchors. Just in case."

"A wise idea"Rhenora resisted the urge to grump as Savar knelt down before her, clambering onto his back and wrapping her arms around his neck."Lt House, look for anything that may assist us"

Aurora looked at Ronson as they started looking for a place to start a climb. “Looks good here” She pointed to a way up. “It’s not fabulous but it’s the best way I can see from here.”

Savar walked slowly but steadily up the mountain. "If you say Giddyup. Captain, I will drop you on your ass." He whispered, trying to keep Rhenora's spirits up by joking.

"Yes, sirs." One to Savar, the other to Rhenora. Dean turned to start looking for things to make up what he said. It shouldn't be that hard to find and make since they were in a jungle. Also he keep a keen eye and ear out as he went along a bit away from the group.

Aurora kept her senses aware as they slowly edged up the mountain. “Be careful up here!” She looked back towards the others. “It’s narrow and there’s some jagged rocks.” She edged on with Ronson falling slightly behind him as the path narrowed. She stumbled catching her side on the rocks, but she kept going not wanting to slow the others down.

Rhenora snorted at the Giddyup comment but said nothing, readjusting her grip so she didn't hinder Savar's movement. Slowly the team edged their way up the cliff.

Their pace was steady as they moved up the mountain. Rhenora's weight was of no hinderance to him. His concern was not causing the Captain's leg any more distress.

“Ronson ... wait!’ Aurora held up her hand to alert those behind her. “I’m sensing something up ahead, I can’t tell if it’s our people or hunters!”

Ronson paused, freezing in his movement until Aurora had more information. His position was somewhat precarious but he managed to stay put.

Aurora looked back at the others motioning that there was someone else around their location. Their position was precarious to say the least, she just hoped if it was hunters they would move on.

They were below the line of the clifftop, meaning they would be hard to see unless they were being looked for specifically. The downside was they were stuck on the side of a cliff waiting for someone or something to move on.


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