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Out of Body an Experience

Posted on Mon Feb 15th, 2021 @ 11:06pm by Chief Petty Officer Remal Kajun & Captain Rhenora Kaylen

Mission: The Jungle
Location: Jungle
Timeline: Current

It was as though she were an outsider looking down on herself. There was a cave, Remal, Ronson and Sarah were all present, and from what she could tell she was on death's door. The others talked in hushed voices, a fire crackled merrily nearby, oblivious to the emotional turmoil going on around it.

Rhenora hovered around the scene for what seemed like an eternity, confusion permeating her being. Was she dead? Remal seemed concerned but not grief stricken so she parked that notion. Sarah and Ronson were working with plants, a knife and some rocks making a variety of different pastes and poultices. That would have been what brought her back from her dreams the previous time.

She experimented with moving around, surprised that there were no limitations on this state of being. She could go anywhere she liked. Leaving the cave she went in search of her comrades, finding Bonnie, Tyroh and Thriss, Anna and Jess, and finally Savar, Aurora and Dean. It seemed they were all making progress in their quest, something that gave the Bajoran hope. They were alive, and they headed toward the one thing that would save their hides and the hides of the entire Liberty crew. Rhenora was proud of them for going on without her, for putting the needs of the crew above their feelings about leaving her behind.

Content that her crew were doing well, she felt drawn back to the cave, a warmth and a light that demanded to be observed. It would take no alternative than her full attention. Curious she followed the light into the cave and saw it was emerging from Remal, was he guiding her home? She didn't want to go back, not yet. Going back meant pain and illness and fear. Here she was weightless, able to go where she pleased and with no corporeal cares such as pain. It was peaceful, blissful even. Just like the stream she and Remal had been sitting by.

Ronson had wandered outside, searching for more plants and doing a general patrol of the area. Everything was quiet so he had by a nearby stream, dangling his feet in the water. He stood a short time later some slug like creatures were attached to his skin, growing fatter by the minute.

"Ugh!" He squealed as he ran back to the cave, hoping the creatures would dislodge during his flight. They remained stuck fast much to his horror. Sarah looked up at the commotion and almost laughed.

"Relax Ronson, they look like leeches'' she laughed at his discomfort. Coming closer she inspected the creatures closely. "Yep leeches, harmless but useful" her voice trailed off as though lost in thought. She tried to remember her ancient medicine classes. Leeches were used for their anticoagulation properties, maggots or fly larvae were used to the debridement of necrotic tissue. All they needed was some fly larvae.

"Ronson, set aside some meat out in the sun and watch for insects. If something resembles a fly, let me know." Sarah instructed and began to take more notice of the flying insects around her. Ronson looked confused.

"Fly larvae eat meat, dead flesh" she started.

Ronson gagged "How does that help us?" He managed looking more than a bit green.

"The Captain's wound is necrotic, the flesh is dead from infection…'' She allowed Ronson to piece together the pieces and was rewarded with the sound of retching from outside of the cave. Poor Ronson. Still he set the bait while he was out there.

Remal looked up from where he sat, next to his ill bride. "Weak stomach on that one." He chuckled. Then he returned to a waiting posture and silently hummed a Bajoran lullaby in the hopes the sound of his voice would be enough to bring her around.



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