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Do No Harm

Posted on Tue Feb 16th, 2021 @ 4:53pm by Chief Petty Officer Remal Kajun & Captain Rhenora Kaylen

Mission: The Jungle
Location: Jungle - Cave
Timeline: Current

Night fell, the temperature drop somewhat compensated by the thermal mass of the cave. Ronson had retrieved more firewood that was now drying by the crackling fire. Dinner of dried meat and rations had been consumed and the team had fallen relatively quiet, each absorbed in their own thoughts. Water was boiled in the canteen and then cooled in the stream for fluids. The Captain lay still, blissfully unaware of her situation. Ronson could tell Sarah was concerned. She hid it well but she was concerned all the same.

"I'm sorry you're in this position" he sat next to her as she worked on the next round of poultice, grinding the roots between two flat rocks to produce a thick paste.

"I feel helpless. If we were back on the Liberty none of this would be an issue. Heck if we had a medkit with basic medication we'd be fine" the young doctor spat, airing her frustration at the Yeoman. Ronson didn't flinch, merely letting the tone wash over him and focusing on the content. "You're doing a damn lot better than the rest of us. At least you have the knowledge" he encouraged, trying to bolster spirits where he could. She nodded sagely, knowing full well the Captain would be dead soon without the treatments she was providing. As it was it would still be touch and go.

Remal sat wiping his wife's brow still, removing the sweat from the fever and replacing it with cool water. All the while he continued to hum a soothing lullaby. He dared to sing out loud knowing the cave they were in would reverb and amplify his voice.

"If you're lost you can look for me, if you're gone, come and find me, time after time." He sang low and slow. "Take my hand and follow me home, to the land where you belong, time after time. For these hands belong together, intertwined until the end of, time after time." He squeezed her hand and continued humming.

During the night Rhenora drifted between unconsciousness and sleeping, the two almost seeming interchangeable. She felt no pain, no discomfort where she was. In her dream she floated outside her body, hovering as though drawn to the light that was her husband. Like an insect to a flame she couldn't resist the temptation of his warmth, hovering, circling, almost desperate to touch him. In her dream she couldn't make contact, she'd go straight through him. She could absorb his light from a close distance however, allowing his warmth to take the edge of the bone chilling cold that still tried to overtake her body.

The remainder of the night was relatively uneventful, they took turns taking watch over the well defendable cave allowing the others to sleep. Sarah took her shift and remained deep in thought, mulling over multiple options of treatment. How she wished for a simple antibiotic hypo. A single shot would do the job. The situation taught her to be grateful for the knowledge she had, and the basic supplies they were working with. Root paste and maggots weren't the usual treatment but she was confident they would do the job. Failure here was not an option. She took a longer shift than necessary, allowing the fire to sooth her jangled nerves. Remal needed the sleep more than she did, once they had redressed the captain's wound in the morning she could grab a few hours sleep. Her gut clenched at the thought. She prayed Kaylen would be unconscious, sparing her the pain.

Dawn broke with the new day, the sky shifting from the darkest midnight blue through the lighter shades until it reached a mid blue. It had rained again overnight, coating everything in moisture and leaving a thick humidity hanging in the air. As the sun rose so did the temperature leaving the air so thick it felt as though you could drink it.

Rhenora shifted with the change of light, stirring as the new rays of sunshine peeked into the cave. She cracked open an eyelid just a sliver to take in the surroundings. Through the fever she was confused about what was a dream and what was actually happening.

"Remal?" Her voice, stronger this time than the previous days’.

His eyes were closed in a light sleep. The moment he heard her voice he sat forward. "I'm here. Try not to move, okay."

Sarah moved over hearing her patient was awake, laying a well practiced hand on Rhenora's forehead. It was still hot but seemed a tad less so. Perhaps it was the restorative effects of sleep, perhaps it was the treatment, or a combination of the two.

"Good morning Captain" the doctor started, smiling at her charge before turning her attention to the matter at hand. "Good to see you awake, I don't think Remal has slept a wink since we found you"

"Hey, I closed my eyes. Can you blame me? I didn't want to miss out on her waking up. And I didn't." He gave a smirk.

"You know better" Rhenora gently admonished him, raising a hand and squeezing his. Her colour had improved slightly during the night. Sarah moved closer to her target, looking carefully at the texture and composition of the poultice before removing it. Such things were designed to draw out infection, that along with the paste she had shoved in the open wound seemed to be making some gains. Problem was, it needed changing.

"So do you want the good news or the bad news" Sarah quipped, stealing herself for what was to come. Both Kaylen and Ronson looked confused.

"Good news is the treatment is working, bad news is we have to change it" The doctor said matter of factly, stepping over to the side of the cave and returning with her prepared paste and poultices. She also brought the knife and beaconed Ronson over. The Yeoman took his position and waited, hands ready. Remal appeared to be conflicted.

He knew what was about to happen. He understood Sarah was about to remove the poultice, dig into the skin, reapply the paste and replace the poultice. He had done this a few times in his life and rarely did it not hurt. He looked back and forth from Sarah to Rhenora, his hand firmly gripping hers.

"Want this?" Sarah offered the hilt of the knife to her CO, giving her something to bite on. "I'm sorry, this is gonna suck" she apologised before shoving the wrapped hilt in Rhenora mouth and getting to work. It took two sets of hands to hold her down as Sarah removed and reapplied the treatments, the sound of a wounded animal stifled by the leather of the knife echoed around the cave until she fell blessedly still and quiet. Wilson worked double time in the reprieve. She stepped back a moment later, hands visibly shaking.

"You did the right thing" Ronson attempted as they all took a moment to breathe.

"Damnit I took an oath to do no harm." Sarah spat, horrified at herself for inflicting such pain.

"And if you didn't, what was the alternative?" Ronson replied, his tone non confrontational but also firm. Sarah couldn't fall apart now.

She nodded in reply, not able to speak but acknowledging his words. He was that guy that you never saw that just got stuff done, the guy that never said anything but when he spoke you sat up and took notice. Pulling herself together she took a deep breath before heading back inside to check on her patient.

"I'm sorry" she said to Remal and to his wife who was still unconscious. Sarah placed two fingers just below the woman's jaw and felt a pulse, slightly stronger than the day before. "She's ok, she'll get through this. It won't be pleasant or pretty, but I think she's turned a corner" the doctor announced. Ronson breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew she was stubborn. He knew she would be fine in the end. Right now however, she was hurting and there was little he could do besides be there for when she woke up. He looked to Sarah, intelligent and diligent. And he looked at Ronson, helpful and responsible. Between the three of them he knew Rhenora would be okay. The unknown factor was what lay outside the cave boundaries, the hunters and the animals. He figured it would not be long before they were found.



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