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Smile! Your on Candid Camera!

Posted on Wed Feb 24th, 2021 @ 10:46pm by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen

Mission: The Jungle
Location: Cave on Unnamed Planet
Timeline: After Ratings JP

Res Slaughter, ran, he ran through the jungle trying to put as much distance between himself and the hunters. He had successfully avoided two patrols but stumbled across a third and now they were after him with a vengeance!

As he weaved and darted he could see smoke in the distance, through a break in the underbrush he saw a cave and the smoke coming out of it. If he could get there he'd be safe. Only problem was he'd have to leave the cover of the jungle but it was worth the risk.

Overhead a drone buzzed, a camera mounted on its underbelly as it followed the new altercation. A short distance to the north another drone also and elt sought out its target, weaving in between the rocks and into the cave where Rhenora, Ronson, Remal and Sarah had holed up.

Res, continued to look at the cave. he didn't hear the hunters but knew that had to be close. Still the cave offered sanctuary. Taking a deep breath, he exploded from the underbrush and out into the open, pumping his legs hard to reach the cave. He heard the startled shouts behind him and felt arrows whizzing past him as he ran. The cave mouth loomed in front of him. He was almost there! When suddenly his back exploded in searing pain. An arrow had found it's mark and was lodged in his back. He stumbled into the cave, saw the Captain and her husband along with Ronson and the ACMO before collapsing at her feet.

Sarah was in motion partially to defend herself and the team against whatever intruder this one, partially to assist him as he collasped with an arrow protruding out his back. A drone buzzed nearby, capturing the moment for the blood thirsty audience.

Rhenora was awake and eating some of the meat Ronson had prepared and watched on, recognising the young crewman. "He's one of ours" She started, trying to remember his name.

"Captain!" Res gasped, "it's me Ensign Slaughter." As Sarah reached him. "Hunters are in the jungle."

Sarah knelt down, assessing his injury as Rhenora scooted herself over to the wounded ensign with the help of Ronson and Remal. She felt the need to comfort him in what could be his final moment.

The drone buzzed, raising Rhenora's temper more than she cared to admit. She hated being a pawn in a game.

"Shhh, let the Doctor take care of you" Rhenora soothed, grasping the wounded ensign's bloodied hand. Ronson moved to the cave entrance with his weapon, standing guard in case the Hunters found them.

Res's hand clasped around Rhen's. His grip was surprisingly strong. "Why Captain? Why are they doing this? We mean them no harm." He gasped.

" We're their entertainment" Rhenora replied sagely, squeezing his hand as though it would provide him strength and comfort. She looked at Sarah who had a pensive expression on her face but said nothing as she assessed his injuries.

Res shook his head weakly. "I don't want to die being someone's entertainment on a nameless planet in the middle of a jungle."

"You're not gonna die, no-one's gonna die" Rhenora encouraged, sounding far more positive than she felt. Sarah was ripping up some material to make a bandage. The arrow would either need to be pushed through, or come out the way it came. Neither option was good.

His eyes searched Rhen's, they were filled with a desperate hope. "It's bad isn't it?" He asked Rhen.

" I'm not gonna lie to you" The Captain started, hoping that this young man would survive this terrible experience."It's not good, but Doctor Wilson will do everything she can for you. We need to you do your bit though, fight it with all your strength"

"I will Captain, I promise you that." Res replied, steeling himself for whatever Dr. Wilson needed to do in treating his wound.

"Anyone nearby?" Sarah called to Ronson who was acting as the lookout since Res mentioned Hunters nearby. The Yeoman's keen eyes scanned the surrounding environment. "Can't see anything" He picked up a large stone and pegged it at the drone - knocking it sideways.

"Is there any water Captain? I sure am thirsty." Res said weakly.

"I can't see anyone around" Ronson advised, returning to his lookout post after dispatching the drone. Remal had fetched the canteen and set it beside his wife, allowing her to care for the crewman and feel useful.

"Here" The Captain said, offering the canteen but carefully controlling the flow of water.

Res sipped the water the Captain was giving him. "Thank you, that's enough." He said after several sips.

Rhenora set the canteen back on the sand, making sure none of the precious liquid was spilt.
"Alright Ensign, we need to take this arrow out. Brace yourself" Sarah announced, setting herself up so she could yank the bolt out in one motion in the direction in which it had entered, hopefully preventing any more damage. "Ready the bandages Captain"

Res didn't answer. he just nodded his head at Dr. Wilson's announcement, bracing himself for whatever was to come.

Sarah took a deep breath and pulled the arrow firmly out of the Ensign's muscle, blocking his scream from her ears. It was too similar to the Captains from the previous day. Poor Aurora was going to get a workout when they all got back to the ship. The Captain had wadded up a bandage and pressed down on the wound as much as she could, staunching the flow of blood.

Res screamed loud and long as Sarah pulled the arrow from his back. "Oh God!" He gasped savagely and then promptly passed out as his senses were overwhelmed by the pain and the smell of blood in his nose.

"Thank the Prophets" Rhenora said she she continued to apply pressure to the wound. They had nothing to seal it with so Sarah packed it with the same poultice she had used on Rhenora's leg to try and starve off any infection. They shifted him back deep in the cave, Sarah and Ronson dragging him to the bed of leaves that the Captain had occupied previously. Rhenora refused to acknowledge the blood stains on the leaves as she made her way over to them, half crawling half hobbling to avoid putting pressure on her leg. It was healing, but it was far from being out of the woods. They maintained a vigil as Res rested, Sarah monitoring him and the Captain pushing a cloth to gently sponge cool water over his brow. It feel good to be assisting.

Res moaned and groaned even screaming out on occasion but never regained consciousness. as his body fought to recover from the grievous wound it had received.

The Captain watched on, continuing her task of wiping the young ensign's brow and providing whatever comfort she could. She feared his injury would kill him, another life on her already too long list of crew deaths whilst on active duty.

"Will he survive?" She asked the young doctor quietly, keeping her voice low so Res didn't stir.

"It's touch and go" Wilson replied, checking the poultice she had applied. So far he wasn't running a fever which was a good sign.

Res's eyes flickered opened wild wand unfocused before locating the Captain and fixating on her. "Cap.... Captain." He said hoarsely.

"Hey there" Rhenora said warmly, pressing a hand onto his shoulder to prevent any notion of movement. "How do you feel?"

Res smiled faintly, "Like I was in a ten round fight with a Klingon. I hurt all over. Last thing I remember was Dr. Wilson saying she needed to take the arrow out of my back. I guess I passed out then." He turned his head slightly to look at Sarah, "Were you able to get the arrow out?"

Wilson held up the arrow, it's shaft broken about a half metre from the tip.

"We got it out, you did well Res" she praised the young ensign. Poor guy had probably never even been off the ship before in his life.

He shook his head weakly, "No. You did good Dr. Wilson. I just had to lie here." Before he closed his eyes again.

"Your part is just beginning, I've packed the wound with a poultice to prevent infection, but we need you to rest as much as possible to give your body the best possible chance" Sarah advised, offering the young man some water.

"Trust me Doc. I don't plan on running any marathons." Res replied with a weak grin. "I'll be happy if I can walk across the cave." He finished as he took a sip of water. "Thanks for the water but that's all I want right now. I'm afraid I'll start leaking if I drink too much."

" I think marathons may be out of the question for a while. However we may need to move on soon - we're not going to be able to stay here much longer without the Hunters finding us. Rest up while you can" Rhenora said with measured tones. She had the gut feel their rest time would be coming to a close soon.

"I'll be ready Captain." Res replied his voice weak but determined. He wouldn't let the others down.

" Good man" Rhenora smlled at the young man, allowing him to rest as much as he could. Something in her gut told her the chess pieces were in motion.

Deep in the rear of the cave a rumbling could be heard, causing a rush of adrenaline to course through the Captain. It appeared their time of rest may be over sooner than she had thought.

Res's eyes got as big as saucers at the sound. "Captain? What was that noise? Are we going to have to make a run for it?" he questioned Rhenora, half afraid of her answer.

" I don't know Res, but we need to move. She motioned for Sarah to assist the young officer whilst she slung an arm around Remal's shoulders. Ronson pulled up the rear and they tried to flee from the cave.



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