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Modern Day Bonnie and Clyde

Posted on Thu Sep 10th, 2020 @ 9:10am by Lieutenant Bonnie "Bon-Bon" Durnell

Mission: Welcome Aboard!
Location: On Route to USS Liberty
Timeline: As the Liberty Disables the Orions

The small ship lifted off the deck smoothly. The smile on Cody’s face was so big it could be felt. As he activated the thrusters the Interceptor gave a small push off and little resistance. Unable to contain his joy any longer he practically blurted out, “Oh, I like this.”

It was enough to make Bonnie smile too. She clearly remembered Debbie and how rough the ride had been, to now experience the opposite side of the coin was a completely different perspective. She likened it back to when she had swore up and down how much she loved vanilla ice cream, but one day her father brought her chocolate. He told her that her mother loved chocolate and so convinced Bonnie to taste it. Now there was no other ice cream she preferred to eat.

They made their way through the doors and beyond the reach of the Starbases control when there seemed to be a collective sigh of relief. “Do you have the coordinates for the Liberty?” Cody asked.

Bonnie tapped her noggin, “Right here. I memorized everything I saw on the map Huntley showed me.” She leaned forward and plugged in the details.

“You don’t have an implant or something I should know about do you?” Cody joked.

Bonnie frowned, “Implants, Borg or otherwise are no joking matter. They may look cool and to some people they may serve a purpose but to the people who have them, many had them forced upon them. It’s sad really.” She looked away with a somber tone. “To think a part of yourself has been ripped away only to be replaced by a piece of mechanical equipment.”

He could see how passionate she was about the subject and so chose to drop it. “Okay, coordinates look good. Engaging warp drive.” He pressed the button and held it like he always had to do with Debbie, but this time the ship shot forward almost instantly. “Wow.” he mouthed, impressed. “Eta, thirty minutes, tops.” He then turned to Remal who so far had taken up a third seat and not said much. His mind preoccupied with something else. “So old man, we haven’t been formally introduced. I’m Cody Devilrall.” He held out his hand in true Human fashion.

Remal, who had been staring out into space, thinking of his last six years alone on Bajor, running a counseling center, blinked back to life. He reached out and shook Cody’s hand. “Remal Kajun. Pleasure to make your acquaintance Mr. Devilrall.”

“Please, Mr. Devilrall is my father. Call me Cody, or like my Papy always did, Clyde.”

Bonnie eyed him with renewed curiosity. “Clyde?” Her stomach turned slightly.

“Yeah, it’s short for my middle name, Clydesdale. My momma’s favorite type of horse apparently.”

Bonnie could now see the irony as plain as the console in front of her. She was Bonnie. He was Clyde. And just like the pair of American Outlaws that rampaged South Central America at the time they too were a strange sort of Yin and Yang fated together by some unknown string puller somewhere. Unfortunately this meant that their pairing could also be fated to end as badly as those who came before. With a frown she looked at Cody’s face in the starlight streaming through the transparent aluminum and simply said aloud, “Tails.” before standing up, bag in hand and walking out of the bridge.

Unsure of what she meant, Cody decided to not follow her, deciding the answer would reveal itself when the time came. Instead, he turned back to his console and decided to strike up a conversation with Remal about ships and lost love, where he primarily talked about Debbie.

Bonnie made her way into one of one of the cleaner looking side rooms, one containing several mirrors no less. Then she carefully unpacked her bag, making careful notations to the folds and unique texture of the uniform she hadn’t worn in a while. She slipped out of her dusty civilian clothing she had worn up until this point and began putting on her uniform. Bottoms first, then tunic on top, then socks boots and finally, pips and combadge. First impressions, she thought to herself.

Once dressed it was time to address the frizzy mess that had become her hair. She spent time brushing and fixing it up, then trying out different styles. The high pony tail was the optimal placement for regulation and provided just the right length and bounce to keep it out of her face. As she was doing it up she even commented to herself, repeating her fathers’ words. “Best face forward.” She then finished by polishing any scuff marks off her boots, as per regulation. When done she took one last hard look in the mirrors, pulled the crusty sock off her back, and left the room.

Minutes later she entered the bridge. “I Come bringing gifts,” she said as she tossed Orion disruptors to each Remal and Cody. “Found these in a locker in the cargo hold. For the record, you do not want to know what else is down there.” Cody’s mouth was gaping, his eyes not focused on the gun. Bonnie moved to sit down but eyed him as he stared. “What? Do I have another sock on me?”

He shook his head, “No, just you look, no, sorry I didn’t mean to stare.” He turned his head back to the screen. Bonnie eyed him strangely for a moment, then refocused on her console and tried hard to think about why he was looking at her that way. She blushed when she finally came to the conclusion that he liked what he had seen. Her thoughts were confirmed when he leaned in and whispered, “Heads.”


Minutes later Cody pressed a few buttons. “I’m reading weapons fire ahead. What do you have on the sensors Mr. Kajun?”

Remal sat forward, “Detecting two ships. One Orion in nature, the other carries a Federation signature. I can’t get a good reading until we get closer.”

“Do we try to communicate with the Liberty? Let them know we’re here?” Cody asked Bonnie.

She shook her head no, “We’re in an Orion ship. We would most likely be fired on by one or the other. Pirates don’t like other pirates claiming their bounty.” She thought briefly then showed concern on her face. “I think it’s time we woke Lucy.”



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