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Welcome Home

Posted on Wed Aug 19th, 2020 @ 11:35pm by Lieutenant Commander Xatoo Kolen

Mission: Welcome Aboard!
Location: USS Liberty


“Doctor Kolen, we’re coming up to the Liberty’s position.” One of the shuttle pilots called from the front of the transport vessel, “I’m afraid we haven’t got time to dock with her due to needing to get back to Vulcan, so you’ll be transporting over shortly.”

Kolen started to gather his belongings together. “Not a problem, Ensign, I understand completely.” He made his way over to the single transporter pad at the centre of the shuttle and awaited further instructions.

The second pilot, an Andorian female, left the cockpit and stepped back into the belly of the shuttle towards the transporter controls. She inputted some coordinates on the panel and smiled at the Trill doctor. “I’ll just liaise with the Liberty’s transporter room to make sure they know about your imminent arrival, sir.”

Kolen laughed, “That would be helpful, Lieutenant. I don’t exactly want a security detail welcoming me onboard with their phasers drawn.”

The woman chuckled and tapped her comm-badge, “Shuttle Mayweather to USS Liberty.”

=/\= We hear you Mayweather =/\= came the quick reply.

“Your new Chief Medical Officer, Dr Xatoo Kolen, will be beaming over to you momentarily. If you could inform your transporter room to expect him?”

=/\= Understood Mayweather, we’ll inform them immediately. Liberty out =/\=

Kolen smiled again at the Andorian, “Tell me Lieutenant, are you permanently posted to Vulcan? Because if a certain Starfleet Physician happened to be passing by sometime, he’d love to take you out for dinner.”

The Andorian feigned surprise. She couldn’t deny that the man was handsome, and certainly confident. “Doctor Kolen! I’m shocked.” She leaned in closer to the man and whispered, “But as long as you don’t take me out for Klingon Gagh, it’s a date!” she leaned back towards the transporter controls quickly and tapped the keys, “Initiating transport!”

Before Kolen could say anything, the bright blue-hued shimmering glow of the transporter enveloped him as it activated. He saw the Andorian Lieutenant fade away, quickly replaced by the transporter room onboard the Liberty.

Once transport was complete, the Caitian Chief Petty Officer at the controls walked towards the physician, “Doctor Kolen? It’s my pleasure to welcome you onboard the USS Liberty, sir.”


Lieutenant Commander Xatoo Kolen
Chief Medical Officer
USS Liberty, NCC-4003-A


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