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Posted on Thu Sep 24th, 2020 @ 6:20am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen

Mission: Welcome Aboard!
Location: Bridge/Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: After Retribution

Savar was still seated in the center seat when Captain Rhenora Kaylen came onto the bridge. Seeing her, he stood and rose from the command seat in one fluid motion. He also waited the fallout from his actions of relieving Captain Kaylen of duty and having her confined to quarters for two days in an attempt to get her to relax and reduce her stress and dependence on coffee.

There was something in Rhenora's eyes, whether it was forgiveness, gratefulness or seriously pissed off-ness one couldn't tell from a cursory look. The look was closely guarded.

" Commander Savar, if you would accompany me to the Ready Room" She said evenly.

Savar gave a brief nod of his head, "Certainly Captain." He replied evenly as he fell into step behind the Captain as they headed for her Ready Room. He stood behind her as she entered first. He was trying to read her eyes but she kept them and her emotions closely guarded.

As she entered she noticed a padd on the desk, neatly placed in the exact centre as though it wanted to be noticed. She kept her expression hidden as she rounded her desk and took a seat, picking up the padd and reading its contents.

Savar remained standing in front of Rhenora's desk. To do anything else would be improper and Savar would never do anything improper. So he stood and waited for the Captain to finish reading the PaDD he had placed on her desk earlier.

"Take a seat Commander, it seems we have some matters to discuss" She started, having finished reading the padd and setting it aside on the clean desk. Wait... where was all the paperwork?

Savar did as the Captain asked. He remained quiet waiting for the Captain to begin the conversation. He noticed the change in her expression when she realized the small mountain of PaDDs was gone. It had been nothing for him to sign off on them as most were simply house keeping items and just required a command team member to sign off on them. Of course that might all change in the next few minutes.

"Thank you, for taking care of business" She started, at a loss as to how address the small herd of elephants in the room. "It means a lot to come back to a clean desk"

"You are welcome Captain. It was a service, I was able to preform. It was not too time consuming." Savar replied and then shut his mouth.

There was a somewhat awkward silence followed by the incessant urge to have a some cup of something to occupy her hands.

"Look, I somewhat get what you were trying to accomplish with what you...did" She started again, feeling ashamed of her own inadequacy to speak her truth.

"Yes Captain." Savar replied politely.

"I understand it was most likely warranted, my behaviour was becoming erratic, and my temper short. For that I'm sorry" Kaylen plundered on, feeling as though she were digging herself a glorious hole that she would need to climb out of at some point in the near future.
"But...I don't entirely agree with your methods"

"There is no need to apologize Captain." Savar answered, " Your erratic behavior was caught and corrected No harm was done."

His eyes met hers. "Indeed. It would be most illogical to believe that you would."

"Did you REALLY have to cut off all the coffee though?" There was almost a whine in her tone before she quickly reined it in.

"I admit that was a miscalculation on my part. I should have limited the amount of coffee you could have rather then stopping it and having you go 'cold turkey'. I apologize for the withdrawal pains you suffered Captain."

" Whatever Dr Wilson had in that hypo sure packed a punch, the headache wasn't the only thing that was gone" Kaylen mused with a wry smile. " Was I really that bad?"

"Your behavior was erratic. You were anxious and you were also highly stressed. The addition of the Orions and your husband did not help any of those symptoms. They instead compounded them" Savar answered.

"So I was that bad. Well in that case someone should give you a medal for taking me out for a few days. I hear a rumour some of the crew after actually scared...I need to rectify that. Dr Wilson and Ronson in particular." Rhenora made some notes on her desktop computer.

"Captain if I may. You are an outstanding starship commander. However like all Captains, you think you are immune to getting tired or sick or falling prey to any of a thousand other illnesses. More importantly having your behavior affected by a drink you enjoy and consume in copious amounts. I and the others were able to help you. You need to reduce your caffeine intake." He paused "Mr. Ronson is in awe of you Captain. He takes the view that he and he alone are responsible for your well being. As for Dr. Wilson, I think just a word of thanks will be sufficient."

"If Ronson thinks he and he alone are responsible for my wellbeing, he needs to have a word to my husband" The words lightened the tone of the discussion. She wasn't used to being told she was good at something, and almost had trouble believing them.

"I will endeavour to get word of thanks to both Ronson and Dr Wilson. And as for you, since you orchestrated the whole event - myself and the crew as general it seems - thanks you. Next time though, leave me at least some coffee? Just a bit?"

"No thanks are necessary. I was simply doing my job by ensuring a highly trained starship commander continued to function at her peak efficiency. As for next time. I doubt there will be a next time Captain as you have seen the harmful effects of too much caffeine. Along with you I will not make the same mistake twice." Savar replied calmly though he was astonished he wasn't facing some sort of punishment.

"We have an accord then, now... coffee? I believe the replicators require a slight reprogramming." she almost salivated at the thought of a freshly brewed up... they still had to talk ways to improve their communication but the base of a good working relationship was well and truely there.

Indeed Captain. I believe coffee is in order." Savar spoke. Then he addressed the computer. "Computer this is Lt. Commander Savar. remove all locks on Captain Kaylen's menu for both entrees and beverages." The computer chirped. "Locks removed." Savar looked to Rhenora, "Captain, you may make your selection."

She looked at him with a curious eye, wondering if there was a catch, a fine print or something hidden that would rear its head at a later time.
" Coffee, white, no sugar" the order was hesitatingly said as she waited for the damned replicator to error out again.

Savar watched as the replicator hesitated only briefly before fulfilling the Captain's request. "Your coffee awaits you Captain. Enjoy."

"Oh I will most definitely." The aroma that permeated the ready room was the best thing she'd smelt in days.
"So are there any futher... restrictions?" She asked with hesitation.

"No Captain, no other restrictions. I believe you can monitor yourself now." Savar answered. "However if you feel you need assistance, you just need to ask."

"Ask, or find yourself relieved of duty, instant dietary restrictions and most likely sedated" She mocked him in good humour, wondering just how much humour Vulcan's actually 'got'.

"Yes. Quite possibly Captain. Perhaps even restrained if need be to drive home the seriousness of taking care of one's self." Savar replied dryly.

"You wouldn't dare" The words were akin to an old fire being rekindled. Was he kidding? No.. Vulcan's didn't kid did they?

"Of course Captain." Savar replied evenly and without any added explanation. Leaving room for Rhenora to wonder.

"Damn you Vulcans and you impassiveness" Rhenora retorted, giving him a mock glare. "Seriously though, thank you for making an effort to righten the derailing freight train. The crew deserve better."

Savar nodded, "An excellent observation Captain. No thanks are necessary I simply took the steps I felt were needed to allow a starship Captain to continue to operate at her maximum level of efficiency."

"I supposed you're gonna make me do some refresher training in hand to hand combat, weapons, and physical fitness now?" She lamented, admitting only to herself and Remal the evening before just how much she'd let her condition slip.

"No Captain just hand to hand combat and physical fitness. You know how to pull a trigger. "Savar replied without missing a beat.

"Well I'm glad I've at least got that going for me" There was a mock sarcasm in her tone that she hadn't quite intended. Her confidence in her own ability had taken a few knocks and she wasn't sure what to do about it.

"Agreed Captain. In addition I will be your hand to hand combat instructor. You did after all want me to teach to the Vulcan nerve pinch." Savar commented.

"I did, not that I'll ever be tall enough to use it effective. Isn't the success rate of non-vulcans with the nerve pinch ridiculously low?" She questioned, reclining in her chair just a little.

"Practically non existent Captain." Savar admitted. "If you do not wish to try. I will understand and we can concentrate on other elements of hand to hand combat."

"Damnit Savar I used to be a great fighter, I've taken two enemy's twice my size and weight without thinking about it. When did I lose that ability? When did I get old and soft?" There was a rhetoric and a vulnerability she wasn't used to in her words.

"I submit Captain that you are neither old nor soft but rather simply out of practice. However if a few classes you will be right back where you were before you were forced to take a desk job." Savar replied softly.

"I'm gonna hold you that" Rhenora replied sternly, half to herself and half to the Vulcan in front of her. She was sure he would accept no less than 110% effort. Somehow she knew she was going to be sore for quite a while when this training kicked off.

"I would expect nothing else Captain." Savar admitted. "I have every confidence you will excel in this training."

"Is there an option otherwise?" She retorted in jest, knowing that Savar was going to be a hard taskmaster. Maybe that's what she needed right now? Refine her skill and her confidence.

"No Captain for you there is not. I don't expect you to settle for merely being adequate. You want to be the best and that is how it should be. You are a Captain for reason, you do not settle for being second best." Savar observed.

"Nothing like a dose of reality to clear the confusion" The Captain quipped " Thank you for everything that you've done, if you'll kind schedule some butt kicking I mean fitness and combat training that would be appreciated."

"Certainly Captain. Once I have a schedule in place I will let you know." Savar promised.

"Thank you Commander, looking forward to it" The Captain replied, knowing she would most likely get her ass kicked from one side of the gym to the other in fairly short order. No time like the present to make improvements.


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