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Ships Business

Posted on Mon Sep 28th, 2020 @ 12:45am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen

Mission: Welcome Aboard!
Location: Ready Room

Captain Kaylen Rhenora sighed, leaving back in the high backed chair of her ready room. Sometimes it sucked being Captain. She’d just had to demote and reassign her First Officer for dereliction of duty during the recent Orion incident. As much as she loved Rain like a sister, the Liberty had to come first. Rhenora needed someone at her side who was 100% committed to the ship, the crew and the Captain.

The coffee sat cooling on the desk as she mulled through her options, reading personnel files as though looking for a needle in a haystack. She wanted someone with the strength of character to stand up to her when she was in error and let her know as much, she also wanted a person who was cool under insurmountable pressure. This person had to be reliable, honest and a stickler for the rules she usually chose to ignore. One person came to mind and as much as she didn’t want to promote him for the reasons she’d just considered - those were indeed the reasons that made him perfect for the job.

“I can’t believe I’m about to do this” She whispered to herself, but knowing it was for the Liberty’s own good - HER own good. She needed to be kept on her toes.

“ Commander Savar - please report to the ready room” She paged the ships counsellor and second officer.

Savar had been in his office when the Captain’s call came through. “I am on my way.” He replied briefly and to the point. Leaving his office he made his way to the Captain’s ready Room. Arriving he pressed the chime and waited.

“Come in” She called, looking at the cold coffee on her desk and deciding now probably wasn’t the opportune time to replace it with a fresh one.

“ Commander Savar, please take a seat” She gestured to the vacant chair on the opposite side of the table and wondered just how the heck she was going to start this particular conversation.

“Thank you Captain.” He replied as he sat down in the chair in front of her desk and waited. Staring back at her.

She faffed about for a minute or two, trying to order her thoughts before speaking. Overthinking was another one of per weaknesses she had struggled to keep in check throughout her career. Might as well just get it out.

“ I thought I should let you know, I have just demoted Commander Lexington from the position of First Officer” She started.

“That falls within your duties as Captain.” Savar replied emotionlessly. “You do not need me to tell you that Captain. I am sure you had a legitimate reason for making such a change.”

“ Dereliction of duty was the main reason, she cited some personal concerns that were impacting her time and ability to perform a high level role. So it was somewhat mutual” “ Rhenora admitted” It did make that particular conversation somewhat less traumatic”

“I see. Commander Lexington is an excellent officer if one goes by her record. I trust your decision will not impact your friendship with the Commander.” Savar commented.

“ I feel she’s gonna be pissed at me for a while - but sadly the ship comes before friendships. We’re here to do a job” Rhenora admitted, hating that she had to demote Rain, but also knowing it had to be done.

“A most logical way to look at things Captain. It is a shame more do not embrace that way of thinking. It would make everything so much easier.”

“ Logic whilst the way of life for some, is harder for others to embrace. We Bajoran’s tend to be an emotional lot” The Captain smiles wryly, fully understanding her own short comings in that area.

“Yes Captain, I have seen Bajoran’s emotions close up. Most intense. It is amazing your race has reached the level of civilization that it has.” Saver quipped.

“ Watch your tongue there Counsellor” Rhenora retorted, partially in good nature, partially not.

“Forgive me Captain.” Savar replied, “I meant no insult.”

“ Hmmmm” Rhenora left the comment hanging for a moment, just because she could.

“ There is another reason I have called you here” She began, regarding him carefully across the table from her “ Apart from saying ‘Thank You for giving me the ass kicking I needed, I have the need to fill the now vacant role of First Officer”

“I believe you are welcome is the correct response Captain and all I did was get an already excellent Captain, to see she is still fit and not old.” Savar commented as he looked back at Rhenora.

“For the record I am old...not ancient but old” Kaylen said sagely, eyeing off the cold coffee and pushing the thought aside - again.

“ I feel that you are the most qualified, and most suitable to be the Liberty’s new First Officer. You keep my ass in check, in more ways than one”

“Thank you Captain. I am honored. However do you feel comfortable with this decision? After all it was I who confined you to quarters and you were none to pleased about that.” He commented.
“ You confronted a situation and dealt with it the best way you saw fit, and you had no hesitation going head to head with me. Something a first officer needs to be comfortable doing. What you do need to work on, is accepting my decision is final - even if you don’t agree with it” Rhenora measured her words carefully.

“A situation you still take issue with.” He commented then grew silent as he considered her words. I respect you Captain as well as your decisions whatever they may be. I will never argue with you in front of the crew and you always have my support. I confess doing what you said will take time for me to adjust to.”

“I will always listen to your views Commander, I don’t have to agree with them but I will always listen. I give you my word” She pledged, knowing that it would take some time to develop a workable dynamic.

“And I give my word to you captain. You will always have my full support and loyalty. I assure you of that.”

“ Thank you Commander. Now as an added bonus, I now promote you to the rank of full Commander, with all the responsibilities and privileges it entails. Please stand” She instructed, stepping around the desk and opening the small velvet lined box in her hands.

Savar stood as directed by Rhenora. He was distinctly surprised by the recent events of the last few minutes but he hid it well. His face was a mask of serene composure as the Captain came to stand in front of him.

The Captain deftly removed the hollow third pip and replaced it with a solid gold one, completing the trio that signified the Vulcan’s new rank.

“ There, better” She said to herself.

“Thank you Captain Kaylen. It is an honor to serve you and this ship.” Savar replied with a hint of pride in his voice.

“ You are welcome Commander, now you better not let me down or I’ll have your Vulcan ass for grass. I can’t promise that I’ll be easy to work with, but that's why I chose you for this role. You have the strength of character required” She explained, forewarning him.

“Thank you for the warning Captain. I will endeavor to live up to the high standards you have set. As for letting you down, never nor this ship and it’s crew. It is an oath I hold in high esteem when I say the honor is to serve.”

Rhenora blushed a little at the sentiment. To have someone so dedicated would be a blessing for the Liberty. She would be a ship run with Vulcan efficiency, but hopefully with a kindness and empathy brought by bajoran emotion.
“Have I said something to embarrass you Captain?” Saver inquired innocently.

“ No not at all” She stammered, recovering her composure “ I just wasn’t quiet expecting such a dedication to the ship and crew” She admitted, her eyes cast down to her boots in mild embarrassment.

“Why should a Vulcan not show dedication to a ship and it’s crew?” He questioned.

"Why should anyone not show dedication to ship and crew. Yet there are still bad apples in the basket. I'm sure you will perform your new duties in the same exemplary manner in which you do everything" the Captain continue, composure once again in place.

“I shall endeavor to try but I see no reason why I will not be able to perform my duties in a highly satisfactory manner Captain.” Savar replied.

“ Splendid, then I forsee no problems with us working together. I prewarn you though - I’ll annoy the heck out of you, I will challenge your logic, and you will find new areas of illogical behaviour that you may need to explore. It won’t be easy but I’m confident you’re the man for the job.” Rhenora gave him one last ‘out’ - “ Speak now or forever hold your peace”

“I look forward to working with you Captain. Perhaps your constant exposure to logic will help to expand your method of thinking in ways you had never dreamed of. As for annoying me, I think not but I may annoy you. I appreciate your confidence in me and I will do my best to live up to that confidence.” Savar replied evenly.

“ Very good then Commander, I will make the appropriate announcements to the crew and advise them of the change in command structure. I fear Commander Lexington may be… touchy… for a few days.” Rhenora admitted, still feeling bad that she had to reprimand her friend.

“Very good Captain and I understand about Commander Lexington. I will give her a few days to come to terms with her new role within the ship as well as the command structure. I hope we are able to have a good working relationship built on mutual trust and respect if not friendship.” Savar answered honestly.

“I see no reason otherwise” The Captain resolved, determined to make things work with the new command structure.

“Excellent Captain. That pleases me.” Savar replied with usual dryness.

“I’m glad to hear it Commander, Dismissed” Rhenora smiled as she stood with her new XO “ And Congratulations Commander”

“Yes Captain and thank you.” Savar replied with a hint of pride in his voice.


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