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Posted on Mon Dec 7th, 2020 @ 1:42am by Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Captain Rhenora Kaylen

Mission: Healing of Minds
Location: Ready Room

Captain Kaylen Rhenora was in her ready room reviewing the latest crew rosters when an incoming communication caught her attention.

" Ops to Captain - you have an incoming communication from Starfleet Command - High priority, for your eyes only"

" Route it through in here" Rhenora replied, mentally stealing herself for what was about to come. It could be a number of things, anything from an urgent recall to duty from shore leave to a declaration of war.

Admiral Mitchell appeared on the screen, his greying hair receeding at the same rate as his hair was turning silver. He had a stern expression on his face - never a good sign.

" Admiral, to what do I owe the pleasure?" The Captain greeted with a forced smile. Mitchell was renowned to be a hard ass.

" We have a problem" Mitchell started without acknowledging her greeting in the slightest " The Cardassian Government have demanded a formal inquiry regarding the actions of your First Officer on Orias III"

Rhenora's blood ran cold, she had feared something like this would happen but had been hoping that the final report she had penned a few weeks ago would avoid the need for such things. Apparently not.

" I see " She replied simply, waiting to hear more detail from the Admiral.

" We will conduct the initial stage of the inquiry virtually - then the final stage if it comes to that can be held at Starbase 25. The Cardassian Government have requested a representative at all hearings." Mitchell continued " And they have requested the date be as soon as possible. They're blaming the Federation for the death of one of their most highly decorated military commanders."

" Very well, I will inform Commander Savar and we will be in contact with you shortly" Captain Kaylen replied with a barely discernable sigh. They were going to try and throw the book at Savar - she couldn't let that happen. The screen went blank, leaving Rhenora alone with her thoughts.

" Commander Savar - please report to my ready room" She kept the emotion out of her voice as much as she could, still disappointed in the lack of backbone by the ADmiralty. It seemed very much they wanted a scapegoat.

Savar was on the bridge when Rhenora's summons came through. Turning command off the bridge over to another officer he got up and walked the short distance to Rhenora's Ready Room where he pushed the chime and awaited entrance.

"Come in" Kaylen called from inside, putting her game face on and schooling any expression from her features despite the churning in her stomach. It made her feel ill that Command wanted a scapegoat for the Cardassians, that they couldn't stand up for their own staff.

Hearing the Captain call out, Savar entered. "You wish to see me Captain?" He inquired as he stood in front of her desk and waited to hear why she had summoned him.

" I do Commander, please take a seat" She started, taking a deep breath to compose her thoughts before speaking again. " The Admiralty have just advised the Cardassian Government are demanding a formal inquiry into the death of Gul Maccet"

Savar took the offered seat. Once settled he inclined his head fractionally in a nod. "Logical, if ill advised." He commented stonily. "It would seem Command places little value on both of our careers and lives."

" I feel as they they are appeasing the Cardassians, but I refuse to let you take the fall for this. Maccet's actions brought this about and I believe that particular detail hasn't aired as much as it probably should have been. The Cardassians want any reason to cease friendly relations" Rhenora sighed, her shoulders visibly slumping in the presence of her XO. She knew he was a safe space and she could share anything with him.

"Undoubtedly you are correct Captain which leads to the next question what is to make the Cardassians listen to what we have to say and present a deaf ear to our arguments?"

"That I have no idea about, they have requested that a representative be present so I can only assume they will have their own input. I just have a very bad idea that Starfleet are going to try and make us scapegoats to salvage the treaty with the Cardassians. We can't afford to go back to war with them, neither can they to be honest" Rhenora was frustrated at the injustice of it all.

Savar sat impassively as Rhenora explained the situation and what they were facing. "Captain there is no reason for you to risk your career. The Cardassians want my blood and I am not in an obliging mood." he paused and looked at her then spoke again. "I wonder if you or i had been killed if Command would press the Cardassians or just accept the fact."

The Bajoran rubbed the ridged bridge of her nose as she considered the concept " They are so desperate to maintain the treaty I think they'd do anything, including railroad us to get it" She admitted. " The only thing we can do is put up a damned good defense and highly Maccet's actions in the leadup. We need to turn it around so it reflects as an attack against us - which it was, that lead to his death"

"Illogical on their part." Savar noted but didn't pursue the matter. "Clearly the Cardassian High Command is not or did not listen to member of Maccet's crew who promised you that they would report the truth of his actions We will need the Chief medical officer's report as well."."

" I have a bad feeling that Maccet's crew may have been covering their collective backsides and blaming us for the actions of their Gul" Rhenora admitted, the whole thing making her head hurt. The fact relations were currently strained between the two governments didn't make things any easier to deal with. " We'll need Anna and Sarah's reports, as well as everyone on the away team to be available, plus yourself and myself obviously. " She continued.

"Of course Captain that is to be expected. What of Aurora? I wish to spare her from this as much as possible." Savar explained. "I am concerned she will become overly emotional at the hearing."

" She was there, she was a witness, we will need her account despite your connection." Rhenora replied, fully understanding why Savar wanted to spare her from the event.

"Indeed she was but I do not know how much her testimony will help my case. She was not totally coherent due to the assault on her Betazoid abilities." Savar reflected.

"I understand your want to protect her, hopefully she won't be called up to testify, but I can't guarantee it" The Captain explained, wishing she too could protect her people from the onslaught of an inquiry. "Hopefully yourself and myself will take the brunt of it. If we walk out with our career's intact it will be a minor miracle I fear. I'm so sorry Savar, I was hoping the final report would be the end of it"

"Captain, I have no desire or want to see you throw your career away. Command wants me for my killing of Maccet. Furthermore you have no reason to be sorry. You have gone above and beyond in trying to put and end to this. Command however feels otherwise." Savar replied evenly.

"I've thrown my career away for less Savar. You deserve a good representation, not to mention this whole mess came about because Maccet had a grudge against me" Rhenora admitted, leaning back in her chair and regarding her XO. "We make a damned good team Savar, I'm not going to let them ruin it"

"Captain, I find you to be an excellent starship commander as well as a trusted friend. I sincerely hope we can keep both relationships going forward... no matter where we serve." Savar added completely deadpan.

"As do I Savar" Rhenora sighed, hoping that that would indeed be the case." We have a day or so to prepare before the first inquiry is held. We can utilise the holodeck to facilitate the meeting"

"Yes Captain. The holodeck will be most useful in this situation." Savar agreed. "Though we do not have much time to prepare a case."

" We do not, I'll assign you special leave to prepare, please use any resources you need to. We need to work as a united team, I feel that will be the only way we will get through this" The Captain affirmed, making some notes on her computer. " As soon as I hear some further details I will let you know. Hopefully we can show the Cardassian Government and Starfleet Command that we wont become their scapegoat"

"Of course Captain. That we work together is a given. Our fates are after all intertwined." Savar observed. "In addition Starfleet Command as well as the Cardassian Government have chosen the wrong pair to try to turn into scapegoats."

" I like your attitude Commander. Let's get to work so we can put up the best fight we can." Rhenora smiled at the conviction and logic in Savar's voice.

"Thank you Captain. It is as you said. We make a good team as the Cardassians and Starfleet Command will find out." Savar answered .



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