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Inquiry Preperation

Posted on Fri Dec 11th, 2020 @ 9:37pm by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen

Mission: Healing of Minds
Location: Ready Room

Captain Kaylen Rhenora approached the holodeck she had requisitioned for the duration of the Inquiry and keyed in her access code. It would be restricted access until the end of the proceedings - to ensure the correct process and security measure were followed at all times.

The grid was soon replaced by a large meeting room, two seperate groups of tables were down either side, with a third panel at the head of the room. The room was vacant of people for now - but over the next day or so it would be bustling with admirals, cardassians and whoever else ended up in there.

She took a breath, hating this kind of room - it never had ended well for her in the past.

Savar found her, he had been gathering reports from various members of the away team as well as compiling his own report. "Captain." He greeted her. "I have been thinking, how do we go about showing Maccet had a grudge against you for years?"

Rhenora pulled out the nearest chair and settled into it - opening her own padd to review some of the information.

" That I believe is going to be the hard part. I can prove that we had an altercation 7 years ago where we foiled his attempt to overthrow a planet in a similar situation - however the grudge itself would just heresay only. "She appeared to be struggling with the injustice yet putting up a front.

"Not necessarily Captain. I heard Maccet threaten you , give his reasons for his hatred of you and that he was going to kill you. My memories may be able to used as evidence." Savar finished , waiting for Rhenora's reaction.

"You recall him saying that? Despite the blood fever?" She asked, eyebrows raised a little. " It would be our word against his though wouldn't it?"

"I do." Savar replied calmly. "The blood fever affected me physically and emotionally. It does not affect my memories." He nodded at her statement. "Yes. However it would also create the possibility that Maccet did have a grudge against you."

" It would indeed, I have the reports from our previous encounter as well. It appears that the Cardassian Government have also tabled their glowing reports of Maccet's tactical prowess and cunning. This could work in our favour if we can prove he came to Orias III with an agenda." Rhenora mused, flicking through the glowing dossier of the deceased Gul. " There is also the pathogen that mysteriously got on board the same time as the Cardassian delegation boarded"

"Excellent Captain. I believe we can show that. He said in would give us 24 hours to search for the inhabitants with no interference from him. Yet, that was not so. He had his men waiting for us. Took us as hostages to lure you to the planet's surface with the sole intent to kill you." Savar added.

"This is true and we have hard evidence of this. " Rhenora's spirits lifted a little. She had a gut feel that anything not 'hard evidence' was going to be dismissed as hear-say. She had yet to see the Admirals that would be assigned to the inquiry and was almost dreading finding out.

"Indeed we do Captain." Savar agreed. "The board of Inquiry cannot deny this." He stated. "We will show Maccet had an ulterior motive and was to kill you. Nothing else mattered."

"How do we prove that your blood fever didn't ultimately lead to his death though?" The words were quiet, almost hesitantly spoken as though she were afraid to hear the answer.

"If it was my blood fever, he would have been dead the moment he struck you Captain. I only reacted as I did when he began strangling you." Savar pointed out.

"Aurora would be able to verify that wouldn't she?" Rhenora questioned, knowing that Savar was trying to leave Aurora out of things entirely.

Savar hesitated a fraction of a heartbeat before replying. "Yes, she could." He finally replied.

" I know you don't want to get her involved, but I think she needs to be. She's the verification of your mental capacity during that time" The Captain explained carefully, "The medical records will show the physiological side, Aurora will be able to explain the psychological"

"Correct. I do not. I fear the stress and the emotional turmoil of the hearing will be too much for her." Savar replied.

Rhenora took a deep breath - knowing when to push through resistance and when not to. She tapped her padd and brought up the sensor readings from when the away team beamed down to the planet.

" These are the sensor scans we conducted when you beamed down to the planet, I wonder if there's a trace of the Cardassian team's transporter that we may have missed?" She mused.

Savar looked at the scans. "We should be able to find evidence of their transporter signature Captain. The Cardassian transporter operates on a different energy pattern than a Federation transporter. So if we mask out the Federation signature we will be left with the Cardassians."

" Agreed" Rhenora transferred the data from her padd to a large viewscreen nearby, entering a number of search parametres in order to define the search. She rose and strode towards it as if her mere presence would facilitate a more favourable outcome.

Savar studied the screen for several seconds before speaking. "There Captain, the right edge and again along the side of picture, near the cave's mouth. Elements of a Cardassian transporter." Savar pointed out.

" Well spotted Commander" Rhenora applauded "Computer save sequences just before and just after this timeframe and assign to inquiry evidence under Sensor Data" She instructed the computer, and was rewarded with a bleep of completion.

" Computer, replay audio recording of the formal dinner in the Conference Room the evening before" She started fishing for the second piece of evidence they could use.

"Thank you Captain. "Savar replied. "You are looking what here Captain?"

" Spoken evidence with a time stamp" She started, setting the recording on fast forward until she thought the approximate time was near " Gul Maccet saying we had 24 hours with no interference, combine that with the transporter trace we've already found and we can provide he had intent to deceive."

"Yes. very good Captain. Your logic is flawless." Savar commented.

"High praise from a Vulcan - thank you Savar" The Captain replied with a smile " Is there anything else you can think of that we could use as hard evidence? I would love to use the pathogen but nothing was picked up by the biosensors so we have no proof"

"That is incorrect Captain. The biosensors showed no pathogen before the Cardassians boarded but one was present after they left so ergo, it must have come aboard with them. We can not prove Maccet brought it aboard but we can show the Cardassians did." Savar answered.

"Indeed" She echoed his manorism, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. " I'll need Dr Wilson's reports into the pathogen and its origins to be included." She continued, still trying to find the sound bite in the audio file.

"There Captain. I believe that is what you are looking for." Savar spoke, his eyes still on the viewscreen.

" Well done Savar" Rhenora looked at the viewscreen and captured the few moments before and after then saving it into the appropriate file.

"Thank you Captain, you are most kind." Savar replied

" You're welcome" She returned the acknolwedgment, compiling all the data they'd discovered into an encrypted file for later use. She felt they'd done some positive work in building their case with solid evidence and hoped it would flow through the inquiry in the same vein.

" I think that's enough for now - if you can think of anything else - let me know and we can go through it" She said with a positive note in her voice.

"Understood Captain." Savar answered simply.

" Let take a break and resume tomorrow, we have a day or so before the inquiry begins" Rhenora rose and stretched, listening to the pops and creaks from her spine.

"You should rest Captain." Savar answered. "If you have no objections, I will continue to see what else we can use for the inquiry."

"No objections here" Rhenora yawned, the long day catching up with her. It had been a very early start with disturbed dreams that lead to an early breakfast. As the day went on her energy waned. "Let me know if you find anything"

"Of course Captain." Savar answered while studying the viewscreen.

The captain nodded and headed out of the holodeck, hoping that the night would provide more rest than the one previous.


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