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The Hard Work Begins

Posted on Thu Dec 10th, 2020 @ 8:30pm by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Lieutenant Anna S. Thesia M.D. & Lieutenant Aurora Vali

Mission: Healing of Minds
Location: Various


Aurora awoke refreshed and feeling better, her head still had a bit of a left over buzz from her experience but she felt more like herself. She quickly slipped out of bed grabbing her dressing gown as she remembered that Rhenora has asked her something.

“Savar?” She walked into the living area finding breakfast waiting for her.

Savar looked up from the PADD he was reading. "Yes Aurora? What can I do for you?"

“I forgot last night the Captain asked me to ask you for your help, we have another victim of telepathic attack. Anna is sending for a Vulcan healer but she needs your help in the meantime.” She took a seat and helped herself to breakfast.

Savar looked at his wife. "I see. Just what does the captain want? I am not a healer Aurora."

“I know that” She looked at him. “Perhaps she thinks you can help like you did for me. I sensed you in my mind. I guess all we can do is find out, it’s my job to help the crewman anyway.”

"I will endeavor to help though I make no promises." Savar replied. "Perhaps I can glean who attacked the victim."

Aurora nodded. “If not from him then perhaps from me. But I think we need to be in Sickbay for that.”

~ Sometime later ~

Walking into Sickbay Aurora nodded to Anna. “Good morning Anna.”

Anna's tired eyes looked up from her screen. "Uh, is it morning already?" She stared at her Tea-Rex, which was a tea pot in the shape of a tyrannosaur, and which was almost empty. "I suppose I might need some coffee for a change." She stood and walked to the replicator. "Would you like something as well?"

Aurora offered a smile. “No thank you, my head is still buzzing.” We came to see if we can help our victim. How is he this morning?”

"I've put him in stasis", Anna said. "I'm out of my depth with this case, and this seemed the safest option, until I've heard from the experts on Vulcan whom I've sent his neuroscan results."

Aurora nodded. “Hopefully they’ll be able to help.” She looked at Savar. “I guess that just leaves me for your idea.” She looked at Anna. “Savar thought maybe he might be able to get an idea from our victim, who the attacker was.”

Anna nodded. "It's a good idea to come here and let me monitor your brain activity." She had no idea whether it would do any good what they were planning, but she figured it couldn't hurt to try.

“I’m willing if you want to try.” Aurora looked at Savar. “We are already linked that may help you.”

"I will do what I can to identify the attacker of you and the crewman." Savar replied matter of factly.

Aurora nodded and moved to a nearby biobed to sit down where Anna could monitor them both. “You know I trust you, but just be careful. I’m still a little on edge and I don’t want to accidentally hurt you.”

"Your concern is noted Aurora. However you will not hurt me." Savar assured her as he pulled up a stool and sat across from her.

“I certainly hope not” Aurora offered a smile. “I’m ready for this when you are. Let’s get it over with.”

"How can I signal you that you need to interrupt what you're doing in case my neural scans indicate danger?" Anna asked Savar. "I'm sorry, I'm really not comfortable taking charge of anything telepathic, on account of my inexperience with the subject."

Aurora looked at her husband, that was a good question and one she wasn’t sure how to answer.

"I will monitor the link" Dr T'Pora announced as he entered sickbay, his authority like a shroud around him.

Savar looked at the newcomer. "Doctor. I can monitor my own mental status. It would be best if you monitored the crewmen's mental status. I fear he may be mind swiped."

“Perhaps it would help if the Doctor monitored me” Aurora offered trying to provide mid ground between the two Vulcans. “If anything happens to me you’ll be trapped in my mind with me, I’d rather have a safety net. Just in case” she offered Savar a concerned gaze. “I love you, I don’t want to risk hurting you,”

"You think me incapable of monitoring you Aurora?" Savar questioned. Though his tone never changed he was insulted by the suggestion. "Fine. Let the Doctor monitor you."

T'Pora - who still hadn't introduced himself regarded the small group with an expression that was almost indiscernible. It seemed most illogical that he - the director of the Vulcan Health Institute - was being sent to this ship because two individuals had their minds invaded. He didn't see the logic in his temporary assignment but would do as he was assigned.

"A most logical decision." He said simply as he turned the monitor towards him and deftly configured it to his liking.

Aurora had sensed that she’d insulted Savar, “That’s not what I meant, I’m sorry” her smile all but disappeared. “Let’s get this over with.”

T'Pora waited, saying nothing until the others were ready. He had received and analysed the reports sent to him by the Liberty's CMO - who he assumed was the woman sitting next to him at the bank of monitors. Her current theories and care plan were acceptable and would require his expertise. Mind melds for healing were amongst his numerous skills.

"I'm assuming you're T'Pora, the top notch Vulcan healer I was promised would arrive last night and take over where my expertise ends?" Anna asked, addressing the newcomer who was giving everyone the silent treatment. "I'm Anna S. Thesia, the CMO, and very grateful for your assistance."

"Indeed" T'Pora said simply "Your Captain requested the assistance of an experienced healer." He said by way of an explanation. "I see you have placed the second victim into stasis."

Anna nodded. "Not knowing what else to do, I fell back on 'first, do no harm'", she explained.

"Logical" He said simply, then regarded Aurora with a look " I can assume that this is the first victim?" He asked, a note of arrogance only a Vulcan could pull off safely in his voice.

Anna nodded. "Aurora Vali, our counsellor. Which, of course, complicates things. And this is Savar, our first officer and the man whose telepathic first aid prevented worse."

"The neurological scans you have provided were adequate, I do not believe there will any lasting damage in this case. The second victim however will need remedial neurological care that exceeds the capability of your medicines" T'Pora advised without any hint of emotion. "As he is in stasis we will complete this meld, and move on to him."

"I'm happy to let you take the lead here", Anna said. "I'd be even happier if you could explain what you're doing, so I might learn something."

T'Pora arched an eyebrow as only a Vulcan can and said nothing. Nodding to the two before him.

"Begin, I will monitor your brain waves and neurological patterns and will break the connection if necessary" He said simply.

Anna watched from the sidelines, not happy with not receiving an explanation, but not in a position to demand one without slowing down proceedings, and doing her patients a disservice.

Savar had made all the necessary mental connections and began to proceed slowly through Aurora's mind. he was looking for anything out of the ordinary no matter how small.

Aurora relaxed her mental defences allowing Savar through her thoughts.

T'Pora watched as the meld was established and progressed, seeing no reason to interfere unless it was necessary.
" The meld is progressing well, the brain waves are aligned with no anomalies. I have set the abnormal parameters here and here"

Aurora flinched as Savar reached deeper into her memories of what happened at the market, a sudden confusion crept in as to how she’d know whether what she was seeing and feeling was simply Savar or part of her own fears.

Savar moved slowly through Aurora's mind. He felt her anxiety. * Do not worry Aurora. All is as it should be.* He sent her as he reached the crucial period in her memory. Her time at the market place. Now he was extra vigilant as he looked for any sign her attacker may have left.

Aurora took a relaxing breath and tried to focus as the images changed to her memories of what had happened and what she’d seen in her mind at the time. She had an instinct her attacker was male, there had to be a reason for it maybe something she hadn’t noticed then that Savar may notice now.

Savar shifted through Aurora's memories, then he caught it, a faint whiff of a man's cologne. If memory served it was called 'Andorian Ice'. So Aurora's assailant had to be close at least within visual range.

Aurora tried to focus in to follow Savar’s trail but her readings started to spike as another more severe nosebleed began. *Savar ... I can’t ...*

*Steady Aurora., Breathe deeply, try to relax.* Savar said as he began withdrawing from her mind as he did, he caught a glimpse of the Stone of Gol which he thought was in the hands of Vulcan authorities.

T'Pora watched with an impassive face - the nosebleed was a sign of stress on the brain but was a common side effect or an intense meld. He continued to watch the brainwaves as the meld continued, letting Anna deal with the blood.

As Savar withdrew from her mind, Aurora collapsed onto the biobed completely unconscious. The stress of the first incursion into her mind combined with reliving what had happened had culminated in total mental shutdown.

T'Pora was in action before Aurora hit the bed, his long fingers gently touching the counsellors face and gauging her condition. He closed his eyes for a few moments, concentrating before speaking.

"She will return to a normal condition shortly, I believe this is a side effect of too much neural stress. I can repair the damage and provide some relief from the discomfort" He intoned, his voice completely emotionless as though he were discussing a dull day rather than someone's health.

Anna nodded. She moved away again now that the nose bleed was stopped, and did her best not to get in the way. She wasn't an active telepath herself, but she avoided touching anyone with skin-to-skin contact to not complicate matters further. Considering that treating injuries often required touch, and that she wasn't usually bothered by it, this felt doubly weird to her.

T'Pora closed his eyes again, bringing both hands to Aurora's face, he uttered some words indiscernible to those nearby - a Vulcan chant for healing. He remained motionless for some time, searching, healing the mind of another.

In the meantime, Anna scanned Savar's head. "Can you hear me, Savar?" she asked.

"Yes Doctor, quite clearly." Savar answered the CMO. "I have information on Aurora's assailant."

T'Pora's hand released, his eyes opening and his complexion appearing quite drained. "She will recover fully" He said simply, stepping away from the biobed slightly.

"You're clear to return to the bridge, and put that information to good use", Anna said to Savar. "We'll make sure Aurora is comfortable." She smiled at him.

Savar nodded, "Very well Doctor. I know you will make sure Aurora is resting comfortable. If you need me, I will be on the bridge."

Turning to T'Pora, Anna said, "Join me for some tea? That must have been exhausting."

"It was more complex than I had anticipated" He admitted, gratefully accepting the offer of tea. They still had the small matter of the crewman in stasis to address


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