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Posted on Thu Dec 24th, 2020 @ 2:26am by Lieutenant Anna S. Thesia M.D. & Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Lieutenant JG Sarah Wilson

Mission: Healing of Minds
Location: Sickbay / Brig

Anna beamed back aboard, together with a number of unconscious people. Only once she had materialised did she take off her respirator. "Hello!" she called. "I brought customers!"

Sarah looked up from her research to a suddenly full sickbay "Whoa, you certainly did. With gas... not that gas, but gas." She snorted at her own lame joke, setting her padd down and picking up a medical tricorder. "Anything we need to know before we start?"

"I don't think any of them is in any danger", Anna said. "I've taken quick scans, no damage from falling. They had enough time to go down softly before they became unconscious." This was, after all, part of the reason why she had suggested anaesthezine. "But we have not figured out yet who his victim was this time."

"Some poor bugger is probably walking around with a scrambled brain, or it could be one of the people here - we just don't know." Sarah admitted, scanning the patient closest to her. Brain waves were normal. "Should we bring them around here or do you want to do that in the brig?" She asked, hypo in hand.

"Here is fine", Anna said. "If they've done nothing wrong, we shouldn't even be putting them in the brig to begin with." She figured the easiest way to find that out was to look into the perpetrator's mind, now parted from his toy, to see if he had any accomplices.

"Perhaps I can assist" T'Pora moved closer from where he too was working to assess the condition of those brought up from the surface. "A simple meld whilst unconscious would be non-traumatic and enlightening as to any malice."

"Can you do that, without getting their consent first?" Anna wondered. She was no legal expert, but it sounded weird to her.

"Nothing beyond the mental equivalent of looking someone in the eye and gauging their intent. It would be a cursory glance per se" T'Pora said with utmost logical "however, we may follow a more conventional approach if you so wish. This is your facility and your procedures."

"And these are your people. Go ahead", Anna said. "I was just surprised, that's all. I'm sure that what you intend to do is the best course of action."

T'Pora nodded, stepping between the biobeds and unconscious people, he lightly touched minds with each of them before moving to the next. Satisfied that there was no malice he reached the last patient and reported his findings.

"I am satisfied no-one here has any ill intent or malice, they should be free to go when they are well enough to do so."

Anna nodded. She made a quick note on a PADD and sent that information to both the command team and the security chief, and was confident she'd hear from the skipper soon about her decision whether to release them and send them back down to Vulcan. "I hope they won't consider our approach to be illogical", she said. She'd have said something about them being annoyed normally, but these were Vulcans she was talking about, after all.

Captain Kaylen reviewed the data that sickbay had sent through, along with the recommendation that everyone there was able to be released. The Captain was in two minds though, the prime suspect was in the brig, awaiting questioning. Did he have an accomplice though? They had the details of all the people in sickbay so they could be questioned further if need be.

"Bridge to sickbay, you're good to release everyone as soon as they are well enough and have their details recorded." She called through the com system.

"Thank you, skipper", Anna responded, turning to her staff. "Well, get cracking. Measure how much gas everyone inhaled, then give them the right dose of antidote. These people have lives to get back to."

"On it" Wilson responded, tricorder in one hand and hypo in the other. All the victims of the gas were Vulcan and thus took the explanation offered as 'logical'. Sarah wondered if there had been one final victim of the Stone, or if they had prevented any real damage before the perpetrator had a chance to get going.

But none of them came forward reporting any unusual telepathic impact, and as such Anna tapped her combadge again. "Sickbay to bridge. None of our patients here report having been violated telepathically. We might have to announce this on Vulcan, so anyone affected but know knowing what has hit them can come and ask for treatment, or at the very least, is no longer foncused." She switched the sounds of the syllables around on purpose, to put emphasis on how annoying it was to not know what was going on in one's own mind.

"I'll contact the Vulcan authorities and let them know, great work team" the Captain signed off, then redirecting her attention to informing the Vulcan government of what was going on.

A security detail arrived in sickbay, ready to escort those that were ready to the transporter room to beam back to the planet.


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