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Surrounded by Danger

Posted on Fri Jan 22nd, 2021 @ 8:59pm by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen

Mission: The Jungle
Location: Jungle
Timeline: Current

After being beamed out of the compound and the smug looking Captain Haldeman, Savar found himself in a small clearing. It was surrounded by thick underbrush of the jungle/forest. His hands were still bound behind him when another flash alerted him, Turning he saw Captain Kaylen standing in the mist of the clearing. "Captain." He greeted her, " I had thought someone else would join me, I am pleased it is you."

" I'm glad we're not on our own that's for sure. Strength in numbers and all that" Rhenora looked around with a calculating gaze, watching, learning, exploring their new surroundings. The timekeeper could be seen through the canopy of the trees however she had no idea what the numbers meant. The end game was to take the 'holy idol' but who knew who and where that was.

Savar was about to reply but Haldeman's face replaced the countdown clock. "Attention contestants. This is what you are searching for." As a picture of what looked liked a Gryphon appeared on the screen. "Find it and reach the finish line before the clock reaches zero and you win the game. In case your wondering where the finish line is...follow the beacon." At that moment a powerful light lit the sky. "Now, I'll be watching you, the whole planet will be. So get moving, time's a wasting."

"The more I hear his voice the more I wonder where the Haldeman I knew has gone" Rhenora grumbled as she took note of the beacon. It was several kilometres away but she couldn't see the nature of the terrain between their location and it from her location. The other issue was the rest of the crew - she could only assume they were scattered in this jungle the same as they were. Without a communicator she had no way of knowing.

"I cannot say Captain, not knowing Captain Haldeman before now. However if I was to hazard a guess, I would say that Captain Haldeman is under and suffering from extreme stress. He is loyal to his crew and keeping them alive and tormented by the fact he forcing another crew to go through what he went through and possibly killing them. Not that I condone his actions, merely trying to ascertain a reason for them." Savar replied.

" Guilt does have a place, and he damned well should feel guilty about putting us in this situation. It's selfish and it's wrong" Rhenora pulled up her self righteous rant shortly after it had begun. "Not that any of that matters now" Her words were cut off by the howling of an animal nearby.

"Undoubtedly it does Captain and I agree on both your points. However I believe we should move from this location with all haste and find this idol along with putting an end to this game." Savar stated.

"Agreed" Rhenora said simply then dropped to her backside on the jungle floor, trying to wrestle her bound hands to be in front. Fighting off wild animals with your hands tied behind your back was never going to end well.

The howling grew closer. "Captain!" Savar hissed, "We can work on freeing ourselves later. First, we must move with all haste before whatever is howling arrives here."

"Damnit why do you always have to be right?" She grumbled as she hoisted herself to her feet and took off at a good clip after Savar. The movement was slower and more awkward than her usual relaxed running style, unable to use her arms meant she relied more on her torso for balance and was unable to stop branches and leaves from smacking her in the face.

As he ran, Savar too was smacked and scratched on the face and upper arms. He was stoic in his silence as he ran, trying to keep a steady pace through unknown terrain as well as not out distance Rhenora. They were in this together and had to depend on each other. it helped that they knew each other so well.

After a short while the animal noises seemed to stop, Rhenora slowing her pace and listening intently for a few moments. She could hear nothing other than her increased breathing.

"I think we might be ok" She said quietly, taking a few moments to catch her breath.

Savar came to stop. "Agreed." He answered as he turned to face her. His face was scratched and bleeding as were his arms from the branches they had encountered on their dash through the wildness. He listened for several seconds "We are not being pursued." He announced

" Thank goodness" Rhenora focussed on regaining her breath before trying to work her hands in front of her as she been trying to previously. If she could, she would be able to hopefully free Savar and in turn herself. At the very least it would take the fronds away from their faces as they moved.

While Rhenora worked on trying to get her hands in front of her, Savar surveyed the area, There was dense underbrush that undoubtedly hid the traps mentioned by Haldeman. They would have to be very careful as they pursued their quest of the holy idol.

It took a few minutes, but the Captain managed to get her hands in front. It took almost dislocating her shoulders and contorting her midsection but she managed it.
"Hold still" She turned her attention to Savar's bonds, trying to unravel the restraints with her hands. She succeeded only in bloodying her fingers in the attempt, the knots simply would not budge.

"I'm sorry Savar - I can't undo these."

"You have nothing to apologize for Captain. I am gratified you were able to get your hands in front of you. Please do not injure yourself further in attempting to undo my binds. Perhaps I can attempt to do what you did to get my hands in front of me as well. It would certainly make running easier." He noted.

" It would be worth the attempt" Rhenora agreed, wondering if Savar would be able to compress his taller frame and wriggle through the same way she had. She kept her senses tuned in case anything else began stalking them.

"Indeed it would." He agreed and tried to imitate the method the Captain had used but try as he might he could not compress himself enough to slip his hands in front of him. After several attempts he stopped. "I am unable to match your feat Captain." Frustration clear in his voice.

" Let me go in front then, at least I can use my hands to push the foliage out of the way" She started moving again, measuring her pace and taking care to move anything that would injure them out of the way. It was slow going but they were making some progress.

"A logical approach Captain." Savar agreed as the pair again resumed their trek for the idol as well as looking for anything they could use to enhance their chances of success.

They continued this way for some time, keeping their eyes open for anything they could use to assist them, or for predators. Nearby the sound of growling could be heard.

"I do not believe that the animal has our scent Captain." Savar remarked as the pair moved slowly but steadily through the underbrush.

" Then I suggest we try and keep it that way" Rhenora echoed as they moved carefully through the underbrush. The sound of the growling seemed to be getting closer and out of the corner of her eye Rhenora saw something glinting up a tree. Fastened half way up a tree trunk was a knife, and between them and it was something guarding it.

Savar saw it as well. "A knife. We can certainly use. I propose, I attempt to lead it away while you see if you can obtain the knife Captain. That is unless you have a better idea."

" You're unarmed, and defenseless" Rhenora said warily - the options were limited though - if they could get the knife they could cut their bonds and have a much better chance of success.

"That is not entirely true Captain. I have my wits." Savar countered, "And this offers us our best chance of obtaining the knife."

" Just... look after yourself OK?" Rhenora replied quietly, not wanting to risk Savar for the sake of a knife.

"Sage advice Captain, I shall endeavor to do just that." Savar replied. "However, I think it best if you hide yourself while I draw the creature's attention."

Rhenora nodded and headed off to find deeper cover, hoping to disguise her scent so whatever the beast was would go after Savar instead. With her hands in front of her she could hopefully jump and reach the knife without too much hassle.

Savar waited until Rhenora was out of sight, when she was he stepped into the clearing. Seeing the creature it looked like a cross between a Terran tiger and lion. He whistled at it to get it's attention. "I would make a fine meal. You would be full for a week or longer." He taunted the animal. "Come, see if you can catch me. I am defenseless." He said turning so the creature could see his bound hands.

The creature growled and crouched low, preparing to leap upon this prey that had so conveniently presented itself. Rhenora held her breath, waiting for its attention to be 100% on Savar and not on what it was guarding.

Savar took a step back, not wanting to make himself too desirable to be eaten. "Come, what are you waiting for?" He challenged the creature.

The creature bounded forward, its teeth barred and hackles raised. Rhenora darted forward and attempted to reach the knife - jumping as high as she could and grabbing and it with her fingers.

Savar turned and dashed off into the underbrush, the creature following he ran as fast as he was able until he suddenly skidded to a stop. In front of him was a pit, surely one of the traps they were told to look out for. He turned and saw the creature, slowly stalking him, sizing him up as it's next meal. He stood still, he had to time this right. Then suddenly the creature leaped at him. He fell to his back and thrust his legs up, catching the creature and using it's momentum to cause it to fall into the pit. Where howls of pain quickly wafted up from Rising to his feet, Savar peered over the edge and saw the creature impaled on some sharp poles. Turning away he made his was slowly back to where Rhenora was waiting.

Rhenora was trying to scramble up the tree, having fallen half a metre short in her efforts to reach the knife. HEr boots had found purchase and she was making progress, holding onto a small branch with her fingertips in order to hoist herself up.

Savar exited from the underbrush, saw Rhenora trying to reach the knife. "May I be of assistance Captain?" He asked as he approached her.

" Yrp" She squeaked, trying in earnest not lose her tenuous grip on the branch " Boost me up..."

"Gladly." He answered as he moved to her and turned his back to her. "Ready when you are Captain."

She used her toes to find his hands and hoist herself further up the tree, reaching the knife with her fingertips and yanking it down. Overbalancing she twisted as she fell, preserving the knife at all costs.

Savar did his best to catch her but with his hands bound he was unable to, however he was able to slow her fall by using his body as a cushion for her even as they both fell to the ground and lay still for a moment, collecting their thoughts and catching their breath.

"I don't like this place already" Rhenora grumbled, hoisting herself to her feet. "Are you ok?"
She inspected their win, a sharp hunting knife that would easily cut through their bonds. A small win, but it was something.


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