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Shock and Awe

Posted on Wed Sep 9th, 2020 @ 3:08am by Lieutenant Commander Tyroh Vantic
Edited on on Wed Sep 9th, 2020 @ 3:19am

Mission: Welcome Aboard!
Location: Security Training Room #1
Timeline: Just before the Orions beamed aboard


[USS Liberty]

Tyroh was standing just within the doors to Security Training Room #1, having arrived only moments ago. He'd ensured one of his officers, Ensign Webber, that he would be on hand to watch him put some of the security members through the latest training exercises. Ensign Webber was very efficient, deftly instructing the group of officers - a smattering of Ensigns and Non-Comms - through some of the basic, but effective, Starfleet security techniques. Most of these crewmen were new to the Liberty, or Starfleet in general, but they were bright, eager and ready to learn. Tyroh was thankful that this was just a shakedown cruise and that the rest of the Liberty's security contingent would likely join the crew once they returned from Conara.

The security chief was, actually, observing Ensign Webber and how he was performing. Webber was a more experienced officer that was starting to draw attention from other ships and facilities in the fleet. In fact, just before arriving to this room, Tyroh had been looking over a couple of evaluation requests - one from a ship and one from a starbase - about Webber. The ship, a small border patrol vessel, was interested in Webber's services as their Chief of Security. The Starbase, located at an outpost near a trio of non-aligned systems with aspirations of Federation membership, wanted Webber as an Assistant Chief to help lighten the load for a Head of Security who was contemplating a possible early retirement.

Tyroh wanted to be as thorough as possible, in regards to Webber, when he sent back his evaluation. Which meant he was going to be observing the Ensign closely for the next week. So far, Webber was proving to be an excellent officer who could definitely take on more responsibilities. Ones that were not available to him on the Liberty for the foreseeable future.

"Nope, that's not it," Webber said to one of the security personnel, shaking his head and moving towards the now distraught crewman. The group he was working with were reviewing close-quarters combat techniques. "If you keep swinging out like that, you'll leave yourself way open to receiving a shot to the ribs, kidneys or hips. Trust me, you won't like it if you do. Now, like this, watch close."

Tyroh crossed his large arms, watching Webber work, when he heard a sudden change in the ship's engines. He wasn't an engineer, by any stretch of the imagination, but something didn't feel right. They weren't supposed to be at Conara yet and he hadn't recalled seeing anything about a scheduled stop. And, if there was something that had caught the attention of the bridge crew worth investigating, it's likely the Captain would have made an announcement.

Just then, the red alert klaxon sounded. Tyroh turned to the group in the Training Room, most of them were surprised, unsure even, as they tried to decide if this was a drill or not.

"This is how people get injured or worse," Tyroh bellowed at the group, snapping them out of their state of inaction. "Battlestations! Go, go!" The Angosian started pinwheeling one of his arms and pointing with the other out the door of the training room. The group had finally hustled out of the room, Webber following the bunch, with Tyroh close behind.

Even as he was trying to make his way to the bridge, the ship was being rocked by weapons fire. It slowed his progress, especially as he stopped to help any crew members who got roughed up a little bit. It was then that the warning came from Captain Rhenora. "All hands, secure all systems, prepare to be boarded. Do what you can to slow them down".

Tyroh paused in the corridor, looking around and going to the nearest computer access panel. He activated it with his hand print. "Computer, initiate security lockout proceedure Epsilon Alpha. Authorization Vantic Phi Tau 31167 Delta. Execute." The computer beeped an acknowledgement, showing him on the panel that all weapons lockers were in lock down and couldn't be opened without proper authorization. That meant the Captain, XO, 2XO and himself. Intelligence officers could also access but, then, they could often access most things when needed.

As he made his way to the nearest turbolift, Tyroh heard the whine of transporter beams nearby as he was passing Cargo Bay #2. The security chief knew they were being boarded so he steeled himself. The transporter beams started to coalesce in a near blinding light. Tyroh could see three humanoid shapes start to form and, just as they solidified, he lowered his shoulders and tackled the one nearest him.

Their bodies slammed into the other two bodies - Tyroh could feel the breath being knocked out of the one he'd tackled - and everyone fell into a pile. Tyroh was up on his knees instantly, straddling the first body he'd tackled and landed three quick, powerful blows to each boarder, before the one below him managed to push him off. Tyroh was finally able to see that the boarders were Orion pirates, which didn't bode well for the crew. His mind started racing as he rolled himself to an upright position.

Tyroh slammed a knee into the face of the pirate still on the ground, instantly knocking him out. Then, the security chief turned and ran down the corridor and turned the first corner just as the other two Orions had been able to pull their weapons and start firing. Other crewmen, who had seen and were observing the commotion started to scramble as well, once weapons started firing.

"Go! Move," Tyroh yelled at any crew members who were nearby, waving his arms. "Find rooms. Shelter in and lock those doors."

He could also hear the two conscious Orion pirates cursing, one of them stating that "Loka is out of commission" and to "beam him back to the ship". They were firing down corridors, more out of a desire to keep anyone from thinking they might be brave enough to do something but also grabbing what Tyroh believed were hostages. He was currently outnumbered and outgunned which, under other circumstances, wouldn't have been a problem. But crew members were in danger and he didn't need to risk their lives at this point until he was able to gather more information.

For now, he found the nearest Jeffries access, pulled the panel open and closed it behind him. He needed to assess the situation they were all in. It was safe to assume key areas of the ship had been infiltrated by the Orions and that hostages would be taken throughout the ship. Tyroh had to come up with a plan of action but, for now, believed his best option was to head to the shuttlebay. His mind had already started to formulate a plan...


Sorry I disappeared there for a bit. I had some personal, family matters to attend to but I'm back now if anyone is interested in a joint post or two. :)

Lieutenant Commander Tyroh Vantic
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Liberty


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