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Posted on Sat Sep 12th, 2020 @ 9:59am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Lieutenant Commander Tyroh Vantic & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen
Edited on on Sat Sep 12th, 2020 @ 10:00am

Mission: Welcome Aboard!
Location: Cargo bay

His Compatriot ducked back inside the cargobay with his own human shield, letting loose a volley of weapons fire to deter them from following him.

“ Lower your weapons, or I’ll start firing on this lot” He roared, sending a few more shots through the open door.
Rhenora ducked back along the wall for cover, watching the weapons blast the wall across the corridor, sending one of the computer panels up in a plethora of smoke and broken plexiglass.

Savar moved into the cargo bay. His weapon raised and trained on the Orion. “You are trapped. There is nowhere for you to go. Surrender.”

The Captain stepped in behind the 2XO, raising her weapon as well. She let him take the lead on this one and waited for the Orion to react.

“I’ll shoot!” The Orion yelled.

“So you have said.” Savar replied calmly. Grateful for the Captain’s presence beside him. “Know this, if you do shoot. I will shoot you.”

“The rest of your team has been captured and are currently in our brig, you are no longer in control of the situation” The Captain added, hoping the Orion would see the logic in withdrawing.

“The rest of the team captured? You lie!” He yelled but not with as much force as before. He knew the Federation Captain and her Vulcan lapdog spoke the truth. He lowered his weapon and pushed the crew member away. That done he dropped his weapon to the deck.

Rhenora stepped forward and moved the crewman behind her, kicking the Orion’s weapon out of reach and letting the Security Chief take over restraining him.
Tyroh slung his rifle over his shoulder and moved in to where the last of the pirates stood looking dejected. The security officer grabbed the Orion intruder by one shoulder, deftly bringing a pair of restraints he had nestled on his lower back forward, and manacled the individual. Vantic was relieved that things hadn’t escalated to something worse. Thankfully, this pirate was wise enough to concede once he realized things were no longer to his advantage.

“Let’s go,” Tyroh stated, moving the pirate away from the area and towards the brig. As he left, he tapped his commbadge. “All available security personnel. Run a complete sweep of the ship and secure stations.” He wanted to make sure there weren’t any stragglers that had managed to elude detection.

With the Orion taken care of the Captain breathed a sigh of relief, the toll of the last few hours starting to make itself known. She hurt all over. It was quick work to liberate the rest of the Liberty’s crew, and with Vitari on his way to the bridge to secure that location, the Orion problem was more or less over.

“Are you alright Captain? Do you need to go to Sickbay?” Savar politely inquired.

“ Just a bit sore, I’m not a spring chicken like you are” The Bajoran grumbled, stretching some of her sore muscles. The Liberty was more or less back under their control. Not a small feat considering the circumstances. “Shall we return to the bridge and take back our ship?” She asked, raising an eyebrow towards her 2IC

“If you are sure you are alright. Then by all means let us go to the bridge. For that is our proper place is it not?”

“ It is most logical, I’ll let our security Chief interrogate the Orions and report his findings back. I need the world’s biggest coffee” She smiled, extending her hand towards the doors of the cargo bay. “After you”

“Thank you Captain.” Savar replied as the pair exited the cargo bay. “Perhaps you should stop by the mess hall and get yourself a cup of the world’s biggest coffee before we get to the bridge.”

“I’m thinking a bucket… and a straw” The Captain mused to herself as they left the crew to resume their posts and the Orions to get hauled into the brig. “ Better yet, coffee IV...I wonder if they’ve invented that yet.”

“Sounds most cumbersome Captain.” Savar observed.

“ Cumbersome yes… but would solve a multitude of problems” Rhenora retorted, heading towards the turbolift at the end of the corridor. She paused just before the doors to run an internal sensor sweep of the bridge. Not wanting to disrupt Vitari’s modus operatus it may be prudent for them to wait a few minutes.

“As I do not drink caffeinated beverages I will take your word for it Captain.” Savar answered, getting into the lift with her. “Something wrong Captain?” Savar questioned.

“ I don’t want to interrupt Lt Vitari if she’s in the middle of busting some Orion, we haven’t been given the all clear from her yet” The Captain admitted, hoping that their comrade was indeed busting some Orion ass.

“Most logical. Captain.” Savar answered perfectly dead pan.


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