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The Time Travellers Wife

Posted on Wed Sep 16th, 2020 @ 10:10pm by Lieutenant Commander Rain Lexington

Mission: Welcome Aboard!
Location: Rain's quarters and bridge
Timeline: Before all hell broke loose and after

*set before the Orion shenanigans*

Rain yawned and stretched as she walked into her quarters "Geez that shift seemed longer than it should have." The Betazoid paused with a thought " I getting old?" She asked herself.

"Of course you're not. You age with grace and beauty" her wife's voice greeted her.

"How did you get on board with out...oh right. You know Rhenora will kick you off if she finds out you were here" Rain scolded her wife.

"Oh come on now. She'll never know I was here," the taller more voluminous woman grinned at her wife as she took her into her arms. " Let's go away for a few hours. She'll never know, plus we can always rewind time anyways. Be kind and rewind remember?"

The newly first officer chuckled " I would love to, but I can't. Nothing is ever a few hours with you and you know it."

Her wife gave her those irresistible puppy dog eyes " Imzadi...please?"

Rain sighed and laughed when her wife pouted her lip like a three year old. "Ok...but if she finds out, you'll be the one coming to explain it to her."

"She'll neeeever know. Believe me."

*fast forward to present time*

"I can't believe you forgot to set the right cronometer. Rhenora is going to have a kinipshun." Rain said angirly as she stripped out of her bikini and quickly got dressed in her uniform.

"I'm sorry...I thought I set it for a couple of hours...not a day......or well...maybe two. I'm not really sure, It's..."

"Two days?!" The angry Betazoid said verbally but also mentally which caused her wife to wince.

"Ok...I see you're upset and you need to get ready. So I'm just going to pop out and I'll call you later. I love you. Tell Rhenora I said hi." Her wife kissed her quickly before she diapered in what looked like a zipper of space and time.

"I'm so am I supposed to explain this...." Rain mumbled to herself and pulled her boots on and grabbed an elastic before she took off towards the turbolift.

"No Rhenora ...she wasn't on the ship...I was stuck in a meditation. It's been helping with my fighting problem. You remember how I was right?" Rain mumbled to herself quietly as she braided her hair and took the lift to the bridge.

Taking a deep breath before she stepped out on the bridge Rain was prepared to be met with the death glare.

Instead she was met by no Captain on the bridge.

"Thank the gods" she muttered and took her seat and the data padd that was handed to her by the yeoman. Rain nodded her thanks and started to read the reports.

Orions? The first officer continued to read and her eyes got wide as she realized Rhenora had even left the ship. She let her Captain and one of her dearest friends nearly get captured and die in the time she had been whisked away by her wife.

"I am so fired" she mumbled and sank a little deeper in her chair.


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