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The Pagh and the Kat'ra

Posted on Sat Nov 28th, 2020 @ 10:22pm by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Lieutenant Aurora Vali

Mission: Healing of Minds
Location: Savar's house
Timeline: Prior to the trip to the caves.

Rhenora followed Aurora back to the cottage, taking in the scenery around them as they walked casually. The conversation with easy and light, an easy friendship forming between the two as they spoke.

“It’s not far now” Aurora smiled. “Wait until you see the cottage! It’s wonderful.”

A short time later the cottage appeared in view, and with it her XO. She almost felt like she was intruding into their privacy and hoped they did not feel the same.

" I was talking a stroll and bumped into your wife" She said with a smile as she acknowledged Savar.

"I hope neither of you was hurt from the encounter." He replied dryly.

" Not in the literal sense" The Captain chuckled, taking in their surroundings. " This place is beautiful - I can see how you would enjoy being here"

"Ah." Savar replied and then continued on. "Thank you, It is most agreeable. Please come in so you may see the rest of the house. May I get you something to drink?" He offered.

" A glass of water would be lovely, I fear it will take some time to get acclimated to the heat here" Rhenora admitted, swiping at the perspiration beading on her brow. " You must find the ship positively freezing"

Savar crossed into the kitchen and brought a glass forth from the cabinet and opening the fridge brought out a plastic container and poured some water into her glass. "Here you are Captain. Cool spring water." He thought on her statement before replying. "I have become acclimated to the temperature aboard the Liberty and it is only mildly irritating."

She snorted at the comment - 'mildly irritating' coming from a Vulcan could mean any number of things from 'meh' to 'it's colder than the arctic but I'm a Vulcan and that's ok'.

"Thank you" She took a sip of the water - it was mildly metalic, which was understandable considering the climate of Vulcan.
She followed as Savar led the tour of the house, pointing out the different features that he thought she would find interesting.

He stopped in front of the large picture window. "This window is not only tinted but also thermally treated. It keeps the heat out for the most part and makes the temperature in the house bearable and the house therefore liveable."

" Now that is logic I can appreciate" Rhenora replied as she continued to sip the water and let the cool house regulate her body temperature. It was still hot by her standards but compared to outside it was a welcome reprieve from the unrelenting heat.

"I am honored you approve Captain." Savar replied. "Please have a seat and rest. I know the Vulcan heat can take a toll on those not unaccustomed to it."

" It's not something I think I'll ever get used to. We had hot summers on Bajor but nothing like this" She dropped into a chair and relaxed, comfortable and content in the company of those around her.

" What drew you to this part of Vulcan?" She asked.

Savar didn't rush an answer, after several moments he answered. "I like the solitude the location gives. Nestled into the valley, surrounded by the mountains. It is the perfect home to retreat to. Not to mention the view the house offers and Aurora loves it." He added.

" I can see the location is spectacular indeed" The Captain admitted, not sure exactly what she was expecting when she visited his home. This house suited him perfectly though. Her mind wandered back to the Hall of Ancient Thought and the experience she had there.

" Tell me - are Vulcan's religious?" She asked openly, hoping not to offend either of them.

Savar exchanged a glance with Aurora. "I am not sure I know what you mean Captain. You have seen our temples and various monasteries. I would think that would serve as indication that Vulcan's are religious or am I missing something?"

" I just thought it would seem illogical to believe in something that is outside the realm of our comprehension." The Captain stammered, trying to order her thoughts without sounding like a goose. " Your temples are the most...spiritual places"

"How so? Can you see an atom? No. but you know of their existence. The same with germs and viruses. The same is true with religion. You see wonders around you every day that can not be readily explained. Not to mention it helps a person's mental state to believe that there is a higher being(s) in control that this not all happenstance." Savar finished.

Rhenora pondered over this information, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. "So even in logic there is a higher being. On Bajor we believe the Prophets made all things, they left a number of Orbs where one can have an 'experience'. The Prophets will share or reveal things as is their will during such experiences. It's our way of communication I guess with them" She started, unsure of exactly where she was going with this.

"Logic is our mantra Captain it is how we as Vulcans behave every day. It is our guiding principle. However that does not mean we do not acknowledge if not the existence at least the possibility of higher beings." Savar answered.

"What I can't explain though, is having something similar to an Orb experience at the Hall of Ancient Thought. It was very surreal. Our new CMO explained it all very medically in that it was a hullicination brought on from exhaustion and the heat. Somehow it seemed more than that though...That Hall is known for holding Kat'ras, souls even." She knew she was rambling but couldn't seem her help it - her own soul was seeking answers.

“Perhaps you did have a vision” Aurora smiled. “Whose to say that what you saw wasn’t something meant just for you.”

"Aurora has a good point Captain. Perhaps you did have a vision maybe an epiphany of clarity." Savar suggested.

“As a counsellor I’ve heard such things before, moments that can’t be put into words but which have a stirring and forever memorable effect.”

" Perhaps" Rhenora mused, running over recent events in her mind. " It was similar to an Orb Experience, and on Bajor you never discuss what the Prophets show you unless that person is your spouse. I can say it was quite memorable and will take some time to wrap my head around"

Aurora smiled. “Well from your reaction I’d say it must have been very special.”

" It was indeed, and unexpected. Then again faith works in mysterious ways, regardless of where in the galaxy we seem to be" She replied with a smile before shifting the topic away from herself.
"Now tell me - you're married is it now? Is that the correct word to use? Bonded?..."

"We are indeed married Captain. As for the term bonded, I prefer united for Aurora and i are united both in mind and soul. Not to mention bonded as such a negative premise. it implies servitude by one party and Aurora and I are equals." Savar answered calmly.

Aurora nodded. “We are together in mind and soul, if something happens to one of us the other will feel it, and if ever one of us was to die then the other would have to bond again within seven years or join the other in death.”

" Wow, that's a pretty serious commitment" The words were out before she could stop them, hoping she hadn't been insensitive to their situation. " Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that your relationship to this point hadn't been serious. She flushed crimson as she realised the error.

"No offense was taken Captain." Savar assured her. "As it is with most things Vulcan." Savar pointed out.

Rhenora smiled, relaxing again. Her curiousity regarding Vulcan relattionships was piqued but she didn't want to pry.

"So will there be a shindig to celebrate such a union?" She asked casually, knowing that most customs celebrated such things with parties and celebrations. She recalled her own marriage and the celebration that followed. It was epic.

" Indeed there will be Captain. A party, with food and drink for all and Aurora has convinced me that a live music is a must." Savar replied.

“I love parties! I just want to share the fun with all.” She paused to sit down as another headache set in. They were getting less but were still present. “Sorry ... I’m still adjusting.”

" Headaches?" Rhenora asked, a smart alec comment on the tip of her tongue that was bitten down on before it emerged unbiden from her mouth.

“From our bonding, I’m only half Vulcan so it’s taking a little time to adjust to.” Aurora smiled. “Think of it as having a whole new personality in your mind, I’m sharing Savar’s mind and soul through the bonding and he’s sharing mine.”

"Wow, that would give you a headache. How does that go when you are working seperately though?" Her inquisitive mind was going into overdrive " Can you hear his thoughts or is it more generic than that?" Did curiosity really kill the cat?

"When Aurora and I are apart it is different Captain. I am aware of her and she me. In addition if some sort of harm came to Aurora, I would be aware of it. Not specifically but more of a general awareness. In addition I cannot read her mind or she mine. However when together are thoughts can be picked up by the other." Savar explained.

" That's so interesting" Rhenora was leaning forward and resting her elbows on her knees " So what would happen if one of you were injured or incapacitated, could the other maintain objectivity?" It was a deliberate question she needed to know the answer to as Captain - but it was also out of concern as a friend.

"Captain, we are not joined at the hip. Nor do we share a single mind or consciousness. Aurora and I are aware of each other's presence in the other's mind. However if one of us were injured or incapacitated the other would still be able to obtain objectivity." Savar explained.

" i meant no disrespect, it was merely a question in case something unfortunate were to happen." The Captain clarified, hoping she hadn't offended them with the implication of her words.

"None taken Captain. I apologize if my words were unusually sharp or blunt." Saver commented.

" Whew, I apologise if my curiosity made you uncomfortable" The Captain apologised, shifting the subject slightly back to more lighthearted matters " So tell me is this party going to be on the ship or down here on Vulcan?"

"No apology is needed or necessary Captain." Savar replied easily. The party will be aboard ship in the holodeck as Aurora and i do not wish to be responsible for any of the crew passing out due to the Vulcan heat."

" A wise precaution" Rhenora replied - thankful to be out of the insessent outdoor heat. " Am I required to have an official role or is it merely a celebration? Just so I can be prepared of course"

"You are to be a party goer Captain which means have a good time and relax." Savar answered dryly.

" My reputation in that regard seems to proceed me. Just hold back the spring wine otherwise all bets are off" The Captain laughed in good nature.

"We will take it under advisement Captain." Savar answered diplomatically.

" I take no responsibilities for any shenanigan's, CO of this boat or not. I'm off duty" Rhenora retorted, not realising how much she and most likely everyone else on board needed to let their hair down.

"Do not worry Captain. This is a celebration, time for the crew to relax. No one will be held responsible for any shenanigans. It is a time to unwind and enjoy one's self." Savar replied.

“It’s a chance for everyone to unwind, to enjoy and get to know each other.” Aurora smiled. “There are plenty of people I’ve yet to meet and this will give me a chance.”

"Sounds wonderful" The Captain smiled, raising from the chair and placing the glass in the kitchen replicator. "Thank you for the tour and the enlightening conversation, I'm due to meet Remal at the markets soon, he wants to go 'shopping'" She quipped, wondering just what it was that Remal wanted to go shopping for. Either way she was happy to indulge him.

“Have fun Captain, I hope you find something nice” Aurora smiled warmly.

" So do I, I'm looking for some decorative items for our house on Bajor plus maybe one for our quarters. Vulcan art has a certain serenity about it don't you think?" Rhenora smiled at the happy couple.

“It does indeed” She motioned to some pieces Savar had hanging on the walls. “Beauty and serenity.”

" Sounds just like what we're after, it strangely complement Bajoran styles - something I had not expected " The Captain commented, regarding the art on the walls.

Savar had gone into another room and returned with a painting. He handed it to Rhenora. "For your home Captain with our compliments. I hope it brings you much comfort, and serenity." He told her.

"Savar, it's beautiful" Rhenora accepted the painting and held it at arms length to have a better look. It was an abstract Vulcan impression of the battle between logic and emotion.

Aurora smiled warmly. “We’re glad you like it Captain” she smiled as she walked over to Savar and held onto his arm.

"Indeed. We hope it brings you many years of happiness." Savar added.

" You are most kind" Rhenora replied honestly, the touching gesture bringing moisture to her eyes " Remal will love it"

“I’m glad” Aurora smiled. “If I see any more I’ll bring you a souvenir for your office wall.”

"I'd like that. I must say the walls in my office are a little more barren than I'd like. An office should be a comfortable place to work, not 4 stark walls with no personality" Rhenora agreed, feeling somewhat guilty that she hadn't had time to add her touches to the ready room yet.

“It will be how you want it to be eventually Captain” Aurora smiled. “Sometimes it just takes time to organise.”

"Time, it all boils down to time" Rhenora replied sagely before realising she was running late for meeting Remal at the markets. " I'm sorry I must take my leave, Remal will be waiting" she apologized.

“Of course, say hi for us Captain” Aurora smiled.

"I will, thank you again for the lovely gift"the Captain smiled and then headed for the oppresive heat outside. It wouldn't take long to walk back to the village and thus the markets, she hoped Remal hadn't been waiting long.


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