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Swiss Cheese Memory

Posted on Mon Dec 14th, 2020 @ 3:14pm by Lieutenant Anna S. Thesia M.D. & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Lieutenant Aurora Vali

Mission: Healing of Minds
Location: Sickbay


Aurora awoke from a light nap, pleased to see Savar sitting by her biobed. “Hey” she smiled as she sat up. “Have you been here long?”

Savar nodded at her, "Hello Aurora. Twenty-two minutes and thirty-seven seconds." He replied. "How are you feeling?"

“I feel fine” Aurora smiled. “Savar, I ...” She looked at Anna then back at Savar. “I don’t remember what happened after I left the ship to go to the market. I’ve been told I was mentally assaulted but I don’t remember it.”

"That is correct Aurora." Savar replied evenly. "You were assaulted by an unknown attacker who wished to control you. You were able to resist his attack. However, it left you confused and weak."

Aurora nodded. “Then I’m glad I don’t remember” she offered Savar a smile before looking at Anna. “May I leave sickbay?”

"If you promise to take it slow, yes", Anna said. "Rest your telepathic abilities. Don't do any soul-searching or other strenuous activity together, okay? Just let the matter rest for a while."

Aurora nodded. “Agreed. I’ll rest I promise.”

"I will see that Aurora does indeed rest." Savar assured Anna.

"I just hope they'll catch that creep before anyone else gets hurt", Anna said. Standard violence she understood, some people didn't have their emotions under control as much as they probably should, but this was weird, and much scarier.

“I’m sorry I wish I could help but I simply don’t remember!” Aurora sighed. “Maybe it’s just a psychosomatic thing, I don’t recall because I don’t want to. Consciously I do but the subconscious can be a whole different thing.”

"Do not allow yourself to be aggravated or upset over this, Aurora. That you cannot remember at this time may be your subconscious letting you heal until it is safe for you to remember." Savar observed.

Aurora grinned. “I keep forgetting you're a Counsellor as well as XO.” She nodded. “That makes logical sense.”

Savar inclined his head, "I am pleased you think so, Aurora. I do try to make sense." He replied.

“You always make sense Imzadi” Aurora smiled warmly and looked towards Anna. “I don’t suppose there’s anything from those at the ethics committee yet? I know you said it could take a while but I can hope!”

"I appreciate your support and confidence in me Aurora. I hope to never disappoint you." Savar answered.

Aurora smiled at her husband before looking back at Anna.

"You do realise that it hasn't been a week, and that my plan to make the preparations was somewhat disrupted by recent events, yes?" Anna wondered.

Aurora nodded. “I’m sorry! Silly question. I’m just ... excited about it. Forgive me if I seem like I’m rushing you, it’s not the intention.”

Anna nodded. "I'm sure you'll be able to contain yourself for a while, yes?" She wasn't necessarily annoyed with Aurora's question, it just came way too soon.

“Yes, I will ... contain myself Doctor” Aurora nodded.

"If not, I'm sure Savar here will be happy to assist in restraining you, right?" Anna grinned.

Savar's look was positively glacial. "Your puerile curiosity does you credit Doctor." He said frostily.

Anna laughed. "Good. I don't think I could stand another Vulcan calling me 'logical' today."


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