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Take Out

Posted on Fri Dec 18th, 2020 @ 1:47am by Lieutenant Anna S. Thesia M.D. & Captain Rhenora Kaylen

Mission: Healing of Minds
Location: Bridge

The USS Liberty glided into a lower orbit, her new flight plan approved by the Vulcan authorities in an attempt to gain more information regarding the attacks on the Liberty crew. The sensors were in the process of being modified to accurately detect the psionic wave used to transmit from the Stone of Gol to its victim.

“New orbit achieved and stable” The helmsman advised, making the final corrections on his panel.

“Very good” Rhenora echoed as she sat in her command chair, she exuded calm and decisiveness on the outside, however on the inside she was still hesitant as to if this course of action would work fast enough to prevent lasting effects when the attacker attempted to use the Stone again.

“Sensor modifications complete and ready” Ops intoned from the station to the rear of the bridge “Bringing them online now.”

Having taken a seat where the counsellor would usually plant her shapely behind, Anna was watching what was going on.

“Bring the sensors online and start an active scan - we have approval from the Vulcan Government for continuous scans until this situation is resolved” Rhenora ordered, then received a call from the transporter room to advise that the security team was now ready and on standby.

“The gas is ready?” She asked, casting a sidewards glance towards her CMO who she just realised was on the bridge - best pay more attention.

Anna nodded. “It will take 1.4 seconds to bring him down, once the gas hits. Then security can pick him out without any danger. They are wearing respirators, just in case, yes?”

“They are indeed, and have been briefed as to what to expect” The Captain nodded, feeling a little anxious as to how this was going to go down. They had T’Pora still on board to assist with any new victims when the attacker fired up again. Until that time - it was a waiting game.

“Aurora and Ensign Ball made a full recovery?” she asked Anna, as if trying to reassure herself this was the right course of action.

“They will”, Anna said. “Though neither remembers the incident. Maybe that is part of the healing process. Take away the traumatic memory, the mind is at ease again?” She didn’t claim to understand the Vulcan way of healing the mind. But it was effective, so she was happy with it.

“Something like that - it was way above my level of understanding although T’Pora did try to explain it.“ The Bajoran admitted, not too proud to say she didn’t understand something.

“It is difficult to understand for anyone who has neither telepathic training nor experience”, Anna said. “I don’t understand most of it either. Not exactly a surgeon’s area of expertise anyway.”

Rhenora chuckled a little, letting the action lighten her mood a little. “Well we can be un-understanding together then - that makes me feel better.”

“Un-understanding?” Anna chuckled. “The English language is weird. Like, have you ever wondered why ‘take out’ can mean food, dating and even murder? And if you’re a praying mantis, all three at the same time!”

“ A what?” The Bajoran raised an eyebrow - she wasn’t familiar with Earth’s myriad of strange and interesting creatures.

“An insect, which mates most successfully when the female kills and eats the male, often during copulation. The male provides nourishment so the female can produce more eggs, which is also the male’s best chance to sire more offspring, as the likelihood of finding another mate is small”, Anna explained. “Fascinating creatures.”

“Indeed” Rhenora couldn’t help but be somewhat disturbed but knew that nature worked in mysterious and incredible ways and many species had evolved over time for the best chance of survival.

“Captain - we’re detecting the psionic wave, it will take a few minutes to pinpoint the location.” Ops called from the rear of the bridge.

“All right people, let’s do this.” Rhenora took a breath and forced herself to relax, sitting back in her chair even though she was itching to start pacing. “Canisters of gas ready to go?” She asked Anna.

“Sitting in the transporter room, one dose for use outside, one for inside a building”, Anna said. “The transporter chief has been instructed.”

“Still triangulating the source of the psionic wave” Ops advised, working the panel furiously in order to get the information needed.

A tense few moments passed, Rhenora knowing that every second that elapsed, someone on the arid planet before them was getting telepathically attacked.

“Source located - sending coordinates to the transporter room - canisters are away.”

Rhenora breathed for the first time in a few moments, unconsciously holding her breath. “Anna, organise medical teams for those that have been rendered unconscious by the gas and follow Security down. We also need to locate the latest victim.”

“Aye, that we do”, Anna said, standing and moving towards the lift. She wasn’t worried about anyone who’d just been gassed. The gas was designed to be harmless, after all. But another case like Dick Ball? She wasn’t certain T’Pora was recovered enough to be able to handle it.

“Great, tend to those that need it, I’ll contact the Vulcan authorities and see if there’s been a victim identified” Rhenora confirmed as Anna headed for the door. She hoped the attacker was now down and out for a few hours at least and they could ask questions when he woke up. There would be many questions indeed.


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