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Saving Madness from the Bubble

Posted on Fri May 21st, 2021 @ 12:40am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Major Kaden Ross & Lieutenant Bonnie "Bon-Bon" Durnell & Lieutenant Freya Savette & Lieutenant Dean House & Lieutenant Thriss Kla'ren

Mission: Trapped in Time
Location: Wormhole
Timeline: Current

The plans were in place, the crew knew their tasks and the timing was beginning to become pressing.

"Ok teams, let's get to work," she said with authority as she strode towards her command chair and slipped comfortably into it.

An hour of writing algorithmic code and prepping the computer to simultaneously scan and use its timing capabilities to pull the Bajoran life signs off the ship. She had narrowed down a repetitious window where they should be able to pull two at a time, get them off the pad, and then go again. Four rounds and done.

She entered the bridge from the turbo lift and took a station near the back. "Computer systems and transporter functions are ready to receive the first group." She would recommend a medical team to be on standby and a security team, just in case, but this wasn't her rodeo.

The Captain looked up as the team entered the bridge, taking their stations and preparing for what was to come. They'd made remarkable progress in a short time.

Takes over back at Tactical. Dean took a breath. "The test results came back positive from the shuttle we tested. The work with Kla'ren, myself, mostly Bonnie looks like it has paid off." Glancing down a moment to double-check, "We should be ready to extend the shields and engage the modifications and as she said, start getting them over once they are in phase."

Freya was carefully monitoring at Ops making sure everything would be ready. They couldn’t afford any power or systems problems. “We’re as ready as we’re going to be Captain.”

The shuttle had proven successful and Rhenora was hopeful the same principle would apply to the Liberty. The ship approached the stricken vessel and engaged the temporal device Bonnie and Thris had designed, bringing the vessel back into temporal phase with the Sovereign-class ship. There were several life signs now on board.

"We've got to get within range under 10 Kilometers for this to potentially work. Regardless of now being able to get reading on them. Any farther and it will start to lose cohesion, Captain." Dean hoped this worked, it should. All of them knew what they were doing and their lives were at stake.

"Helm, move us within 10 kilometers and hold her steady" Rhenora ordered, retreating to her command chair and slipping comfortably into it.

"Get ready everyone"

Kaden arrived with several heavily armed Marines. "Captain, permission to have me and my men here in case those boogeymen decide to pay a visit?" He asked.

"Granted, take your positions" The Captain nodded, not wanting to frighten the incoming crew from the stricken vessel but wanting to protect her own.

Freya stood ready keeping her eye on the ship’s systems making sure there were no problems. She offered Kaden a quick smile before looking away again.

"Moving into position, 20 kilometers, 17, 14, 11, braking thrusters firing, 10 kilometers and holding" the helm announced as the Liberty stopped closer to the Bajoran ship.

"Thriss and Bonnie engage your temporal device"

"One more, Captain. Under 10, not at 10." Dean said.

"Give her a nudge forward Helm" Rhenora corrected, watching the pilot deftly maneuver the large ship closer to the freighter.

"Ready to engage the device on your command Captain," Kla'ren said.

Her finger rested on the button, or hovered slightly over it. The computer would run the algorithm, as it had a much faster response time. All she needed was the word to initiate.

"Engage the device" The captain ordered, letting her crew do what they did best and waiting for the information to be fed back to her.

"Warp bubble static. The Alla is contained."

"Deflector control is on automatic, temporal sequence engaged."

"Transport algorithm, active. The first cycle is approaching." Bonnie called out. "Life signs detected. Transport in progress. We have two life signs on board."

"Transporter room three here, we have two Bajorans on the Pad."

Bonnie continued, "One minute until the next cycle, Captain. Transporter buffer at the ready."

Rhenora waited impatiently as the crew worked, sickbay were in the transporter room assisting those that beamed on board, she hadn't heard as to their condition yet, she only hoped it was ok.

"Transport when ready"

Sparks began to fly from behind Kaden and his Marines the ship shaking. He grabbed onto a console nearby to keep from falling over onto the floor. "I am not much of an engineer but I don't think this is a good sign!"

"No, it's really not." Dean said holding on for a moment and checking systems. Routing power to the shield bubble. "Engineering, route power to the structural integrity field and the warp stabilizers."

The deck bucked violently like a bronco trying to rid itself of an unwanted saddle. Rhenora lost the grip on the arms of her chair and ended up on the deck.

"Reset inertial dampeners and increase to maximum!" She cried as she clawed her way back to the centre chair.

Kaden checked the console and ran a scan. "Captain, no response from inertial dampeners something is pulling us into the same temporal field as the ship! We need to hurry or we are going to suffer the same fate as that ship's crew!"

Freya was running back and forth between stations, “Captain, I’m pulling reserve power from every system that doesn’t need it and rerouting it to Engineering. That should give you the extra power you need.”

The din was growing louder. As she replied over the noise, "Second transport complete. Four life signs remain. If I boost the signal I might be able to pull the remaining four in the next cycle, otherwise two minutes." Bonnie felt like she was shouting to be heard.

"Transporter room here, we have two more Bajorans. They identified themselves as Major and Commander."

"Next cycle in 45 seconds."

"We don't have 45 seconds! I estimate 30 seconds till we enter the field!" Kaden shouted.

"I don't control the cycle Major, 30 seconds until final transport, assuming power levels hold." She wasn't confident in attempting to pull more than two at a time, not under these conditions. But she had some trust in the ship and the situation. It would have to be enough.

"Hold Steady!" Kaylen encouraged, having faith in the Liberty and her crew, they could get this done and then get the hell out of here.

The ship shook violently again as the strain on her hull reached extreme.

The final Bajorans were beamed on board then the storybook creature appeared before Rhenora, fangs bared and claws ready. Time seemed to stand still.

" Helm, back us away from the freighter, turn us around" The Captain ordered, never taking her eyes off the creature. There was no clear shot, not even for the marines with the crowded bridge affording no room.

Taking a steadying breath the Captain rose from her seat and addressed the creature.

"We will not hurt you" She spoke simply, her hands open in honest body language. "There is no need for violence"

The creature cocked it's head in a most humanlike manor before morphing into the young version of Naprem.

"We seek to protect those we held away from the linear" The voice was exactly like Naprem but spoke of a consciousness millions of years older. Could it be a Prophet?

" They are safe, they will be returned to Bajor. " Rhenora replied, still chosing her words very carefully.

"All is unfolding as it has been foretold. The chosen one with the small one inside returns the travellers to their home. Our work here is completed" Naprem vanished into swirling nothingness as the Prophet returned to the celestial temple. Leaving the Liberty Captain with a little explaining to do.


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